Who here sticking with this day they die?

who here sticking with this day they die?

>who here stick dis day die

back to english class, pajeet

i will until they microshits find a way to ruin win 7
then i will jump to linux & reactOS

Please just switch to Linux. If more people switch more companies will port stuff.

Abandoned it when they started pushing for 10.

I was telling myself that until I tried Linux. After using Linux exclusively for a couple weeks, I needed to go back to my Windows drive for unrelated reasons, and I quickly realized that I had no fucking clue why I liked Windows in the first place. Slow as fuck, and it's a given at this point the the entire fucking OS is backdoored and spied on 24/7. Absolute garbage. I'm never going back.

Which distro did you move to? I've attempted the Linux switch so many times, yet there's always a handful of annoyances and things that just won't work on every distro I try.

In Windows threads:
>Please everyone switch to Linux year of the Linix desktop!!!!

In Linux threads:
>Oh my GOD why are there so many NEW USERS fuck these people GO BACK TO WINDOES

I used Mint at first, but later moved to Debian. Mint is kinda gay, but it just werks since it comes with a bunch of proprietary codecs and such.

Because they're technology hipsters who don't really know what they want.

Similar to me.

Ubuntu > Solus > Mint > Debian.

Been with Debian for three weeks now. It's excellent. Just a beautiful computing experience.

I use Windows 7 (:

I might have a dying HDD, so I think I will install an old version of GNU + Linux that doesn't have the systemd virus and wait for the end.

I have nothing else to use and Linux is too hard. ;_;

>I might have a dying HDD
Don't we all?
I was traumatized by data loss as a child, so now I just assume all hard drives are ticking time bombs.
>but muh ssd
Limited read/write cycles. Even worse. Also probably spying on me.

limited rw cycles are predictable
hdds dying is not
>implying your hdds donĀ“t have spying software on them
after all
who says that they use their "cache" only for that reason

Even if it means resorting this pre-built Dell PC I got for cheap I will keep using Windows 7.

My GTX 1050ti SSC is coming soon and I will never let Microshill take the last great consumer OS from me!


> muh dx12

kys win10cucks



What, in like 30 years?

I would, but I'm already starting my conversion over to Linux. Windows can die in hellfire.

most hard drive failures allow for data recovery.

when an ssd runs out of writes it doesnt just go into 'read-only mode' and thats it. it goes into read-only mode ONCE (if at all), and after a reboot the data is gone

when a hdd controller fails, you can simply swap it out and carry on with your day. when an ssd controller fails the data is gone

wow it's almost as if individuals want different things, amazing


Yep Windows 7 is the only Windows I've ever used or will use.

Fuck off, Kevin.

give it a try, you'll see it isn't that hard at all, you even have all software in repositories ready for you to install, much like android

I'll never upgrade. I vowed to stick with xp, but then I tried 7 and it was comfy af. Unless a linux distro is created to run .exes natively, don't plan on switching anytime soon.

Install xubuntu

I tried Ubuntu a decade ago because my friend told me how good and easy it was to use, but I didn't understand it at all.

I tried Mint a few years ago because I heard how terrible Windows 10 was, but I still can't get the hang of it. Installing and using programs on Windows is so much easier. I just want all my Windows programs on Linux.

I installed Mint a few years ago and couldn't even figure out how to install drivers for my video card. I looked at a few guides, but none of them worked for me. It's just so much simpler on Windows.


please switch to linux but when you do switch you cannot be a beginner. you have to learn literally everything immediately and you cant ask questions about it or i will call you an idiot

>I had no fucking clue why I liked Windows in the first place

drive support
and program support

there is no other reason to do it.

Like if everyone right now started to do programs only in a interpreted way, this would kill 50% of the reason to use windows

I just use Ubuntu. Yeah, it's easy mode, but isn't that the point? I'm not going to sperg out trying to get my fucking programs to work.

Play on Linux and Wine will cover most of your bases anyway, POL even has installers for Office 2003-2010, possibly 2013. I have 2003 for muh nostalgia, and it has ZERO issues.

Besides, the File systems on Linux are way superior in almost every aspect. Things seem to be more organized, and the FS doesn't collapse after two years like NTFS inevitably does.

Why don't more people use Mac OS X?

Considering most of my companies Lasers use Windows 98 and XP, win7 will be alive for a long time.

4 lfe

dual boot with linux flavor till death

dude stay away from *buntu, it's just dying, try out something like Manjaro

Man, do I feel bad for you guys. You can get a seriously better desktop OS experience if you install the right stuff.

I've been fighting a repair loop error in 10 for 4 days straight now. THIS close to ordering an SSD with 7 again...

That's what XP users said, too.

I will get VGA-passthrough working eventually.

Then it will be Lunix only with 7 in a VM.

>drive support
drive support is quite good in linux, they've made lot of improvements, and if you stick to a rolling release distro like arch or manjaro, your life will be much easier

>and program support
maybe you wont have windows-only software but dude, that's for games and adobe software, cause there are lots of multiplatform software and even linux-only software in the platform that can do the job

>there is no other reason to do it.
it is
-system maintenance
-installing and fully removing programs with a single command
-upgrading all your software at once with another command
-full system control
-full system customization
-no disk fragmentation
-no system slow down with time
-a lot of less malware

cause it's an expensive and limited bunch of crap

wait ur tellin me this "Anonymous" guy isn't one dude?

still sticking to server 2008r2 for my desktop since I can't find good deal for server 2016 yet

Where'd you get your 2008 R2 from? What edition?