Daily reminder that government sponsored spying is for your good (protection against terrorists) and that you needn't be afraid if have nothing to hide.
Spying is fake news
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Post your ID with your face clearly visible, social insurance number, and full browsing history.
I'm okay with giving all that information to my government - the same entity that protects me from our enemies. Not to a stranger on an anonymous image board - you could be a fucking Russian commie.
Civil servants aren't elected, they're hired. They could be Russian spies, too. Civil servants are civilians like you or me, they're under paid and prone to corruption. Who do you think "the government" is?
The government is a set of people my friends, the good American citizens, and I elected to take care of political matters for us. They protect us against threats and in return we pay taxes to support this. Only commies will want to disrupt this harmony.
I'm the average American family man. I work 9-5 to support my wife and two kids, one of each.
The government knows where each of us is at all times, thanks to the technologies we use. The government knows where I work, for how long I work, and if I spend time away from home apart from that, how long I'll be out. The government knows where my daughter goes to school, what route she takes to school, what she watches on YouTube, what she likes to eat, and so on.
I am okay with the government knowing this, even though it doesn't make my family or anyone else any safer. Obviously, I'm not okay with anyone else knowing. However, as Manning, Assange, Snowden, etc. have demonstrated time and again, the government doesn't keep its data secure. Whatever the government knows could at any moment leak and go to anyone in the world.
This means that reclusive weirdo down the street could find out:
>I am away from home when my daughter walks to school in the morning
>My daughter likes Hello Kitty and would do anything for Jolly Ranchers
>My daughter will be furthest from any houses at 8:23am, where said weirdo could be waiting in a pink Hello Kitty costume giving away Jolly Ranchers if she'll get in the van with him
Suddenly, the idea of the government having this information doesn't seem like such a good idea. Unless they can prove 100% that this data will never leak out, they shouldn't have it.
US government spies
>Oh, it's only for our good, it's OK!
some foreign ngovernment spies:
>Oh, how they even dare, it's violation of human rights!
Double standards, aren't they?
No, they aren't. The government is led by those people, sure. But 90% of government workers do not change after an election. Career workers stay in place. The same people have been employed by the DMV under Bush, Obama and Trump. The NSA is no different. The people handling you data are not democratically elected.
>mom I posted it again
>le master trolle 2017
His bait was weak enough that even Sup Forums could put on a clinic destroying his arguments, you should thank him. It's like a training shill.
what would you know, you Russian commie
Only communists unquestioningly trust the government. America was built on individual freedom, decentralized government, and liberty and justice for all. The Founding Fathers wanted your State and Local governments to have more impact on your life than the Federal Government. It is unamerican to trust the Fed.
Only commies need to continuously suspect their government of batshit crazy evil stuff. Our government is democratic (you know what that is? we invented this thing called democracy where the PEOPLE are in control - not the dictators like in your country).
Why don't you spend 10032408billion on protecting people from slipping in their bathtubs? Terrorist attacks are ridiculously rare
>implying the entire current government doesn't have russian ties
>inb4 [citation needed]
>Our government is democratic (you know what that is? we invented this thing called democracy where the PEOPLE are in control - not the dictators like in your country).
Do you know what is a republic?
Except I'm not Americuck.
> He doesn't know backdoors can be hacked to obtain that info
Actually happened with intel ME(botnet chip) a while ago. People now can gain full access to your system now if you don't update.
Gee it's as of security through obscurity doesn't work.
Yes, because the cia never gets hacked...
Ok, so if I get someone ex-military from /k/ will you do it?
Yup. We should all be tagged too. Because we can trust the government. They're NEVER wrong and always do everything RIGHT. We should all be kept on a leash while we get fucked in the ass.
>If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about
So how is the source code for Windows coming along?
I know a lot, since Im a contractor for the a government departments data centre. Ergo, I work for the government, and am employed by the private sector. Any changes to government figureheads does not affect me. I am an individual who posts on r9k and furaffinity frequently. Am I the type of person you imagined would be in control of your data?
>that you needn't be afraid if have nothing to hide.
This is santa claus/popeye excuse and so its impossible to be disproven, but here is how this is disproven if someone really believe at what you said
firs you ask "do you really believe if that if you are doing nothing bad, this means you have nothing to hide?"
The person will say yes
Then you ask "do you think its wrong to be a homosexual"
The person will say no.
Then you make the final question. "At some countries being homosexual is punishable by death, do you think homosexuals at those countries should be open about their sexuality
Taking away the people's right to privacy and unreasonable searches without warrants because they have nothing to hide is like taking away the people's right to free speech because they have nothing to say.
It is wrong both morally and in principle.
>The person will say no.
if its the person making these threads, no, he will say 'its wrong in the countries its illegal so they should stop breaking the law because homosexuality is a choice"