ITT: Post your GitHub contributions calendar

ITT: Post your GitHub contributions calendar



I don't use a github

Too lazy to find out how to crop this

I only use bitbucket

I fucking hate this actually, it gives me so much anxiety. I wish there was an option to set it private.

Been busy with other stuff

I have a ton of tiny projects, I can't be bothered to put them on github. And all of their sjw bullshit makes me not want to use it anyway.
Them killing webm for retards was stupid. And whatever else.

holy shit user

>he fell for the open source meme
Good goy

Recently my count went to hell because my company are niggers and they make you rebase branches before merging now. So my sweet 100 commit merges are now just one sad commit.


I like these because you can clearly see summer and christmas holidays.

I somehow managed not to touch any project all that time.

wish I could keep those productive bursts going though.

>tfw I've been working on a non-master branch the past 3 weeks and it doesn't show

Working on some bitbucket stuff for the last few months to contributions are less dense than they used to be.

Jesus christ dude

spoiler: 95% of this is for work

I should've commited more often.


told your boss off in august?