Which Android TV box do you faggots like?
Which Android TV box do you faggots like?
those chink boxes are complete shit and botnetted up the ass too
What's the point of Kodi boxes?
Every single Kodi addons has channels that look like complete dogshit.
The point is to watch every single movie and TV show there is, for free.
>you faggots
Who you callin chicken
Anyone is good, people who don't like then are netflicks shills, why pay when there's free steaming
Mine works great, how does this alleged botnet affect me
Fuck outta here with that chink trash
Nvidia shield, all those chinese boxes are a scam.
just get a chromecast
nvidiot shilled aka nvidia shield tv
the free streaming kodi addons are fucking shit quite frankly. Only a troglodyte would find it acceptable.
>t. chink aliexpress marketer
I hate all you fucking people
PS3 and a home server.
>t. Han Xu Zhu
If there were paid, reliable, and cheap, Kodi addons with lots of channels in high quality/hd i'd consider it. But as it is Kodi piracy is shit.
Damn botnet sending chinks information about my shit animes despite not being hooked up to any network.
Shield TV is really your only option for a real Android TV box.
How come none of the chink boxes come with Android TV version?
How would you go about checking for outgoing/incoming traffic on em chink boxes? Are there any android apps for it? I got pic related for about $100.
cause they gotta pay for it, also chink boxes barely manage with their custom botnet android version, pieces of shit can't even run retropie
Xiaomi mi box is objectively the best TV box with Android TV.
None of them. They're slow trash.
Best thing ever.
I live on a sailboat and cruise around for around half the year at least. The ability to load a 8TB HDD is really nice.
Dis kind
I hate you. I want to be a liveaboard nomad. Farthest you've ever sailed singlehandedly?
Also, I liek Roku.
this one.
This. Actually having Android TV on the box is great compared to some shit tablet android version that will never get updated and you have to navigate some unintuitive(?) UI with some shit launcher.
Santa Barbara, California (GANG GANG GANG!!) to the Galapagos, took a while by myself.
Dont let your dreams be dreams make that shit happen.
Amazon Fire TV (gen 2) + Kodi.
If you put libelec on it its good
>Backdoor Insideā¢
Balls out, Son of Neptune.
I've been obsessed with the age of sail for years after watching a videozine/documentary called Hold Fast.
I use Apple TV.
>RX 470