Has anyone been getting this lately? A week ago everything was running fine but then starting on Thursday I started getting these more and more. I reinstalled my windows and now it feels like my system is running even more sluggish. Anyone else having this problem? I can't even install updates
Bluescreen :(
Install gentoo
Step 1: Disable that faggot-ass error screen.
Step 2: Ensure that you have memory dumps turned on
Step 3: Examine the eventlog or the memory dump and find out what driver was active during the crash
Step 4: Update drivers for that thing, or replace that thing.
My money is on you having a video card that's about toast.
Your first problem is you forgot to install gentoo. do that first then come back
I didn't know u could disable that, how do?
What is memory dumps?
I've heard my video card is pretty meh.
Also guys what is gentoo?
I've been getting more of these crashes too. All the time ever sinse thursday
i'm going to give you some things to google now, since you're asking me things that would take ages to explain given how much you seem to understand:
* windows 10 enhanced blue screen
* windbg download
* windbg analyze memory dump
* windows enable memory dump
Another one
>4MB jpgs of BSODs
>page fault in nonpaged area
>irql not less or equal
Your memory is going bad.
Shit, you think so? Is that the only way to fix this? Not that I mind, I think my memory was pretty cheep shitty shit.
A good way to tell would be to download memtest86 and let it run over night. If you get even a single failure, it's the memory.
If you suspect the video card, run Furmark, watch for any visual anomalies as the card heats up.
And yeah, if your memory's toast, it's toast. There's no fixing it. Likely it'll only be in one dimm so at least you can run your system with half memory until you get new sticks.
I got 2 sticks of memory with 4 gigs each and they're some offbrand cheepos that cyberpower put in there so I would not be surprised if they are failing. Also my video card is pretty suboptimal and all my techy friends say I need a new one. Thanks a lot for the advice tho man I really appreciate it.
One last thing, so my situation right now is I reinstalled windows earlier and can't even install windows updates and this comp crashes. So when I get a new card and more ram do I just slap them in my PC and boot up and business as usual?
You're probably gonna be due for another reinstall. If you did installs and updates with bad memory, you've probably got corrupt files. Windows has gotten pretty good at repairing itself, but if I were in your shoes, I'd do a clean install after getting the new memory just to be safe.
Awesome man good to know, I appreciate it a lot!
Also, do you think my video card is having anything to do with this?
2 weeks ago i didn't even know what that screen looked like until i ran some old code i created for some shitty programs I made for windows xp that would elevate to system critical and then kill itself to cause a bsod. was slightly terrified when i saw the "collecting information" thing, i was sure windows was compiling a list of all my fetish porn to be delivered to ms hq when it was done so i slapped that off button with the quickness
Ehhh.. I've seen those errors come up with bad drivers before, but if new drivers doesn't fix it (or worse: if it happens in safe mode), then we've eliminated it.
I'd do in this order:
1. Download memtest86 and run it overnight
2. If no errors (seriously: even one error means bad ram), then either run in safemode+networking for a while, or try using the iGPU on your machine instead of your dedicated card for a while
3. If it *still* happens, the only thing left would be your power supply.
Get ECC RAM. Expensive yes, but they are better.
Thanks dude! Will do!
I concur
Sup Forums being helpful. What have we come to?