Is OS X botnet? Any info on Apple stealing your info and selling it to advertisers, etc.?
Got a macbook but OS X is so nice I don't want to swap over to another Linux distro.
>pic is mfw I have to use windows 10
Is OS X botnet? Any info on Apple stealing your info and selling it to advertisers, etc.?
Got a macbook but OS X is so nice I don't want to swap over to another Linux distro.
>pic is mfw I have to use windows 10
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Probably not, especially given their history of standing up to the feds, but their shit's all closed so you can't be sure.
Welp, iOS is a botnet.
Apple has a different business model than Microsoft. Between you purchasing their hardware and subscription services like Apple Music they've got enough from that.
The fact that Microsoft has never really cared about the piracy of it's operating system outside of corporations should tell you a lot.
Mac OS in principal should have better security than Microsoft however most software developers for the platform seem to not give a shit about security.
Just don't be a retard.
You know how people used to tell you all about how Macs couldn't get viruses? Now they're telling you how Apple is secure and respects your privacy.
It's the consumerist brand cultism
They don't sell it to advertisers but they give it to American agencies.
You decide if that's good or bad.
>it's safe!!! they said so!!!
The EFF gave them a 5/5 they host noscriot and https script too.
Apple doesn't make money from selling your information.... unlike Google which makes 95% from bartering your privacy and Microsoft now makes a lot too (that Windows 10 is """free""" for a reason).
Apple is popular with homos who value their privacy.
As long as you disable telemetry and shit OSX will respect that
ah yes this definitely means every macbook pro coming off the production line has this system installed and activated, of course, and its totally not for specific enterprise customers who are also paying huge sums of money to absolute to manage the large numbers of devices used by their employees.
Appleā¢ invented botnet.
>they've got enough
not how capitalism works user
They essentially say nothing is "private", everything can be sold or published by them for free out of their own interest.
>t. mactoddler
Somebody should tell that girl that shampoo isn't food
>falling for their PR stunts
look into the vault 7 leaks, m8.
hardware backd00rz.
Most software is botnet
OSX is to a lower degree, but not much better
The only thing I can really recall Apple doing against piracy is taking that collection of clearly pirated music and using Apple Music with it which is generally dumb. I know you can upload pirated music to GPM but to be honest I don't see why they should give you a service like that when you don't pay for music at all. It only doesn't make sense for them to delete your content in case you're playing files locally.
Also there's a good amount of pirated OSX software out there. They don't care about those. I still don't know of a single person who actually owns Little Snitch.
>t. posted from an android device
>that fbi show was pure bullshit