I lied on my resume and said that I have a good grasp of Python. I got a job where I'm probably gonna need that skill.
Any good books I can cram to at least not look like a complete moron? I start in 2 weeks.
I lied on my resume and said that I have a good grasp of Python. I got a job where I'm probably gonna need that skill.
Any good books I can cram to at least not look like a complete moron? I start in 2 weeks.
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Drink bleach. Faggots like you are the reason I waste so much time in interviews.
We all laugh at you after getting off the phone.
You can't convince anyone who knows anything about python that you have a good grasp if you don't.
The syntax of python is dead easy, obviously, but the pythonic way of approaching problems only comes from experience
Manager here. You're fucked, I deal with idiots like you everyday. We aren't going to fire you though, we usually just wait until you fail to do your job properly, then we sue you for lying on your resume and causing damages to the company.
Get fucked nigger.
P E P 20
You fucking cyberniggers I know I'm fucked just give me a way to minimize the damage. I'm asking how I can become as proficient as possible in 2 weeks.
Take note: OP is the reason why the majority of comp sci applicants can't solve FizzBuzz.
Hey faggot, my adopted brother and I deal with faggots like you daily. You're fucked.
> liar here
> lying
Python is so simple and stupid you might be able to learn some things in 2 weeks.
I was told to read the book bytes of python for school, you can easily find it on Google.
Do you already have experience with other languages? If you do I don't really see the problem since you have two weeks to learn
>suing a penniless idiot
>things that companies do
do you know any other programming language? if its data analysis that you are going to be doing I recommend:
python for data science
literally just write a bunch of python
I know the basics, and I've dabbled with tkinter. I'm also about 150 pages into C++ Primer.
Thanks for the advice.
I know how to fizzbuzz. Also I'm not a comp sci major, I double majored in Econ and Math.
Not very easy when I only know the basics.
Is this serious or another gay gentoo-type meme?
good one friend :^)
>not look like a complete moron
That's impossible
What the fuck is this fizzbuzz meme? I'm the average student in CS and I can at least handle data structures and do recursive programs with memoized/dynamic solutions.
I'm not trying to brag since that isn't worth bragging about - but isn't a loop and three conditionals intro to C level bullshit?
>This article
>What's the number after "F" in hexadecimal
Holy shit lmao, I refuse to believe people fall for this
It's a case of a bunch of people lying on their resumes to get into a job, like OP
Go through Dive Into Python 3. It's free and is absolutely a top-tier programming book.
what would you even do as a day to day thing aas a programmer in a job?
Law student here, you want to know how I know you're full of shit?
>cant even git gud at python
What are you doing with it?
If it's webdev shit then I guess code a shitty Sup Forums clone in Django or something
Give it back, pajeet
I didn't even put python on my resume but I write it at work now. If you know paradigms then languages are just a toolm
How did you get the job then? Weren't you asked any Python questions?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
What's the job, how will you be uaing python?
Go on.. Tell us from your third semester..
>sue for lying on resume
kek ameritards
Western Europe?
Exactly the same..
Although you are a lying cunt, I will help you:
Here it is.Do all the exercises there.You can find them for free on the internet if you're not retarded.
it's your responsibility to check if info on his resume is valid or not
Am i a programmer now?
x = 0
def kek (x):
y3 = x / 3
y3 = y3 * 3
y5 = x / 5
y5 = y5 * 5
test = 0
printme = ""
if y3 == x:
printme = printme + "Fizz"
test = 1
if y5 == x:
printme = printme + "Buzz"
test = 1
if test == 0:
printme = printme + str(x)
return printme
while True:
x = x + 1
if x == 100:
You will be fine OP. Don't panic, if you want to lean python quickly go on YouTube and find somebody made a long tutorial about it. (90 bids or so) and do them step by step. Keep doing this during the jib and if you don't know it look on google. Programming is not not very difficult you will get used to soon enough.
Fucking xkcd is so unfunny and pretentious it makes my blood boil.
The youtuber Derek Banas has a Python tutorial that couldnt be longer than 2 hours. Watch it and then start solving problems, my man.