Anyone ever try and delete the IOS shit on this and upload some other programming to it?
Anyone ever try and delete the IOS shit on this and upload some other programming to it?
Just buy a oneplus 3T. You'll save money and be able to install Lineage OS. iPhones have a chronic overheating and screens randomly dying on you problem.
There is no known way to do this and no one wants to figure out how to
I already bough the shit tier brick and just want to make something useful out of it as this point, other wise might sell it.
Dam dude well your best bet is to sell that shit and then buy the 3T.
Might get like $500-600 on ebay for it.
Jailbreak it and do some shit, find some cool exploit, or fucking sell it. Afaik, no one has put any custom os on an iPhone except for Android back in like 2009
Yes user, take advice from a FUCKING TRIPFAG bitch
give it back jamal
>delete the IOS shit on this and upload some other programming to it?
The most retarded sentence I've read on Sup Forums in about 3 weeks. As expected of an Android user.
>I don't want to use the most advanced mobile OS in the world perfectly tailored to the outstanding hardware choice by Apple, I would rather install some bug-ridden steaming pile of abandonware like MeeGo, Failfish OS, Ubuntu Touch with no apps or developer support or even worse, a fucking androshit rom
Kill yourself, retard.
>The most advanced mobile OS doesn't include a file explorer
Ok kiddo.
It doesn't need one. Besides, every app is isolated from the others to ensure security, unless you want to share the files with a different app that knows how to read the format.
>It doesn't need one
>Guys whole thread is about being an iPhone owner and what you can do with an iPhone.
>Somehow you accuse him of being an android user.
How does your brain manage to do that?
Inferiority complex
>being so much of a drooling retard you can't recognize a droidfag baiting iphone users for (you)s
>It doesn't need one because it doesn't have one
The original ones had an Android port nothing since then
I'm surprised nobody wants to port Android to this thing.
>doesn't need a file explorer
You can't even fucking change the home button on new iPhones, they're making repairs harder on purpose.
Apple is really fucking you over, and you like it. I bet you watch Blacked.
>i don't need a file explorer
kill yourself
Why should Apple allow third-parties to do repairs on their hardware when there are only after market spare parts from stolen/killed iPhones and chink knock-off parts available?
Because people should be able to repair their own devices.
Apple jews their customers hard. You're definitely a fanboy.
not really. i got another iphone 7 the other day but its activation locked. i didnt even nick it. the owner commited suicide and his brother asked me to unlock it. told him its basically a paperweight. told me to keep it. anyone got any ideas to unlock it?
Give it back Leshaniqua
>Holding it wrong
>buys an iphone
>kills self
Give it back Jamal. Also kek from the story you just made up.