/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General

Cat lingerie edition.

This thread is for the discussion of the possible replacements for Nyaa.se

>Uploading works but hasn't been enabled
>Accounts work but need improvement.
>Profile pages soon.
>Moderation pages soon.
>DB optimization soon

>nyaa.pantsu.cat (db is up to date with nyaa)
>sukebei.pantsu.cat (db is up to date)
>nyaarchive.moe (hosted on a russian website,the db is most updated one and it has descriptions)

Local Client
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner.zip
>In order to use it you have the download these files and select them when you first run the program
>sqlite3: mega.nz/#!kloQmQSS!kRXUjT2i4Lqwmdf3IhAhzkkN2MoS-WL9fMpkjOMegcQ
>.txt: mega.nz/#!RpZkCDKC!-rjgVDLrClPrLdugtvyfFLrS91TXhz87ZYZR063yBF4
>Source Code: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner-src.zip


Development and discussion channel
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


nice image faggot

Reminder that your site is trash and will fail.

Nice try CR employee.

fuck off Daiz

The raspberry pi is getting raped beyond belief on a constant day basis.



KYS yourself

>implying implications
It's nice to see so much progess has been done already.

it can't fail since it's just a backup to future sites

Thanks for your support!

I fixed the Renchon vectors

>tfw 3d will never look this good.





Doesn't adding the holes take away from the minimalism that the whole faceless thing is trying to achieve?

This is the best one.

RIP in pieces

Hitler-salute version?

That's not a bad idea.
And also add a Nazi armband to her right arm.

The original vector had them, when I converted the image to an actual vector I didn't notice they were removed so I'm just adding them back now

Feel free to edit it, it's not hard. You've got a nice HR image to work with

post original svgs plz

Is there anything we can do to get nyaa pantsu off of those pis and onto something more befitting of them?

I could fire up my old athlon xp server.

Only have svg of the original pose, made the edits mostly in photoshop



Can someone tell me what KM is or stands for? guys on Sup Forums make it sound like a super exclusive source for subs and anime, am I being memed?

I have no clue. your probably being memed on

I haven't been able to get the sukebei database to return a search result in days of trying.

>tfw body is tired and wants to sleep, but mind simply will not shut down

He's been crawling all over Sup Forums posting his shit.

Returning after a week of scrambling to beef up my tech and be ready to contribute more heavily to the community...

Just wanted to say PantsuDev has done a bang-up job given the circumstances.


what shit?

>Can someone tell me what KM is or stands for?
Lurk more.

remember the six gorillion goy


Gonna be upgrading to a new server soon.
I never realized how low the quality of Sup Forums was until starting this project.

>he doesn't know about KM

Oh yeah forgot to add that commenting now works.
Haven't deployed latest changes yet.

Says the Sup Forumsfag.

Sup Forums is extremely low quality as well.
Most fast or large boards on Sup Forums are.
/diy/ is best board.

If you're legitimately trolling I'm having a hard fucking time, so long as the prospect of another backup source or archive exists ill keep autistically searching.

Been out of the loop for a couple of days. What's this talk that the owner of nyaa did all this even though the law didn't apply to him?

Nyaa didn't want to take any chances, he left and deactivated everything without saying a thing.

That's a nice rag you got there.

Sup Forums is actually the best board of the big ones in regards to quality. not like that's a big feat to accomplish.

>/diy/ is best board.

Fucking hipster. I should have seen it when the god damn code was written in fucking golang.

It's no big deal, as long as I have KM.

Guess I can't be mad for him killing everything. Still kind of a kick to the balls that he didn't tell anyone anything.

dunno who the fuck is this.

at least golang is better than rails, but then again everything is better than rails, except node.

The quality of Sup Forums went way down back when moot decided that every thread had to related to a specific anime or manga. It would be like mods on Sup Forums saying that every single thread has to related to a specific piece of software or hardware and you couldn't talk about coding or general tech knowledge in general.

user have you read through the thread yet

scroll up

node is great though

What is this fuckin WEEB SHIT doing here? Goddamn. Can you get any more cringey and weeaboo?

it's a fucking anime site. what did you expect? images of real girls?

At least let me filter out the weeb shit, goddamn. Why is this so hard???

Are you ok, user?

Fuck u, weeb!

Any hints on finding KM? I've been on Sup Forums for years and still have no idea what it is. Is it another name for MK?


whats wrong girl waving and playing the flute?
>enter website
>"oh its a little girl playing the flute while waving"
>"this must be happy website"
>enter sukebei
>"oh god what have i done"

>is searching for Precure
>complains about weeb shit

2/10 bait, the least I can do is give a (You) for the trouble you went taking a screenshot.


Only the select few know about the secret of AB, but even among the elites, a kabal so secret that their existence isn't known even to themselves controls the destiny of anime by means of the KM. Even they don't question. Even they don't know what KM stands for. But they do hold in the balance your fate and all of anime.

It's WEEB SHIT. How do I filter it?

No, I wasn't searching for Precure, otherwise I would have gotten any results.

what is "weeb"?
is it web 2.0?


>complain about anime on an site that only hosts anime stuff

so this is what drugs legalized world looks like huh?

Sup Forums post quality has been going down with anime's rise in popularity.


Just like with everything else. Day of the rope when?

It's today, bro. Did you see the election results in France?

>goes on anime torrent site
>sees anime
Good bait.

The fucking site is always down so i can never download anything

>doesn't know how to filter any pics from any site
What an edgy piece of noob shit. Nice retard bait there, have a (you).

Just use the local client until everything's sorted out.

I bet you can't filter it.


Fuck no.

Never read the manga, but the first season gave me terminal cancer.

Someone PLEASE give me a status update on gnunet

ETA until usable frontend?

28 years.

>tfw unironically enjoyed AoT season 1

n-no bully pls

No! This cannot be!!! Someone enjoyed something that I did not! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


>about 600k
>6 fucking million

nigga what

If it were good, it wouldn't have taken the studio 5 years to make a second (crappy, with ugly, budget-saving CGI) half-season to conclude it with an anime only ending. Swallow a bucket of semen.

More important ETA would be until 1-click install -> it's running. Anything more complicated is too much for the average user, and it will never catch on because of that.

>to conclude it with an anime only ending
Was this confirmed?



Watch it without expecting anything, and you could have a good time with it. The problem with it is the normalfag fans talking it up as more than what it is.

Can't argue with that. I still can't believe it, how does a studio pull in that much cash to completely ruin S2

I can hook you up with a semen bucket.

What do you mean "bet"? You're a retard basement dweller that doesn't own anything to bet in the first place.

Ban all slants IPs.