What's the current best laptop + phone combo?
Thinking of switching my T400 and Moto G for something new.
What's the current best laptop + phone combo?
Thinking of switching my T400 and Moto G for something new.
Currently rocking a personal GOAT combo:
>Surface Pro 4 (college student, handwriting notes on this thing is a godsend)
>Nexus 5X (cheap, fast despite meh hardware, flagship tier camera, Project Fi is CHEAP for me)
I have a dedicated rig on campus for all my heavy lifting so I'd imagine I won't have a need to upgrade the Surface until after I finish my thesis. As for the Nexus? I'll probably get a Pixel 2 through Project Fi once they're out this Winter.
T420/30 + RN3P.
msi gs60 ghost pro barebones for long trips with lots of downtime
og surface pro for light use + manga reading
ip6s cause it just werks
xperia xz cause sony > all other android manufacturers.
macbook pro 2015 and iphone 6 or newer.
I use a T460P and a Nexus 6P
Pretty good combo.
What are you studying?
iPhone SE
first gen macbook air running archlinux and
Xiaomi Notebook Air and Redmi 4 prime
>What's the current best laptop + phone combo?
whatever one you fucking want
why is everyone here so brainless and lacking in personality/judgement skills?
There is no best because everyone has different requirements you mongoloid
Hipster faggot
ASUS X550JK + Galaxy S
You don't need more power unless you have severe autism.
>something new
This is a retarded thread.
XPS 13/15 + Oneplus 3T
x60 and Jolla C
underrated post
Latitude XT2 + BlackBerry Passport
T460s + Priv