Tech Horror Stories

I'll start

>Be me in high school
>Mom says that I can buy a new computer
>Big PC gamer at the time, decide that I want a gaming computer
>Look at a bunch of different stuff but decide on an alienware
>Takes a bunch of convincing but I finally get my mom to agree to buy the thing
>Finally comes in the mail
>Unbox it, LED lights flashing everywhere
>Set everything up, start downloading games
>Get League of Legends installed
>Bragging about the new rig in the lobby
>Get in game
>Turn all settings to ultra high
>40 FPS (the human eye can only see 30 so it's perfect)
>Start running into lane
>Wait what is this?
>Check ping
>Game unplayable, FPS doesn't matter

Alienware might be the worst fucking company out there, I can't believe I dropped $2500 on a computer that gets 250 fucking ping in one of the easiest to run games

>your mother buying you a gaming laptop

That's all I needed to read. Fuck off, do not come back, and try to kill yourself.

You are the reason this board is shit

>high school
>gaming laptop
>mommy's card

Oh wow, its every kind of cancerous cunt in 1 post.

No way a 2500$ laptop couldn't run league of legends at 60 fps

You made me chuckle.

I don't deserve to be alive for responding to this

brb gonna go kill myself now

> blaming the laptop on your low ping, not your internet
jesus christ you're a fucking imbecile.

You dont have this laptop

People taking this bait

Fucking kek

Okay, I am in High School and can't afford one myself. Why is this wrong??

Sorry my mommy's card has a higher limit than yours

I must reiterate I was on all high settings

>Implying your computer doesn't process internet at different speeds depending on how good the computer is

>the human eye can only see 30 so it's perfect
you don't seriously believe that, do you?

>>Implying your computer doesn't process internet at different speeds depending on how good the computer is
0/10 bait shitpost, in case that you're actually serious this does not happen unless you are playing through wifi and have a shit wi-fi card.

>Okay, I am in High School and can't afford one myself.
>Okay, I am in High School
>I am in High School

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

the fact that you replied means it wasn't a 0/10.. bakka

This is bait right

You people are so easy to manipulate.

it would be very unlikely your laptop is the cause of such ping. either the router you connect to sucks or the internet provider you use suck, last one is a possibility with you being in high school. also:
>buying a $2500 gaming laptop to play league
>cant even run league on high settings at minimal of 60fps
this was the worst decision in your life.


Old enough to be on this board so suck it lol

I have this laptop total PITA.
> I want integrated graphics to save battery for 3 hours so can surf internet
> I set the bios
> starts and loads gtx 680m
> no lappy i want the iris pro on the i7
> set the bios
>starts and loads gtx 680m
>well i guess i can play civilization since the gtx 680m is on
>video drivers crash.
>set the bios
>lappy switched to iris pro graphics and is stuck there for a week
>fuck alienware

Kill yourself. Still in high school and you're already a fucking failure retard.

Because of what I heard about Alienware I thought gaming PC was a buzzword that didn't really mean anything.

I'm using an ethernet cable you fucking tard lol,its the laptop that's the issue not the wificard

OP literally cannot stop getting Yous

>Finally get it all fixed
>Log into game
>300 ping

Yup, that's alienware for you

Ignoring the fact that Alienware and indeed any gaming laptop is shit your ping problems don't really stem from the PC hardware itself... probably. It's one of three sources:
1.) Your internet just sucks.
2.) You're having software issues.
3.) The third party wifi card installed in your machine is either broken or just shit. Replacements aren't expensive or hard to install.

1) Internet is all the same, it's how fast the computer is that determines how quickly your computer processes the information from the internet
2) No software issues, I only had the pre-installed alienware software and norton
3) Using Ethernet cables, so it's a CPU issue

Lol, then why are TV's 30 FPS?

I've made worse decisions, overall the laptop is great, I just need to upgrade the internet processor

At least I have an alienware and you are stuck with some shitty Dell lol

but my mom says I need to stop jerking it in socks because they're hard to wash even after she sucks the crust out of the inside, otherwise she won't get me my intel microprocessor

she told me to stop watching my dad showering too, oh well

what the fuck thats not me, i watch mom shower, im not fucking gay like you

first time I put a computer together was a disaster
this was 2007, I thought forums were for losers so I didn't get any information except from the hardware manuals
right off the bat, the PSU wasn't powerful enough. so I had to return it and get a new one
then the first motherboard came doa, which I didn't know until the new PSU came
then after getting the new mobo, I put everything together, turned on the pc, and smoke started coming off the system and it smelled like burning plastic. I turned it off, of course, only to find out that I had put a case fan onto the pins wrong, I was off by a pin
it was fucking frustrating but that was a good computer back when I liked PC games

You are a fucking dipshit on so many levels. Aside from your poor life choices and the fact that I can smoke for the next 60 years and still be less cancerous than you, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>the human eye can only see 30 so it's perfect

No, it can see 100+

>I dropped $2500 on a computer that gets 250 fucking ping

your ping time only relates to your hardware in certain conditions and I'd bet dollars to fucking donuts that none of them apply to you.

You are either a successful troll or hopelessly fucking stupid

correction: 1000+

I missed a zero

You've got to be trolling. Nobody is this retarded.

>Killer Network

I would honestly not be surprised.

This is not me, claiming an ID for future posts

this fucking idiot isn't me either, i dont know what that stuff with the ! next to your name is but why is it not bold?

So you're telling me the internet on a 1996 Mac is the same as internet on a $2.5k Alienware... lol, and you're calling me stupid. Why don't you try browsing on IE95 and tell me your computer doesn't affect internet speed.

You're the most successful troll I've seen in years. All these serious replies are amazing. Thanks for a good time bud

>>Get League of Legends installed
>>Check ping
>>Game unplayable
It's a moba... That shit is playable at 500+ ping. As long as it's stable. Assuming this was a resource problem. Not network.
There's a reason why that genre is so populated. Craptops. Craptops everywhere.

top kek user


Should have built a desktop gaming computer.

My friend built his for about $700 CAD, and he can run any game on the highest settings and gets a steady 60FPS. I'm in the process of building one, and right now I'd be spending about $600 CAD (taxes and shipping included).

I might need to find a case, was gonna buy my friend's for $20 but he might not upgrade anymore. Also gonna buy a small SSD for boot up and some games, a decent wireless card, larger HDD, monitor, and a keyboard and a mouse.

All that might bring the price up to $1000, but I'll have a good rig that will last me quite a few years.

I am a massive faggot, like I really like all types of cock in and around all my orifices.

My lenovo shitpad from 5 years ago runs it on high at about 70-80.

are these reverse trolls

The thing is no matter what parts you put in it on your own there are certain things that make a gaming computer a gaming computer. One of them being a professional company makes it (hint: that isn't you). Especially laptops, I wanted to game on the go (MLG tourneys, LAN parties, etc.) and there was no way I was building that on my own.

I went with a hand crafted, professionally made machine that at the end of the day probably cost a few extra bucks than what was needed. But, you pay for quality and a brand name.

Yeah, a cheap auto shop could buy the parts for a Bentley and assemble it themselves, but that doesn't make it a Bentley.

Dont TV cameras run 24fps, so anything thats not a cartoon or w/e wont benefit from higher. Not actually sure, thats just my guess.

Wrong. They run at ~24 fps, the bare minimum.
They do this to save storage space and lower editing times.

>has shitty internet
>blames his laptop
You sir are a fucking moron

that's the old alienware you paid 2.5k for. no wonder. don't forget to take your pill user

Wrong. Any PC built for gaming (it doesn't matter whether it's done by Alienware or by yourself) is a gaming PC

I don't have the actual picture of the laptop in question (I ended up trading it for a Macbook, I moved from gaming to music producing) so I just found a stock image of an Alienware to make the thread. I don't have a bad computer any longer I have a mac



>buying a Macbook

So you're mommy's boy aren't you?

Not sure if autistic or troll

Into the pastabox it goes!


I don't understand how so many people on Sup Forums fall for this poor troll.

Ah right, I forget that gaming computers are only gaming computers if they are made by brand name companies.

That must be why everyone is using their Macbooks and ipads for high end gaming and tournaments.

You missed something,
>Turn all settings to ultra high
>40 FPS (the human eye can only see 30 so it's perfect)

mommy's boy prefers to play with all settings at ultra high with lower fps instead of running the game at the displays refresh rate with sane settings. It's the same as what all the marketing "reviewers" do, they test with the highest possible settings to make it look like you need some new over-priced graphics card when any card made the last three years or any new budget card will do just fine.

Not even the laptops fault,
> using wireless and expecting the same low ping you'd get by plugging in a ethernet cable

If the human eye can only see 30 FPS why does it matter if it's 40 or 60? Like more FPS doesn't even matter at that point, the only thing that matters is (ta da!) ping!! I was on ethernet and still had issues, so it's not even the wifi card

>buy an alienware for 2000 dollars
>piece of shit can't play games without overheating

I got about 0.2ms ping to my local network's router 20 years ago from anything I connected to the LAN. I got about 0.2ms ping to my router 10 years ago and that's pretty much what I get now too.

Blaming laptop hardware for 300ms pings is just ignorant. Then again you're just a child who's using mommys credit card who'll probably live at home off mommy until he's 50.

Eh I was throwing mud at the wall to see if it would stick. Then again look at how he replies, he might be an actual underage

He could legitimately be autistic too. I have an autistic cousin who'd post uninformed shit like this.

Hey budd ya dropped your nametag

this isnt Sup Forums you fucking faggot

gaming hardware discussion goes on the gaming board

Tell that to all the GPU wars threads.

>Gaming isn't technology
This was supposed to be a thread about people sharing TECH horror stories, everyone is still free to share their stories about any other tech. Y'all are the ones who started this dumb argument about alienware

Storytelling of any kind should be directed to

>tripfag taking bait
surprised level = 0

Wanna know what's not lit? You creaming over some little rule violations. We get it, hall monitor, maybe we aren't going by the book here. But guess what? The best moments in life are those that aren't played by the rules, the normal standards. So please, get a little outside of your comfort box, square. You could use a little adventure in your life


>76 replies
>44 posters
It's kek

Alienware is dell retard

This is like saying that a Nissan is an Infiniti... No, they're completely different. Are chicken and beef the same because they come from the same factory? Is corn and a tomato the same because they grow in the ground?

>implying infiniti is not the luxury/export arm of nissan
>thinks he can get away with erroneous car facts on Sup Forums

not on my watch motherfucker

He's not that wrong (about this one)

>fucking 250 ping
>thanks obama!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're so fucking retarded, you make me think of my brother who thinks that games are smoother when they run on a 60hz at 100 fps than when they run at 65 fps.

bad vibrations user is kinda correct though.
>luxury/export arm of nissan
This is perfectly true
>Alienware is gaymen/ledfaggit arm of dell
Also perfectly true

Infiniti has its own racing division, yet it still works with Renault as part of the nissan-renault alliance so it blatantly is under the same umbrella.
Just like alienware may use dell resources and some parts, it operates as a subsidiary to dell.
Dell doesn't make gaymen computers so resources can be pushed to alienware and it can exist.
Nissan doesn't make luxury cars so such resources can be pushed to infiniti and it can exist.

>eee working in automotive sector

>Get League of Legends installed
>Bragging about the new rig in the lobby
>Get in game
>Turn all settings to ultra high
>40 FPS (the human eye can only see 30 so it's perfect)

>I must reiterate I was on all high settings

this is obvious trolling but gif related

Hi. The name's ROBLOX_min3cr4ftClubPenguin_lover69. Today I'm going to be explaining the reason why Alienware computers are the best, but Macs are good too.

Best computer for playing Roblox highschool on and have VIRTUAL ROBLOX SEX

2. Great value for price. I wouldn't know how much it is though cuz my mommy bought it for me, but I would pay a million dollars for this!!!

3. Have you ever used a DELL or that ugly laptop by IBM and LENOVO, slow and GAAAAAAYYY. Alienware has the COOLEST BACKLIGHTS AND IS VERY SLEEK! hahaha look like my favorite movie transformers

>mfw I did the same in high school

Convinced dad to buy me a $1300 dollar laptop that gamed at 13 FPS.

I fucked up hard and wanted to return it. But I had to deal with that pile of shit for years instead.

Felt bad man.

>Alienware might be the worst fucking company

Yes it is.

I once brought a dell laptop because I cried to my mom I wanted to own a gaming computer, couldn't get a desktop because she said no space so I browsed the most expensive laptop on the dell website which was £709. Convinced my mum to get it, I used it to play League of Legends. Tt could only get 30 FPS on League of Legends. I am currently a Diamond 2, on EUW once a Master tier a few months ago until I quit

Wtf, Guys this is an obvious troll


If you got baited by OP, you deserve to get banned for ruining this board.

>all those newfags taking the bait
Perfect job OP. Mass ban when?