New Explorer.exe landed on the Creator's Update, fellas
explorer shell:AppsFolder\c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515_cw5n1h2txyewy!App
paste that shit into a new shortcut
the thing looks decent, although pretty barebones
New Explorer.exe landed on the Creator's Update, fellas
explorer shell:AppsFolder\c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515_cw5n1h2txyewy!App
paste that shit into a new shortcut
the thing looks decent, although pretty barebones
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck
looks fucking retarded
just use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 and never install the creators update, ever
Where can I get enterprise LTSB for cheap/free? Doesn't the license cost like 300 euros/dollars?
at least it looks like it should in Windows 10
also it behaves the way it is intended: double click to open folder, but single click if using touch
Please tell me this isn't real
test It for yourself, mate
Ah fuck this is like Gnome's Nautilus all over again...
What the fuck that is literally unusable worse than mac tier. This is a funpost right?
Can you install Dolphin or another Linux file manager on Windows?
it's just there buried in the system files
So glad I'm not on Win10 being subjected to all that bullshit.
Isn't that the File Explorer from Windows Mobile?
Since it's an UWP app there is nothing stopping it from working on the desktops.
Can I get an example? I just tried it and it just opened a normal version of Explorer.
Probably through cygwin or bash for windows
Just tried it out. It seems like some unfinished test program they forgot to take out before release.
there you go
It's probably in the insider build.
>back/forward mouse buttons do nothing
Fucking dropped.
it's not
it's live in the vanilla windows 10
What the fuck is this? Why would you ever use this?
> current state of windows
it's a desktop shortcut to open whatever you want
>go into properties on "This PC"
>it hangs
The properties pane is weird as fuck as well. It's treated as a level in navigation so you need to use the Up arrow or the breadcrumbs to get out of it.
same here
it crashed on me two times already
I think the application is missing the back arrow that appears on the windows frame
I realized why it hangs when you go into properties on "This PC".
It's because it is trying to index all the drives in that "directory" for space, number of files and folders.
It should be noted that if you go into the properties of This PC in the existing explorer it just opens the System Information and if you open the properties of drives it doesn't try to index the entire things but just gives you total storage overview.
Basically, I blame whatever group of women they have working on this.
Who the fuck needs a "back" button? What is this, Windows 95? That's the OS that introduced that grandpa, it's time to let it go and embrace the future XD
Thank god they got rid of those pesky file extensions too, what dinosaurs! Now I can finally send people Rihanna_Kiss_It_Better.exe again and set the default Windows 10 music file as the program icon! Woohoo!
nice to know
thank you
the back button is mandatory in some apps
there is no way to go up a level, or get out of some windows if there is no back button
At least are context menu still available from those HUGE ASS MUH TABLET buttons?
Also no way to see file/folders in detailed view somehow?
so where is the quick access on the left side?
can you make it show up?
Uh just close it and open it again, don't you EVER question Microsoft again, they're listening to us teens finally. We want apps apps apps and touchy tablety distractions! We want pretty stuff! Futurology! Minimalism! Now if you don't delete this damning post right now, I will brigade all of /r/Windows10 against you!
>right button
Fucking shit lmao
STOOOOP using that ancient 1980's invention called a "mouse", grandpa!
Use your finger, and welcome to the future! Just tap an app. One tap, it opens! What the fuck else do you want?!
the 'copy to' option works like mobile
there is no copy
Please fucking tell me this is just some shit they forgot to take out of the official build and not the future explorer.
this shit is going in balls deep, and you know it
but to be fair, it is not that bad, just lacking some features
the fuck is this shit. what the fuck were they smoking when they were planing on w10 creators update?
omg just shut UP!
can I follow you on your soshials?
yeah snapchat me!
It appears to be an explorer designed primarily around a touch screen interface.
And it is probably fine for that. It's just fucking terrible for a desktop.
I just became a sub on your patreon
thank you
what's interesting about all this is that the touch interface paradigm includes applications for each type of media, so having a file explorer is almost useless (as in Android)
peep the new icon, lads
Christ no. I'm deleting my Windows boot next week and never again.
Fake news/Lincuck FUD.
This is just the bare bones basic one shipped inside win10 for the mobile builds.
Jesus, there's no way this was meant to be implemented on the desktop.
That new explorer window looks atrocious. Windows desktop UX is kill. I'm one of those people that would really like to switch to Linux but I'm just so balls deep in Windows that it's too hard. Windows is just so comfy and muh vidya. Fbm
Even this shitty file manager has thumbnails while linux doesn't.
You took a photo that laptop could never display.
I am soooooooooo glad they got rid of those "bytes" and impossible to understand decimal places, who the fuck needs that it's not MATCH CLASS nerds! I don't even know what all those other tabs are, but I'm glad they're gone too.
I don't need any of that on my Surface!
(that autocorrect, LOL!)
Hey!!! Stop that, nerd!
not working for me
what does it look like with the dark theme?
Not him but I have an downloaded ISO somewhere. I am not sure if I will be able to find the torrent tho. You also need an activator.
one minute, let me check
as black as your gf 'friend'
I saw that live (the unedited first part). That dude died. Not very funny.
this shit doesn't open .exe files
thats actually not bad
rip for explore with ribbon menus and right click menu.
inb4 the opposite of the gtk file picker meme where there is no detail view and there will never be a detail view ever again
Oh my god see you guys, you said you wanted functionality, well what's more functional than having 2 color modes! This alone is all you need in a file explorer, no distractions and easy on the eyes with less clutter!
Microsoft truly does still innovate! So don't doubt them
Go Jen@MSFT! :D
Really you guys are blowing this "watered down os" FUD out of proportion.
For the laaaast time, you don't NEED to open "exe" files.
Open APPS. Do you hear me? APPS!
I bet it still doesn't have fucking tabs
>inb4 this is the only explorer you can use if you have Windows 10 S
Who started this fake news?
thats because microsoft is ditching legacy program support completely and non-s variants will be phased out sooner rather than later
for s e c u r i t y :)
i hope UI design is cyclic and in 10 years we'll be back at Win98 styling. imo with higher res and 32bit colour it can easily be the most stylish windows UI. less is more
gtk file picker is not the only one stupid idiot
as crap as it looks, this is the future of windows explorer
that is a fact
the current explorer.exe is dated as beyond all fucks
Yeaaah! :D This is awesome, I love this!
Thank you Jen@MSFT!
has to stop before it causes permanent dmg
You all think this is parody but it's quite real.
Oh god.
The current explorer may be dated as fuck but it is closer to perfection than the new one.
I'm still mad they moved the details pane to the right side of the window where it wastes fuck loads of space.
does it have tabs tho?
Pffft who needs THAT when you have a beautiful flat modern and most importantly MINIMAL interface? You make it sound like it's supposed to be packed with "features" like that ghastly Windows 7. *shudders*
too late
you'll be developing for the windows app store before you know it buddy
the wheels are already turning and i hear word of a star wars licensed windows distribution for total nerds :3
it is a file selector more than a file explorer, desu
I just asked her on twitter if this will be the future explorer
I doubt i'll get an answer though
>a star wars licensed windows distribution for total nerds :3
Jen will be on it soon!
implying she will be there to see
it is the reality we live in
this girl will be doing another thing entirely in a matter of 2 years
people don't care about the future
i seriously can't wait for windows to become super cute and nerdy and also have no capacity to perform powerful operations for stability reasons
call me when Explorer will have tabs
will keep using XYplorer until then
to be fair, bash in windows is pretty much GOAT
still better than shitnux
>cant even open a second window of it
Fuck, that's horrible.
How? Dolphin is basicly windows file manager
Nemo/thunar is for people who do not like nautilus
Nautilus is for tablets but still works better on desktops than this
bash on ubuntu on linux on wsl
also why is it wsl instead of lsw
windows subsystem for linux sounds like a subsystem in linux for running windows programs
lol no
I use it at work and it's OK, but there is so much shit lurking below the surface just waiting to jump at you.
I wish I could use proper Linux but we're pretty much locked into the MS ecosystem of shit.
It's not related to Explorer, but this sums up Windows 10 in general
"We'll wipe the slate clean with nothing and add as time goes on!"
Fullscreen functionality is never needed in an internet browser! Nope!
Even Internet Explorer 4.0 on Windows 98 had a fullscreen function!
What the fuck are they doing?
it is advancing pretty quick on github
win + shift + enter
it is pathetic the bitch does not know that
Using it with conemu hides a few of the warts.