Ublock Origin

>ads opening in separate tab
>ads all over pornhub
>ads being displayed in Youtube

What the fuck is up with Ublock Origin?

Failure to update it or your lists.

update your filters and kys

I purged my cache and forced an update before I created this thread, obviously.

How about you take a break from shitposting for a little while

Then you have some extension that is overriding uBlock. I have no problems.

stop watching porn

Wait there's free internet porn?

nope. Ublock Origin is the only extension I use


not an argument

That's what you get for adblocking having gone mainstream and normies having started doing it routinely. Web sites ignored adblocking for as long as it was considered marginal. Now every large website which depends on ad revenue has a team of people delegated to combat adblockers. We may see law cracking down on adblocking in the forseeable future.

>"why doesn't x work?"
>"you have to do this"
>"not an argument"

I can't imagine using only one extension.
Do you have any idea how much you're missing out on?

Click on the eyedropper, hover over the area you want blocked, block the script
Ads are getting smarter in response to ad blockers

Ad block is theft

it hides ads not blocks them

Like what?

>Ads are getting smarter in response to ad blockers


three off the top of my head
>https everywhere
>self destructing cookies
>firebug for fox




I've started using AdGuard browser plugin since it seems to block those ads (pornhub, twitter, bing text ads, etc) whilst ublock doesn't for some reason.

So, what happens when you go to pornhub and click play on a video?

>inb4 I don't go to pornhub
Well, then you didn't really test whether or not it works on your machine, did you.

>press f12
>select console tab
>press f5

twitter is white-listed by default on Ublock Origin

Like I said, works on my machine.
>inb4 reported
I censored it, for those dumb enough to report before checking.

>self destructing cookies

Not available on latest nightly build

>using the cuck build
>neo Sup Forums doesn't use ESR

>pornhub, redtube and youporn all under the same network
What's even the point lol

but i want bleeding edge browser!

Works fine for me.
> since install
> 2,298,838 or 16%

Is it worth running pi-hole AND ublock?

Stop watching porn.

so when normalfags google "PORN FREE" all of the top results go to them.

>google PORN FREE
>xnxx dot com
But I guess your point makes sense.

>no 4chanx

off to reddit with you

>self destructing cookies
>not cookiekeeper
grandpa pls

Works on my machine t b h

same here, didn't see anything OP said

>muh https
>muh cookies
(((They))) know about your loli addiction and don't give a shit, user



this isn't true, my dad was shocked when I came out as a lolicon.

>with js on
pleb tier Tbh

Not duckduckgo extension for a complete anonymity? And of course, ghostery

You've got malware.

>but i want bleeding edge browser!
Then why are you using firefox?

sad fuck

How does using DDG ensure "complete anonymity"? And ghostery was made by an advertising company.

>using botnet

There is an entire online community dedicated to helping users fix their problems with unlock origin.

Get more filters, I enable all but the country specific ones.