Is there a bigger cuck than him?

Is there a bigger cuck than him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is this? Is it the guy from Mulholland Drive?

The Truth is white women have melanin Receptors in their vaginal walls that increase pleasure when detecting a bigger, darker mate.



Is this guy even on Youtube? I havent seen a video of him in YEARS



>you'll never be this beta

His wife hijacked his channel and turned it into like a family vlog. It is pretty sad.

He has been streaming for 10 years and has 2k views tops on most of his latest videos.

Yes, it's OP

he doesn't do tech videos anymore and when people asked him why he stopped caring about tech, he said... this was never a tech channel.

Now he does videos where he shills and does 'playthur' ads for disney toys with his adopted daughter, and his wife spends his money
and ignores him every chance she gets.

its the most pathetic thing on youtube outside chrischan

>Sup Forums - Technology
Take your kink talk to /d/

A lot of former TechTV people are fucked up tbqh, its quite weird

could be adopted.

Why do tech and gook wives go hand in hand? Dave lee, ltt, this guy, Zuckerberg



>only women in STEM are asian

hope she will divorce the shit out of him.
i dont like him

Sauce on this guy?

>mfw my white is diagnosed with aids one day

interesting how black kids with white parents dont look like nigger trash. i bet they all grow up good. huh, really activated my almbonds

Why don't they adopt the poor kids in foster care and orphanages in america. Why import some random black while you countrymen need help.

>tfw i get more view on my shitty videos then chris pirillo
feels good

My side

Ponzi was top waifu material. Chris dun goofed.

shit thread

Chris Pirillo:
>mexican wife
>mexican wife cheats on him with another mexican
>she gets pregnant
>Pirillo forgives her and adopts the daughter as his

>uggo korean wife
>has three kids with her that look nothing like him
>she refuses to tie her tubes
>Linus, the beta cuck that he is, cuts his balls off

Why is tech so full of fucking beta cucks?!?


Hey you! Yes you, the flaming hypocrite! You and me and everyone knows that you would happily let your "countrymen" bleed to death, since it's just a meaningless concept based on some lines on a map. Kys, I mean it. Man I'm angry now.

Who is this faggot and why should I care?

>Who is this faggot
Some nobody from jewtube.

>why should I care
You shouldn't.

This guy used to make over $5,000 a month on Patreon. Now he makes under $1.5k (he hid the figures out of embarrassment).

He can't face that his career is over. His twitter complains about 'changing landscapes' and he never takes responsibility that his content is shit. It's literally him being cucked by his nigger wife and daughter for 10 minutes daily. 1-2k views max.

Mac cuck never change.

Used to watch his vlogs for a bit
>Like and Share this video!
>Time to drive to Peets in my Prius!
>Oh look! some social notifications! *drinks coffee*
>Now lets go do some housewife errands at the shops!
>Let talk about some normie tech while on the way back home!
>Diana I'm home Dogs are being dogs!
>Oh look ANOTHER Amazon Package! Remember to check the link below for a way to get FREE Amazon Gift Cards (affiliate link)!
>Time to shower!
>Oh a There Might Be Giants song! My Favorite!
>Well it's time to get ready for bed! Stay Tuned for future updates!
they got extremely repetitive, even for a vlog.

Because they are Windows/Linux/macOS users
BSD users don't have this problem :^)

... so they have eyes in their vaginas? wtf man

>This guy used to make over $5,000 a month on Patreon. Now he makes under $1.5k

This reminded me of Spoony so I had to go check


Wew lad, that's fucking rock bottom. A few years ago he peaked at like $5700

It's his own fault.

>last post in June 2016
>all he does is tweet about Trump 24/7

Oh I never denied that, he seriously had it fucking made with the amount of support he had but be blew it all for nothing. I don't know how he can be so fucking lazy that it takes him 6 months to produce a video, and even then it's a zero script, zero editing, zero effort ramble about wrestling or something about his past.

At this point I am damn certain that remaining $762 is just coming from a ton of $1-2 patrons that are just not noticing that little drip coming out of their bank every month among the rest of the purchases and just forgot to cancel.

Anyone remember 3DGameMan?

Yes. But he just became irrelevant, reviewing stuff is not enough to run a channel these days.