>first AI sexbot announced for markets next year
>womyn in full damage control mode already
Are you ready for the sexbot revolution?
>women will be deprecated in a decade
First AI sexbot announced for markets next year
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We get it, you don't get laid.
I'm not a faggot weeaboo but yeah, real woman is getting worse and worse everyday.
I don't really have any issues because I date asian woman in asian countries.
The western cancer influence has not come here yet.
>The western cancer influence has not come here yet.
give it 5 years
Oh shit, I've already acquired a female.
Will they offer long-time support for real women or should I switch now?
Halp, I've already invested so much money here..
If I could objectify a woman-lookalike without actually objectifying women, why would that be bad?
Fucking hell.
Women have been fucking themselves with dildos for millennia, and electronic vibrators for a century.
Because women like being objectified. Just not by people they deem unworthy or unattractive.
>Oh shit, I've already acquired a female.
more like, she aquired half your possession.
Is it just me or is the title a bit confusing?
Sex Robots...offer men a solution to the threat of female independence?
Wouldn't it be, now that men no longer require women, women are more free than ever to be independent, since they won't be pursued by men?
women want to submit
they just want to submit to Chad, not you
They don't care about you getting a doll, they fear one day Chad will get one
like what happened with videogames
as soon as Chad started playing videogames, feminism attacked
If chad leaves them for robots like he partially did with videogames then they need to rethink themselves.
why the fuck would chad get a sex doll if he has legions of real pussy to choose from?
sexbots are pure beta territory
>why the fuck would chad get a sex doll if he has legions of real pussy to choose from?
why would Chad play overwatch if he can score pussy?
answer: you get tired of women real fast
t. fucked over 30 pussies
>men don't want to deal with women
>this threatens women's independance
>implying feminist will allow sexbots and not ban them with similar punishments to human trafficking
>t. fucked over 30 pussies, and not one was girlfriend material
wew lad
>They don't care about you getting a doll,
Oh they do. They still want money from teh betas.
Delete this
sick trips
Holy fuck
>>t. fucked over 30 pussies, and not one was girlfriend material
>wew lad
No single girl in the western emisphere is gf material
I haven't fucked since March and now I only fap to 2d
Betas are now MGTOW. Women are screwed
> vibrating dildos optimize matriarchy and offer women a solution to the threat of male independence
yeah go fuck yourselves feminists. couldn't give less of a shit about your lobby
seriously, this article is so subliminally retarded, which might be the description of feminism too.
the writer is going on about how robots would "objectify" women, and yet how is it not true that if there were perfect replicas of women, then real women would be less objectified since their quantity would be essentially limitless just like any other mass produced product?
a huge reason why objectification happens is because when men see an attractive woman, they stare and gape because it's a rare and stimulating moment of pure desire, it's like searching for the holy grail. if there were a million holy grails, that would devalue them a bit wouldn't it? the grail would be less "objectified" as the object of value
no, with sexbots, an attractive woman could be passed over on the street with barely a glance because a perfectly acceptable substitute waits for them at home....
T. virgin
Womyn are so fucking hypocritical.
Chads are chads because there is no alternative, internet used to be a loser/geek only thing too
Women will become so useless as SMS
No, the vast majority of betas are still cucks.
And there's plenty of non-beta mgtow.
Oh, but the state does. And the state will ban anything that is a """threat""" to women.
Apparently the company makes a male version of the same robot, but there's no outrage or mention of that for some reason.
Men want sex from women.
Women want money and status from men. The bot isnt gonna give her status and money.
>muh patriarchy
women just proved how desperate they are
The problem here is that objects are being feminized, not that women are being objectified.
It's like people getting butthurt over burning of a flag or giving a shit about fake manga kids in loli pics. It doesn't work literally, but it does on symbolic level because people communicate it through practice. People still believe in sympathetic magic and shit, and that makes it work.
Female sex robots have "fear of the real thing" printed all over them. I'd say it is the sign of women being more intimidating to betas than ever. Sex robots will attract the same virgin losers that fell for the fleshlight meme.
the state bans piracy and drugs too and we all know how successful they are at it
>make 40,000$ sex doll
>Make it look like a washed up 3dpd WESTERN whore
Wew lad
I hope they are expensive.
I am hoping it is like a car.
Where a lot of people will get one, but it takes some serious budget restrictions for people to do so.
>She doesn't want kids.
>This is somehow a bad thing.
Holy shit, MGTOW are such fags... They went their own beta way so far they actually developed maternal instinct.
MGTOW will soon mean "Men Getting Their Own Wombs" so they could give births. Picture Schwarzenegger in that movie where he was pregnant, only nerdier, fat and a complete faggot.
> i want people to not enjoy prosperity
>The problem here is that objects are being feminized
yes but to what ends? flag burning symbolically communicates, "fuck our society/state" and fake children is a step shy of pedophilia, what does robot sex communicate? heterosexual biological urges.....?
Why? Fear of getting replaced? Face it, a divorce would be a harder it finantially. Women are just replaceable, men are not.
T. Roastie
Because they like to be objectified and have their good looks focused on, but only if you're a rich turbo-chad.
living the dream
>I don't date under 6 feet
Oh look, an angry manlet made an image.
MGTOW means that men are giving the finger to the good for nothing whored out western women. Men dont need wombs but men provided other men with that ability too. Once the vaginal jew gets replaced then is all over for women.
The true independent women will come when men dont need them at all.
Feels good man
>female independence
because all I want to do with my life is work 9 hours a day 5 days a week so that I can support someone else.
>work 9 hours a day 5 days a week so that I can support someone else.
jokes on you I need to do that to support myself
>Women's personalities keep getting worse
>The more privileges they acquire, the more they demand, princess complexes running rampant, 90% of women chasing the same 15% of men, sex comes so easy to them they rarely value it at all, and constant reinforcement by social groups and media to have bigger egos and even more self-entitlement
>Men work out like crazy, learn shame and honor, learn sexual techniques, and build up impressive lives full of hobbies, titles, social skills, and accomplishments just to land a woman in average shape with a decent job
>All that, often just for the sex, since her personality is so abrasive that sex is the only good part of a relationship with her, other than potential offspring
>Sex robots. They look like unnaturally perfect females in their prime, in whatever shape/size you desire, and are purely designed for sex, with no need for continued emotional/time/money investments.
>Any man can acquire one if he saves up enough money (like for a car), no matter how ugly, soft-spoken, short, boring, or completely average he is, and then have better sex than he could have ever dreamed of with the rare few women who would deem him worthy
>Women are completely outclassed. Now that the one thing they still held a monopoly over has been outdone by a retail product, they have no exclusive benefits to offer other than childbirth
>Women actually have to start developing attractive personalities that are more appealing than the prospects of (now inferior) human sex, since they can't just be selfish cunts but still be desired by using sex as a bargaining chip
>Being interesting, nice, confident, and charismatic is actually hard work, which comes as a shock to almost nobody born with a penis
>Women complain that we need to lower the bar once again and give them yet another handicap because they can't even do the kind of emotionally-aware shit they are supposed to excel at
I shouldn't be enjoying this but I'm kind of enjoying this.
feels bad man.
That's cool, have a swell day user.
>women will have to resort to settling with betas or get test tube babies
this is the best timeline
>female indendance
or male dependance
Well obviously it's a step shy of having a woman sex slave. It's for people who'd like to sexually dominate a woman, but they can't (or won't) for whatever reason (usually being a fag).
I guess some women are butthurt because they think it shouldn't be done even in fiction. Those are the same women that label every piece of fiction "sexist" just because it's for the male audience. They are either confused or just looking for an excuse to vent their bitterness.
>the vaginal jew
>People still believe in sympathetic magic and shit, and that makes it work.
I didn't until I saw the Kek shit. I went to Sup Forums on Election Day to laugh in the faces of Trump supporters, but instead I saw them succeed. All the polls were saying Hillary was going to win, but the fucking repeating digits in the lead up to the election were telling a different story, and were telling it with unsettling consistency. I still don't fully believe in meme magic, but I do sometimes wonder.
>AI sexbot announced
I don't really see how this changes things.
There's already fleshlights and other toys.
There's already all kinds of full-sized dolls too.
If you want a wife and children and that package then you'll still need a woman.
And if you don't then some $100 fleshlight or a $500 doll is probably preferable to a $50000 AI robot anyway. Think about it, what's the number one advantage of a sex doll over a real women? They don't nag or talk at all. Some AI robot with a "personality" is more like a step backwards.
Good for you. I'd like to move to an asian country but I fear that it will be really hard to live there without knowing the language and that I won't be able to score a cute asian anyway even if I do move.
sex robot for women = good
sex robot for men = bad
Fuck off shitlord that's not the same thing.
>wanting a wife
what's the difference?
if you didn't see Trump victory coming one year before you are simply stupid
>men want to masturbate to drawings
>this somehow harms real children
Men haven't had to spent millennia being objectified and made equivalent to those toys.
In a way marketing works on the same principles as that type of magic. Meme magic is basically viral marketing. People just mystify it because they don't understand it fully.
oh jesus christ why.
global nuclear apocalypse when
>Women are just replaceable, men are not.
You think a synthetic womb and eggs would be easier to create than synthetic sperm? A woman could eliminate the need for a man by giving birth to her own clone. I'm not sure how women could be more replaceable than that. I like the idea of introducing a little competition in the form of sexbots, but let's not kid ourselves where biology is concerned.
gyaru mod when?
> women never judged men for their looks
> women don't have their own sex tourism
Objectified is just a buzzword.
This is about a very immature and unhealthy view of relationships held by sone women: Noone wants to ask a boy/girl out. Being rejected is painful. The person rejecting you may share that rejection with friends, hurting your social position. On the other end, rejecting someone you don't like is risk-free. Men initiate more often because they're hornier. Just look at how much more often the average male masturbates. Because men are pushed to initiate so much more often, these women think it's natural to just sit back and wait for someone else to take the lead. Then, because the relationship was formed on a one-sided basis, they can easily rationalize treating their partner like shit (he signed up for it) and ignoring their partner's needs in favor of their own (why should I care if he needs to get shit off his chest, when I want to watch TV?).
If you want proof of how one-sided and misandrist these people are, just note the complete lack of empathy in these articles. The assumption is always that if a man is lonely he should seek a partner, and if he is unwilling or unable he should 'lower his standards' (because clearly it's about standards of attractiveness and not, say, your only options wanting to have kids or being twice your age or having obvious mental health issues or hell, not existing due to social isolation).
they don't have to, yet they are
Part of me knew, but didn't want to believe it.
doesn't look like real blood
Based nips
God tier taste
>but didn't want to believe it.
so are you a paco or a sjw ballerina?
Piracy takes minimal effort and no physical transport, so let's compare drugs and sexbots.
In the same size and weight for one sexbot you can transport millions of doses of drugs.
In the same weight and less space you can transport cocaine worth 2.4M $ (low-ish street price) value, for example.
Drugs are actually much easier to make. They just require a piece of land or a medium size lab ot mass produce. A sexbot requires a a full manufacturing plant to mass produce, many times more expensive, complicated and harder to hide.
Drugs can be made almost anywhere, while sexbots can pretty much only be made in china, making importing them even harder.
This doesnt mean NO sexbots will exist though. It jsut means the price will be several times higher than the current price, and much harder to get a hold off then drugs.
>The problem here is that objects are being feminized, not that women are being objectified.
We feminize the objects we like and masculinize the ones we don't.
If we could choose our gender, we'd be 75% female at minimum.
>Men initiate more often because they're hornier
They initiate because it's expected, it's biologically programmed; men are risk takers, women don't take risks and instead sit around and wait for men to compete for their attention.
It has fucking nothing to do with how horny men are compared to women, and even this stupid shit "hurr men are hornier than women and only think sex" is completely wrong.
you can't effectively ban something that has a huge demand for. especially not without putting huge amount of resources to the effort
So... People will start creating makeshift sex bots out of old car tires, gloves and a computer?
I wouldn't pay more than twenty bucks for a doll. I don't see the need to have one.
Anyone who gets one for sexual gratification is addicted to porn so they're sad cases. Just the idea of someone dressing up the doll and spending time with it in addition to paying thousands of dollars for it is funny to me. It's very pathetic regardless of whether one is able to attract a mate or not. At that stage porn has pretty much fried your brain.
As soon as I heard that a positively-received famous celebrity was running for office, I knew right then who would be the next president. It could have been Oprah, it could have been Ryan Gosling, it could have been Kaitlyn Jenner. It doesn't matter how many decades you've spent analyzing, researching, and loving politics. You can devoting your entire life to the pursuit of being the leader of a nation, but in the general North American public eye, you can never compete with Beyoncé.
>They initiate because it's expected, it's biologically programmed;
Yes, and this biological programming comes from an increased urge to mate and decreased fear of risk due to testosterone buildup.
Which manifests primarily as horniness.
The idea that women have to deal with the same urge to fuck as men is a meme. Horniness isn't what makes sex enjoyable, it just drives you to it.
how long before opensource sexbots
>Think about it, what's the number one advantage of a sex doll over a real women? They don't nag or talk at all. Some AI robot with a "personality" is more like a step backwards.
It's a product for lonely losers, user. Nobody's going to pay for it just to satisfy their physical needs.
If you are horny, you can always just wank it. But if you are horny AND you want to feel good about yourself, to feel powerful and accomplished, to connect with someone and feel loved, you need another person.
This is the point of this product. It offers fake feels while basically being a fleshlight with limbs.
0.00001 seconds after sexbots becomes available
loonix on steroids, what a time to be alive!