/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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1st for mad manlets

2nd for mad alty righty whinys

What can I expect?

shit weed

10 lamps and a thumbdrive with an Android connection to have more space for music :3

Could you please test how hot those lamps get and what are their real wattage?

Link me the /csg/ recommend fidget cube please.

I give in to the reddit nu-male meme.

Unfortunately, I don't have the equipment for that, these are for my father, he'll only test them in 10h or so. If you're still around, I'll put up something here.

>anti fasist
Communist education in action.

>combination chipboard and plywood monitor risers

What's the wooden rod on the bottom left of the image?

Good enough to win a world war again fagcists

Watch the homophobia, red. I thought you pigs were all about equality. Psh... I guess you're just a bunch of edgy teenagers. Pathetic.

>gets triggered by the word faggot

Kys weeb faggot

$5.06 Magic Fidget Cube Puzzle Anti-anxiety Stress Relief Focus Toy - Style B, Camouflage Green (free shipping) - FastTech.com


>claims to be a communist
>posts on a right-wing anime imageboard
>calls others homophobic slurs
Sup Forums has a minimum posting age. Shoo.

are there any fitness watches that display time in seconds? the i6 pro doesn't and i don't think the band 2 does either.

>faggots fighting about communism
Any good desk lamp?

>w-why aren't you fitting my stereotypes better, don't make me think about things

I'm a communist! I think corporations should reign over the common man!
...is what you sound like. It's not a stereotype, it's the defining lines of an ideology, you child. Now get. The FUCK. OFF. MY. BOOOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is trash, worse then Mexican brick weed. Why would you risk going to jail for some garbage pot?

He didn't say he was a communist.

>defining lines of an ideology
Is it? What does define communism?

right wing anime imageboard, lol


>order anti-fa material from the pinnacle of modern slavery and materialism aka chink capitalism
>not understanding that it goes against all the "ideas" and "opinions" you pretend to stand for

Lmao you should order books and lift instead you typical weak brainless white kiddo

On another hand I gifted myself a fake Dupont lighter for my birthday last month: the quality is great for 30$, it feels heavy and I can probably entirely disassemble it easily.
It's been working flawlessly so far with regular lighter gas.

The paint is probably the only flaw: it looks cheap and definitely can't compete with the original.

why are white people such fucking chimps? look at them screeching at each other

anyone ordered one of these lighters? do they work good?


>marilize leguana

If you like smelling of petrol.

Looks like xou are the weak brainlet manlet faghands :^}

>orders new frame for my silhouette glasses (10€)
>waits fora month
>frame came assembled without additional plastic staple sockets
>orders them (4€)
>waits another month
>got wrong size
>will have to wait another month

Pls dear chinks, I have been without glasses two months. I would like to see again. If I only were able to buy the stables locally...
I'm going to sand them. Wish my luck, dear anons.

>hey let me put that book into the video so people will think im cool! and dont forget that funny meme from the background neither!

Was it your 15th birthday?

Working. Don't speak jchink. Good luck with n1.

Re: comfy Japan photo, it's from a store called Smith that does stationary and accessories with a 1960s USA style. Very mad men. Very cozy.

>that looted second watch on the guy on the right
Every time.

Nothing wrong with looting the enemy you beat

America was almost entirely responsible for beating Germany in WW2, user. The Soviet army simply zerg rushed Berlin after the USA had done all the hard work.

nice bait

>85% of nazi losses happened in eastern front


Chinese sand paper is shit. I can't sand those tiny motherfuckers. Let's try a dremmel. I have 200pc so...

>Somehow order on gaybeast comes ends up being free to ship with "Australia Priority Mail"
>Local tracking actually accepts the number
>There's no tracking at all while it's actually in China
You win some you lose some I guess. I'll be interested to see if this ends up being at all faster than the usual free options though. At least I'll know for sure this time that my package is spending the usual couple weeks sitting in Sydney going nowhere.

Nope 26th, sorry if my desk is cooler than yours lol

But great post, excellent feedback and criticism. You definitely made a point there

Jesus that's a strong one.

So, I have spent about 2k $ on ali, buying useless shit. Please kill me.

They're all shit.
There's a reason humans use gas now..

How cheap can I get a X220 keyboard off of aliexpress?

Just buy some chink tea and it'll kill you eventually

ok thanks

i guess, never had a other lighter than plastic butane so i thought maybe i would to buy one

From cold weather and heroic Polish partisans. The Red Army's only tactic was to shit its pants and run away until they got to Stalingrad where they couldn't retreat any further because Soviet-era maps didn't go any further east for security reasons and the inbred conscripts were afraid they would fall off the edge of the world if they retreated any more.

Now recommend me some autism spinners.

My desk has a 2500$ laptop on it :/// sry kid you lost

Hey anyone have a good guide for putting LineageOS on a Redmi Note 4 Global for retards?

There was 0 smerican soldiers fighting in ww2, in fact they were fighting a civil war at home against some inbred racists

Least my desk isn't stuck at 250ms latency

i'm so close to ordering this desu

Opticien here, what the fuck are you doing?

I hope your actual lenses weren't expensive. Just bring it to your neighbourhood opticien and let them assemble it for a tenner or something man, don't fuck shit up, they got spare parts.

>how to spot an autist irl


Will this aliexpress.com/item/108-key-PBT-Double-shot-Translucidus-Backlit-Keycaps-For-Cherry-Keycool-NOPPOO-Ducky-PLU-Filco-MX/32672953212.html

work with the motospeed inflictor? Also what does "add 4 key ISO mean"

Can anyone recommend a tempered glass screen protector for the note 4x off banggood?

>lewd images

Have anyone had any experience with chink wi-fi repeaters?

It's kinda sad that there isn't "No step on snek" flag in chinkland.

i have the xiaomi + , its fine, needs a chink app to run it, no real options you just type the pass of the network and it extends the range.

I bought a yee light and the app sucks so much. Is there a different app I can use?

mitu best mascot

There is

Yeelight is a Xiamoi WiFi LED light btw.

Also since when did all these redditor lefties start posting here. Honestly they are worse than Sup Forums fags
I mean at least their posts aren't as bland as

Are you using Mi Home or Yeelight's app?

But yes there are alternatives likedomoticz.com/wiki/Yeelight


It means they sell ANSI by default, but you have the option to have the ISO layout, and they do that by adding four additional buttons.


I know there is T-Shirts but never saw flags.

So will it be compatible with ousigai switches if that's how it's spelled

I have no idea, I don't do chink switches.

Best Watch?

1. unlock bootloader
2. flash TWRP in fastboot
3. install LineageOS in TWRP

Imagine my shock when the tolerant left turned out to be the true fascists

Fuck off retard

Are you jealous, you impoverished mong?

Better buy your faggy watch now before GBP crashes from your retarded reactionary brexit

You mean glorious

Even chinks know that its retarded

Ura Stalin ;^}

Anyone have experience purchasing GPUs from Alibaba / AliExpress?

Don't buy GPUs

What should I buy electronics-wise then?

Avoid western brands. They're fakes.

Can anybody speak to the quality/sizing of some of these chink clothing brands?

Go check Yiruisen

Size yourself up using their guide and then buy a size or two larger.

I ordered a few things for my brother. Tshirts, shorts, hoodies, jackets. So far, everything looks great, it does its job.

It has taken me a while but I was able to modify the plastic things with a cutter so they would fit.
Yaaaay, I can wear glasses again after a month.
Got careless and took some paint off with the pliers, so I painted over it with nail polish. Best paint ever.

I'm replacing the frame after going to my neightbourhood opticien, who broke them while trying to adjust them and broke them even more trying to soldering them. Were it to happen again, I would take them to another one near my college, who performed a similar replace to a classmate.
"Be careful", she said, "they are a bit fragile now". I got home, cleaned them because she didn't even do that and they broke. Her fragile lasted like 20min and then she asked me for 50€ for a new frame lol
I know someone who used to work in one and he will take a look at my job later.

My country's biosecurity people stopped my chink seeds in customs they just took the seeds out of one of the packages and left the chink thank you note and a notice that they destroyed my seeds.

Might want to dispute this then.

And not order seeds again.

Will you get in trouble?


Varies wildly from seller to seller and what you're buying. Redditcore fake streetwear is usually western sized. Stuff targeted for chinks is sized for them, but most of this stuff isn't any cheaper than shopping locally. There are some sellers that target Russian sizes. Just check feedback and use common sense.


When they have exact measurements in inches/cm you can trust them, if they advertise western sizes you can trust them (and if they chink you a dispute is easy in that case), if they don't say or if they advertise Asian sizes buy 2 sizes larger than your actual size.

any good replica watches? something like Nomos ( i ordered two, the white one was okay, but i broke the glass on it, so i ordered a black one but the second handle wasnt working.. ).

Any good chink backpack manufacturers? So far I've found a couple of good ones from Tigernu, checked some Xiaomi ones but I don't like their design.

It doesn't seem like it the letter basically said I should look up what is okay to import and that importing seeds that aren't allowed is an offence, my country is pretty careful about this stuff, was a dumb idea desu.
