Reminder that GNU/Minix is the operating system of the future.
Reminder that GNU/Minix is the operating system of the future
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lol thirty character filenames
Why do these things always have shitty logos
GREAT! So all you gnutard faggots should now leave Linux alone and quit trying to rename it.
You do know minix is older than linux, right?
Yeah we need to get Sup Forums on this problem because logos are their specialty
Wrong license. MINIX has absolutely nothing to do with GNU, and uses a BSD license.
This is no coincidence, and is in good part the reason it doesn't suck like the fucking HURD.
It also uses plenty of NetBSD code.
wtf does the license have to do with anything
>every stallmanite says that X GNU distro will be the future
>gnu systems are still a pile of shit
because they run lunix dude. once they get a proper kernel they'll be good.
Android runs looniz
And now Google's developing Fuschia because Linux fucking sucks
android is a pile of shit
How soon before GNU/Stallman declares it to be GNU/Fuchsia?
>oh noes, loonix can be propietary and closed source that's why it sucks
Stallmanites get triggered so easily
>How soon before GNU/Stallman declares it to be GNU/Fuchsia?
Why is Stallman so autistic when it comes to that shit? When he started pushing around the GNU/Linux meme, it kind of made sense because that's all a linux distro was back then. It was the linux kernel, the GNU toolchain, and maybe a few other utilities and programs like VIM/Emacs or something. Now it's 20+ years later and he's still acting like an operating system is just a kernel and bash shell. It's pretty fucking stupid.
Google wants to have more control on the project Android, they don't want to depend on Linus and his faggots. If project Fuchsia success, decentralized software developing will be thrown into thrash (at least for consumers)
>If project Fuchsia success
It won't
Have fun saying that in a couple years once news stories of Google strong arming manufacturers into using it through the Open Handset Alliance and ability to ship phones with Google Play start occuring
>the list of all GNU-based OS that succeeded on mobile
>couple of years
>while supporting legacy software
Comparing Fuschia to GNU just shows you don't know what you're talking about
You're aware they've already been working on the kernel for years right
>What is an Android runtime, which Google's already making for Chrome
I have a chromebook and it just is not polished. Google aren't going to put enough man hours into this to make it good enough to even catch up to Linux. They're the kings of putting in 20% effort to get 80% of the work done. Good job, but you still have the other 20%.
Have you considered they're unpolished because they're based on Linux
No, but then I've also not considered that my UX qualms are because of the phase of the moon, because there's absolutely no reason for them to be connected.
Google aren't the first company trying to make their own mobile kernel. Samsung did it with Tyzen, and it was a fucking car crash. Google aren't going to avoid the same issues just because they have a more attractive name. Those NT and Linux kernels that are two of the biggest software undertakings ever? They're pretty hard!
They know this. Which is why they won't dedicate a significant amount of people into it, which is why it will just be another example of competition within the company, as per their MO. They'd rather have 2 horses in the kernel race than 1. And, maybe, they'll get something useful out of it.
If anyone is implying that GNU code is good and/or not bloated then they should kill themselves.
They can get cross platform apps, that's amazing if you ask me.
Now, Google is focusing on the Fuchsia project.
You can get cross platform apps by installing the JVM or Micropython on a microcontroller. There's so, so much more to it than that.
GNU is thrash, I think that's the reason why Google is switching to Fuchsia... Bcz all the GNU thrash that Linux implies.
Is this nigga serious?
I don't understand your reply. Obviously doing either is ridiculous and not indicative of a strong user platform: that's my point
google doesn't even use anything gnu on android. they're switching because linux is bloated trash that was obsolete when it was released.
Samsung was also never exactly known for software development
t. pajeet's whose only knowledge of tech companies comes from the gadget industry
Name one good piece of software from Samsung
Tizen is Linux, at that
That depends what you mean by good, name one from Google
Good code, successful, any of those words that you can't relate with Samsung's software
Android sure isn't a dumpster fire, although it is a dumpster
Chrome is a pretty dang good browser
Google search engine itself?
Why do you feel the need to spread GNU/Cancer everywhere?
As a nice exercise, compare cat from UNIX 7th Edition to GNU cat:
7th ed.:
Not only is GNU cat bloated out of proportion by useless options that have no place in a simple utility that concatenates files, its source is also much harder to read, partly due to the shitty GNU coding style, and requires frequent comments to explain their "clever hacks".
minix seems like it would be a good os for the suckless memers
Windows is the answer
userland and PoC codes so far has got nothing to do with GNU utilities. You can use both clang or gcc to compile kernel and (primitive) userland so if freetards throw tantrum again pajeets will switch to clang and lldb.
It provides POSIX layer tho
Do you have a superior solution? The world out there is waiting, I mean it is used everywhere and you can bet if you can show off something better they won't hesitate to jump ship.
Reminder that Firefox and Chrome are the competing OSes of the future
Node.js will rule us all.