Net Neutrality II: gofccyourself

Apparently FCC is fucking again with the Net Neutrality and Title II status of the ISPs. The John Britbong Oliver begs people to go there and voice your opinion... and even mentions Sup Forums, etc. The accompanying video:

I think the topic is worth of discussion.

>Murrika is retarded

Nothing new, keks from the world and so on.


>waaaaa I hate free market!1! let the goverment take care of everything, they exist to protect meeee!!!

How much of a beta faggot cuck you have to be to suck big corporations dick?

>Oh yeah, stomp me!

Reminder that every single major ISP has been violating net neutrality and getting away with it for at least a decade.

Welp guess I'm never switching to tmobile now.

How are monopolies, "the free market"?

A natural monopoly is not the free market

>allowed to shitpost bevause of welfare
>not dying of black lung at 13 because of child labor laws
>allowed to shitpost of Sup Forums because hiro doesn't have to pay comcast big bux thanks to Net Neutrality
>thinks government regulation is harmful

If anyone not from America wonder whether or not we are retarded, the answer is "yes".

Well they're actually being sued for it last year till Pai dropped the case

Child labor laws weren't exclusively for coal miners retard and if you're a coal miner in todays age in America then you may as well take a bullet to the head since you haven't progressed at all over 200 years.

I hate nu-Sup Forums

These rules had only been in place for like 2 years. A previous court ruling had the previous rules thrown out because the court believed that without Title II the FCC didn't have the authority to enforce net neutrality.

>waaaaaa I love Facebook! I'm a technology illiterate Sup Forumsack, please rape my face!!!!1!

Perhaps we shouldn't have spammed the "install Gentoo" meme. It let people who can only think in memes believe they belonged here.

I agree with the decision. title 2 was a mistake

>I want to be raped by my own ISP
I hate shills

>Net Neutrality
This is an issue in burgerland

Like it or not, a majority of internet traffic is from Burgerland

I said this when the rules were first introduced.
Title II is massively overkill for Net Neutrality, and it would only cause backlash by the ISPs.

We would have had much better results with very simple regulation that would be harder for them to fight.

A pure Net Neutrality bill that just basically says: no blocking, no throttling.


get fucked op

'da fuck, fpbp*

t. someone who probably couldn't live without a day of internet

the internet is just as vital as, if not more than, radio and telephone. i will not accept anything less than restructuring ISPs as a public utility and hold them accountable as such.

Getting Congress to agree on stuff us some right? The GOP can barely agree with itself on healthcare

As are a majority of websites.

>Free market
Government regulations have been creating artificial barriers to entry to the ISP market. And no, I'm not talking about things like Net Neutrality, but the fact that you can't even dig to put in the wires for a new network.

It would not be easy to create an environment in the US where MANY ISPs are allowed to compete in any given area. As such, we might as well provide some basic protections for consumers.

>if you're a coal miner in todays age in America then you may as well take a bullet to the head since you haven't progressed at all over 200 years

>if you're still wiping your asshole with toilet paper you should kill yourself

but actually if you're a coal miner in today's age, you fucked up during numerous forks in the road.

learn a trade, a real trade, that will allow you to live long enough to see your kids grow up.

T-Mobile also does nxdomain-redirects

why don't they, you know, lay more cables?

That's a problem with NIMBYs, local governments (who have been bought-off by large ISPs) and pole-access rules. See: Louisville

One-touch-make-ready needs to be a thing already.

This is another clear example of how unintelligent the alt-right is.

We get that you want to kill off all the undesirables, but who will do all the dirty work after you've killed them all off?

You're blinded by greed and lack foresight of cause and effect beyond the first effect. Even dogs can comprehend more complex cause and effect scenarios.

Who am I kidding- you're probably just another NEET who just likes to post pepe images and tell people to kill themselves while pretending you're part of the working class. One day your actions will bite you in the ass and the sweet irony will be lost on the mashed potato mush that's rotting in your skull.

I'm sure a lot of them wish they could go back and choose another path but there's no helping it anymore, it's done. Their only prospect for money is coal mining and once that is gone their lives will be completely upended. Forget trying to pay for college or trade school these people will probably be homeless after a short while. Plus Trumpcare is set to take away their medical insurance so they'll also have untreated medical conditions from years or coal mining. What do you expect these people to do?

>b-b-but who will we use for slave labor?

Typical leftist scum.

>no counter-argument

Spoken like a true low-IQ alt-right potato.

what the fuck are you even arguing about? what kind of projection is this? you've entirely missed my point.

why are you defending coal mining? it's a bullshit activity that needs to die off with the 20th century. it pollutes to high holy fuck and the "clean coal" meme turns out to be a total shitshow. people who cling to coalmining today are the unintelligent cousin fuckers who can't be bothered to actually learn a trade and instead rely on manual labor. manual labor as a whole is dying through automation and it's for the best. the meme of unskilled labor is a 20th century notion and needs to be phased out.

i can meme around and play (((devils avocado))) by arguing that you should "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" even if you're 50 years old and out of a job. not my issue you didn't save for retirement! if your coal job is gone, time to get your ass into trade school or college, you dope! don't want no welfare drain.

(((PAI AJIT)))

Fuck off

>FCC is fucking again with the Net Neutrality

It's about all menial labor, you know, the stuff that's being replaced by automation, killing jobs and creating unemployment. Not even just menial labor, but even the blue collar trade jobs that you're desperately defending - Again, cause and effect, but what can I really expect from mashed potatoes that probably struggled to turn on the computer this morning.

Machines will do the dirty work, retard. We're already moving in the direction. What are we supposed to do with all the "undesirables" who now don't even have their slave labor jobs to keep them satisfied? Just sit back and enjoy their chimp-outs and rapes?

No one outside of America wonders whether you are retarded. Everyone knows your country is devoid of intelligence.

I suppose we'll throw them into the pit with you other useless NEETs.

are you so fucking dense that you don't even realizing you're creating a problem to argue about with your own kind?

nigga i ain't no cousin fucker. i want manual labor gone so that we can focus more on STEM, arts, and intellectual pursuits. the idea of universe income is necessary to assist those jobs we phase out.

fuck man why are you defending this shit? why are you actively defending someone literally killing themselves to provide for their family? the idea that someone should develop black lung and die before the age of 50 just to feed their family is fucking bullshit.

Except it is you retard. A natural monopoly is one that occurs naturally because it's the most efficient solution for the market. If others can't compete naturally then it means the natural cost of entry is simply too high so the company has every right to be a monopoly because they were the only ones willing to take a risk on such a high-cost, high-risk venture. Fuck off commiefag.

You'll be the first to feel their gentle dickings, Mr. urbanite

Holy shit, the anti net neutrality shills are rampant and /leftypol/ is using this to demonize Sup Forums.

>Apparently FCC is fucking again with the Net Neutrality and Title II status of the ISPs.
Good. Now someone tell those municipal governments to fuck off because they're even more rotten than the retards in the federal government. My town is literally blocking entry to Optimum Cable and blocking Verizon from laying down fiber. It's fucking comcast central because these government scumbags always want to interfere.


VK isn't. Yandex isn't. Mail.Ru isn't either.


What prevents them from rent seeking?

>are you so fucking dense

The irony is once again lost on the potato, which is weird since potatoes contain iron.

I must be going crazy talking to a potato.

I want ancaps to fuck off with your meme ideology.

>government says you can't dig here
>let's just let the corporations control the digging!

Yes, I'm sure your Comcast overlords would be much kinder than your government overlords, you corporatist shill. Free market is a fucking fairy tale fed to dummies like you.

>Said the communist/socialist who thinks Venezuela isn't a socialist country now even though it was when it wasn't a complete third world shithole nor did he think the USSR was communistic/socialistic because "The workers didn't own the means of production" even though it's economy was centrally planned in accordance to the doctrine of Communism

Getting in bed with government automatically makes them a coercive monopoly. And patents are bad comedy and should never have been implemented and the fault doesn't fall on the company for taking advantage of a system that was implemented by government. The only barrier to a market should be keeping things a secret. Maybe it's a good idea in theory but in practice the system allows for too much abuse (inefficiency), especially in tech.

Venezuela is socialist by Venezuela was also fucking retarded.

You don't just put your eggs all in one basket and spend every dime you receive. That's a great way to make sure you don't last past two decades.

Private individuals and companies should own all the land, utilities, and any paths they set up via rent or permission. Comcast doesn't want a competitor in a certain town? They can eat shit because people will gladly take rent for a competitor to land lines in their property and Comcast would have to bleed money and manpower trying to sign every land owner to exclusivity.

That's it.

You've sealed the deal.

I think I hate AnCaps over every other possible group of people in existence.

>Dude, it's regulation so that means it's literal communism. I have no idea what communism actually is, but it's a big word and scares me so I'll just call it that.

they're also insignificant

>Setting up a strawman and hitting it
Dude, where's you're argument

I'm not an ancap you retard. I just believe the government should be much leaner and out of land use and utilities.

Where's your argument? All you've informed me is that you have no idea what communism even is and just assumed user was a commie because he rightfully hated ancaps like most people do.

Really, I thought those were ample examples of how Communism hasn't, doesn't and won't work because it literally fails to account for human nature in political positions and in terms of the economy. I'm not even an ancap, but seriously a commie saying ancap is a meme ideology is rich because communism is a hilarious failure an has been proven so repeatedly in the past century, whereas ancap is at best a pipe dream. and I called him a commie because I know for a fact that Sup Forums and /leftypol/ converge on this board as well as Sup Forums

You are insignificant

>asking Sup Forums for help

>When everyone here supported Trump

I can't tell if this guy is trying to use reverse psychology or what.

*and has been proven so

>everyone here supported Trump
That's where you're wrong. Sup Forums is full of liberals. Probably the reason Sup Forums wont leave us alone, they want to indoctrinate the next generation of Sup Forums's posters so they're more racist alt-right types.

Yup, AnCaps are the worst. They're like the peons of corporatist lobbying. They've sold their souls for promises of peanuts to become enablers and advertisers of corporate interests.


Into the trash it goes

Communism is a failed ideology that shouldn't be around anymore, but that doesn't change the fact anarcho capitalism is a meme and always will be just a meme.

>That's where you're wrong. Sup Forums is full of liberals.

The first time net neutrality came up, Sup Forums was almost unanimously for it. But now that Trump's administration wants to get it away, we suddenly have lots of threads/posters against net neutrality.

Do Trump supporters blindly support every decision his administration makes? As a European I cannot understand this. Even though I often have voted for Greens, I still don't agree with their nuclear energy policies.

>we suddenly have lots of threads/posters against net neutrality.
Those are paid shills pretending to be Sup Forums

Looks like you got lost on your way to reddit

Some of them, yeah. Eventually, unintelligent people fall for the rhetoric and start shilling themselves. This is how the alt-right movement started.

Not liberals at all. Just a bit more left than Sup Forums. Just look at the extreme hate towards pajeets taking their tech jobs and women in the tech field

Science and Technology are inherently progressive subjects, there's no room for denying factual evidence in science and technology will always moves on even despite what it may cause to the status quo.

-every piece of data about you ever created is permanently stored forever
-throttling nationwide
-data caps nationwide
-price increases nationwide
-competitors blocked by governments
-botnets and backdoors added to every single electronic device
-microphones and cameras secretly added to devices that shouldnt have them
-intelligence agency takeover of every tech company because "national security"
-intelligence agency requiring everything online to use your true identity via facebook/google
-every forum and comment section on the net flooded by bots and paid shills by the same organizations electing Democrats and receiving funding from all the usual suspects rendering them unusable

how exactly did net neutrality help us in the last 8 years again?

None of those are because of net neutrality.

>neets think they need a 1 gigabit connection to torrent their anime

that wasnt the question. how did net neutrality help us?

It hasn't been in effect long enough to answer that question.

>Liberal government, doesn't force broadband providers to share their networks
>Even under a conservative government (this was 3 months before Trudeau), forces ISPs to share their networks

Where did everything go wrong?


Why the fuck do people care about this now? Even right now I'm getting throttled on my unlimited Verizon data plan because I went over the 22GB soft limit.

It's the same as people complaining about their cellphone provider having access to your information, Google and Facebook already have your shit .

Actually, in France we had an issue with one of our ISP (free) fucking up the internet speed around 7pm to 10pm, just to save money.
Then they started to argue about who was to blame : google or them, cause it affected google services.
Ofc when consumers started to complain and an agency was investigating, they put everything back to normal during the time of the investigation.

Anyway, that it is in Europe or USA, companies will always try to fuck up their consumes, so we should always be careful of this kind of shit

>it's already bad so just stop caring if it gets worse!
>It's the same as people complaining about their cellphone provider having access to your information, Google and Facebook already have your shit .
The latter are way easier to avoid.

>companies will always try to fuck up their consumes
only when governments give them monopolies

>It's the same as people complaining about their cellphone provider having access to your information, Google and Facebook already have your shit .
t: tech illiterate person

Everyone on Sup Forums is Sup Forums meming because it pisses off the extreme left, and the rest just watch right leaning shit without looking into their stuff. Most of Trump's political shit has only helped corporations and fucked over the lower/middle class. But their either stupid or don't actually give a shit.

>Most of Trump has fucked over the middle class and lower class.

The whole point of the campaign was to get rid of debt.

You are lying to yourself if you think that was all he promised.

Oh fuck, we're gonna get more newfags from reddit. Not only the usual political activist niggers like the_donald, but also tumblrfags who want to end ajit. Jesus Christ, save us.

Tumblr being against a brown person? What alternative universe did I stumble into?

I would argue he never even suggested he wanted that.

What made Trump's campaign resonate with so many different groups is that everyone saw what they wanted to see but Trump rarely actually stood by any of the things his followers suggested.

Trump's ideas include:
the wall (and make mexico pay for it)
repeal (and replace) the ACA
vetting of immigrants