Nyaa recovery temporarary general

Satania on the recovery edition.

This thread is for the discussion of the possible replacements for Nyaa.se

>Uploading works but hasn't been enabled
>Accounts work but need improvement.
>Profile pages soon.
>Moderation pages soon.
>DB optimization soon

>nyaa.pantsu.cat (db is up to date with nyaa)
>sukebei.pantsu.cat (db is up to date)
>nyaarchive.moe (hosted on a russian website,the db is most updated one and it has descriptions)

Local Client
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner.zip
>In order to use it you have the download these files and select them when you first run the program
>sqlite3: mega.nz/#!kloQmQSS!kRXUjT2i4Lqwmdf3IhAhzkkN2MoS-WL9fMpkjOMegcQ
>.txt: mega.nz/#!RpZkCDKC!-rjgVDLrClPrLdugtvyfFLrS91TXhz87ZYZR063yBF4
>Source Code: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner-src.zip


Development and discussion channel
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Old thread → #

Other urls found in this thread:


I can has account now?
I can has upload now?
I can has pantsu that actually fucking loads?

What's happening to pantsu? Is it down?

Better start coding if you want it faster.

I think the next thread should have a list of the traffic pantsu gets and the fact that it's running on a rasp pi, clearly anons are too retarded to remember that.

>build nyaa replacement
>host on $5 SBC

What did they mean by this?

Yes, they're down right now.

Are the people running these making sure they are as undoxable as possible?

Do you have servers lying around your house user? Not even the cartel has a replacement running yet.

On the topic of pantsu, why do people always call it a "pair" of underpants? Where's the other one?

vigne > satania

I read that as
vagina > satania

On your head, of course.

>posts an essay nobody understands what its about
>all the edgy kids chat about random things nobody knows about
>elite of the Sup Forums, except nobody knows who the fuck you are
put that autism to the max for me

Because english is a peasant language, no romance language does it.
It might have to with matching bra and pantsu.

Can't we all get along? All gabus are wonderful.

It's just chinese cartoons m8, no need to get buttflustered.

The only person with autism here is you.
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>ITT everyone implying they know what this thread is about

Are you retarded?

>Do you have servers lying around your house user?

Yes, dumpster ptiplex with a 7 bucks xeon, the power of 150 rpis for half the price

Why do all low quality posters always use ugly, low quality 3DPD reaction pics? Even shitposting becomes stupider with 3DPD, the best shitposts always use high quality smug 2D qt grills.

Says the guy posting shitty low quality 2DPD reaction images.
Step up your game senpai

>Satania on the recovery edition
>asks his friends from Facebook to come over and chat about something nobody knows about
>everyone else feels like they missed out
>everyone posting in this thread autimatically becomes a cool kid because they know what this thread is about
>rock a doublechin
>rock a neckbeard
>Sup Forums ELITE

You don't want a smug war user, i'l rek u.

I have some questions

Is Sukebei fully recovered?

Some people at Sup Forums are saying that Sukebei is gone

Is this true?

akane really is the most patrician choice of yuru girls

I would, but my image folder is extremely disorganized and I have to go to bed soon.

There is a faq user, you are right though, that might have been unconsiderate to down syndrome sufferers like you, or maybe you'd rather be called different thinker?
Anyway Sup Forums is that way, i think we can ignore you now.
There is a year old db, animetosho supposedly has an up to date db but with no JAV magnets.

What's the hardware that pantsu dev has been running the website on?

I just wanted to say, thanks for the effort~

>but with no JAV magnets
Nothing of value lost.
We should definitely use their DB, it'd improve the overall quality of sukebei.

A fucking Raspberry Pi

>Why doesn't someone build an index with DHT?
why not just use dht-bay + bitcannon?

I still can't fully believe a pi would be able to take that workload wthout imploding.

>Raspberry Pi
It's a wonder how that thing still manages to handle getting gangbanged by 6 million Japs.

>oh wow, they know what this thread is about, must be an inside thing.
>must be cool to hang out with these cool people
>wish I was cool like that

I legitimately wanted to thank the devs you cunt.

How about reading the FAQ? dumb cunt.

The site doesn't want to open, wtf.

Ignore the 15 year old normalfag.
>Not knowing satania
Kek, he shouldn't even be posting.

Don't force yourself into the pantsu, user. That's rape.

It's currently getting gangbanged by Japs

Pantsu needs to fix that or the site will be a shit if that keep happening.

He supposedly has even had a serious offer, upload and accounts functionality are on hold until that gets dealt with.

You can't fix hardware limits, m8. That thing is running on a pi

What he need to do then? Change servers?

Hm, yeah because the japs are literally doesn't allowing us to use the site.

Japs pirate anime?

That is the plan, only a meme cartel shitposter would asume he plans to run this on a pi

Go to nyoo.moe/

As far as I know, sukebei is mostly the reason why they go to nyaa back when it was still alive.

Who's behind nyoo?

I don't know.

I'm no pro/g/rammer, but could a decentralized database work? something like this;

1. First program launch by creator along with launch creates the first database.

2. The program is handed out to other users, all of which download the existing database with IDs to files from the original DB host.

3. After some time, the original root database will select a handful of users who meet requirements to become more root database holders which send exact copies of their database to the seeders, who in turn send to other seeders.

4. If a new torrent is added by a non-root user, it is pinged to all active root database holders, who then update the database of every active seeder who then pass it on to other seeders.

5. Moderators can be elected who will have the ability to remove torrents from all root databases, which will update the databases to any seeders who re-connect on launch to the database, naturally moderators will also be root holders.

tl;dr the program will hold the database, when the program is launched it downloads an updated copy of the database from multiple users and compares it for changes and inconsistencies and passes it onto other users like a cascade.

Again, I'm no programmer so I'm not even sure if this is possible let alone viable.

Nyaa was more than anime.
An user working off the pantsy code.

When uploading will be enabled, what trackers will I need to include in my torrents?

I have some unused vps with bretty decent current gen xeon power

How can I just host the sukebei thing there

pantsu.cat doesn't load. Fix that shit.








There're more trackers, look what is used in the magnet URIs.

Renchon is fine as the mascot. But seriously, why is she not playing with magnets? This is a serious oversight, get some drawfag to do it.

I've been trying to make a script for the past hour to rename some 900+ torrents to their hash value but looks like I'm too noob for this.
Do you know some tool I can use to automate the process? the only thing I found is outdated and doesn't work.


Thanks. No idea how I missed that, I was sure I checked the FAQ page thoroughly.

>hosting a nyaa "replacement" on a fucking pi on your home

Holy fucking kek, this guy got the mossad already


Surprise he had it running in pi all the time

Will he take it seriously and upload it in a capable server though? It needs to be well hidden too. I'm sure anons will fund it.

pantsu cat doesn't work

how do I remove the bitcoin miner now?

Nah, he will do the waffles and keep the pi and the bitcoins

so it would be a database with copies of itself to different hosts? the first root would still have the complete database, wouldn't it?

So no pipe dream of Sup Forums handling its own torrent indexing site?

reinstall windows
always use a burner computer

I will do the logo

The idea of the root database is to keep a "verified" location of the database that can't be messed with, and removes the requirement for a dedicated server to maintain the location of the database, if one root database goes down, you can still update from fellow seeds or other root database.

I could do it but I will need to get more than the 3k/month I get doing 30m of actual work to keep all my company shit weking every day

> Do you have servers lying around your house user?
I do, but I have a grey nat IP.
I can still host the archive as one of the backend nodes, because I have a VPS offsite. nginx.org/en/docs/http/load_balancing.html
Dev said he have no idea how to do that with his Nginx to include my VPS to the config. To each his own, coders gonna code.

No, I will.

What's with all the recent animosity towards private trackers? Never observed this before.

We need uploaders, AB have only bots leeching nyaa stuff


Over smugness caused a nyya-death anxiety fueled backlash.

Sour grapes.

Sour grapes. Though I guess the people gloating about it isn't helping it any.

I want to donate to pantsu.cat, But How?

People on AB are almost certainly people who use nyaa

Not accepting donations. Not yet, at least.

>I want to throw my money at the first retard that steal a database and host it in a rpi

Nigga pls

Then who deserves my holy money?

Right now I'm not really sure about my knowledge on network protocols, but what you really want might not be possible.
I've tried something similar before when I was in a network class, and you won't be to turn this system that is already partially p2p into full p2p.
But, again, i'm not really sure! maybe someone might come here that knows more about this stuff.
I would suggest you to go ahead on it, maybe you can do it, i dunno. Try reading Kurose's book about computer networking, it's not reeaaally about programming but you might get interested on it after reading :^)

> could a decentralized database work
MySQL and Postgres have replication features, but it's not decetralized by any means. I have yet to see more effecive method than Postgres WAL streaming, though: it streams RAM diffs to another DB which then applies those diffs to itself. Even cascade replication is possible, the big problem is master DB does not remove diff until it gets confirmation from a slave host, so pg_xlog can become bloated due to a lost connectivity.

I'm just thinking of a means to create something you can't really kill with take down notices, once the program is out there, there's no stopping it.

you can donate to me, even tho I have nothing to do with pantsu.

You accept shekel?

I'm not well versed with the whole DHT and Magnets thing, how are these torrents being found? isn't the nyaa's tracker supposed to be down?

buttcoin and monero.

Why the fuck the weeaboo dev put his waifu on every page and then make it impossible to filter the element?

You're thinking way too complex. A decentralised database is easy just put a sqlite file in a torrent or use IPFS with IPNS. The problem is how to update the database. Will everyone have their own database and aggregators make all of them searchable? Will there be one central database? If so how do you identify the uploaders and prevent spam?

forget magnets, you'll be infected with bitcoin miner.

Tell me, how can you see it if it's down right now.

All the sites are down!