/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:

stallman.org/cgi-bin/showpage.cgi?path=/ex-boyfriends-list.html&term="power tie"&type=norm&case=0

first for musl

So, should I use nextcloud or owncloud on my server? What is the difference between these 2? Is there any other options to use as cloud storage/media playback?


>The perk of using Antergos is, of course, the instant access to AUR, though yaourt at this point is kind of a meme to say the least. You'll find out why soon, if you dig into ArchWiki enough.

Explain this

The fuck is that? Yaourt is shit compared to pacaur though

it's in the wiki and I wanna know what it means.
What's wrong with yaourt and the AUR?

They probably mean this

RMS is a dawg.

How stable is openSuse tumbleweed?
How stable is debian stretch?
What is the most stable rolling release distro?
When will stable releases of distros get 4.8 kernel?

gentoo probably, it's as stable as you make it.
pretty soon

> come across a bug in the documentation for an OSS project
>it's marked on their bug tracker
> look through the source to find the answer, decide to send it as a fix
>turns out it's a different answer for different hardware
>maintainer starts asking me my opinion on how to deal with it


I just wanted to be nice...

I have this nice cowsay clock. Can someone improve it so it's in the center of the terminal?

watch -tn1 'toilet -f slant `date +%T`|cowsay -n'

I'm trying to run Star Craft 2 through wine but getting shit performance.
On windows I get like 120 fps on Extreme settings, but through wine I get max 40 on high.

I'm thinking it isn't using my GPU properly. It lists my 960 in the graphics settings but it only heats up a little bit while playing which is probably just heat being dumped on it from the CPU.

The way I set it up was making a 32 bit WINEPREFIX installing battlenet using the official installer. Then just copying over a working copy of Star Craft.

Any ideas?


When I start my raspberry pi, I have it set up to go to the command line and automatically log me in. I start my program and services and just leave it go.

Every once in a while I use the startx command to load up and go into the desktop environment

After I am done playing in the desktop, is there a way I can kill it and go back to the command line without resetting?
Ive just been resetting the whole thing. I cant seem to find out how to do it.

to return to CLI I believe you'd use this:
/etc/init.d/lxdm stop

Are you running wine-staging and have csmt enabled via winecfg?

Also, run WINEDEBUG=-all wine ... to hide debug messages which clog the terminal and slow your fps

redpill me on systemd

what is the best distro for programming?

ubuntu or one of its varients


why am i a retard


you call me a retard and wont tell me why??


Alright so I gained 10 fps from that, is there anything else I can do?
I really don't want to have to dual boot for this.

Give your advice user. The maintainer ask for it.

Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian. Anything stable really. If you have to tweak the damn OS then it means you're going to spend less time programming.

Any tips/quide how I make letsencrypt automatically renew on my ubuntu server?

10fps from what? And if you did both then no not really, unless you get an AMD card and run wine with gallium nine patches. Then you'll get faster than windows fps most likely.

>he fell for the fedora meme

But what if I tweaked it to maximum productivity and comfort while programming?

I use manjaro.
I mainly program in Java(incl. Android), Node.js and Python.
Really comfy desu

Also, try setting each setting to the lowest and check your framerate. Then raise a setting to its max until your fps takes a dump. Then keep that setting (or settings) on low and raise the others

Who is that girl with Stallman?

I guess thats Alix.

You can tweak stable distributions too.

Use staging and enable csmt in winecfg
Use this prefix

But with alot more work and packages to install.
Not to mention the packages are probably outdated unless you run a shitton of commands and add newer repositories.

In manjaro I've set my complete dev environment including customization and tweaking in less than 1 day

Her name is Acid.

But I don't know shit about the codebase

you have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using the superior shell called zsh

or fish (not as default shell though, only as -e fish)

i'm not gay

because bash does the job

Doe anyone else have problems posting latly?

i'm not a macfag

I'm using OpenBSD ksh instead.

I do, slightly faster than bash even though not the fastest.

I prefer GNU software.

Is that a cable around his neck?

because I can configure my PS1 myself

the real reason why zsh > bash is that it can actually adhere to xdg


looks like ungrounded NEMA to C7 cable.
Good eye, didn't notice.

>even stallman creampied more women more than you

Stallman dosent have sex,hes a cuck and lets his wife fuck other men

Stallman has been cucking men and women since the 80's. Get your facts straight, nu-Sup Forums

What can I do with my GNU/Linux system overnight?

I feel like it's a waste of processing power if I just shut it down or leave it running doing nothing.

mine bitcoins

host a web server or something in a jail or use gentoo & leave things compiling overnight?


Generate entropy.

What distro is /fglt/ using?




So i have like 500 animes that i need to hard sub.How do i painlessly accomplish this?

Source Mage GNU/Linux

Stop hard subbing.


I have to,my peripheral's media player doesn't support embedded subs,and plex flat out dosent work

install xbacklight

felix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: brightnessdown
felix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: brightnessup

It's his "power tie"

stallman.org/cgi-bin/showpage.cgi?path=/ex-boyfriends-list.html&term="power tie"&type=norm&case=0

apartheid linux

I love this man.


good grief

I have, it doesn't work.

I'm trying to bind my backlight script to i3. Here's what I've got in my .i3/config
>bindsym $mod+m --no-startup-id sudo brightnessup
However, pressing mod + m does nothing. I believe it is interpreting it as a binding though - when I use mod and an unbound letter in terminal, it writes the letter. However, mod + m does not write m.
>sudo brightnessup
In the terminal changes the backlight without prompting me for the password.
P.S. how do I write stuff as code on Sup Forums

[ code]your code[ /code]

Just switched from yaourt to pacaur. I used to do yaourt -Syua to update all system packages and AUR packages. Do I now just do pacaur -Syu or is this not doing quite the same thing? I see that pacaur -u updates aur packages, that many of the pacman flags carry over, but then I don't know if pacaur -Syu is then only updating AUR stuff or not.

use light, it works flawlessy

:start code:
:stop code:

pacaur -u directly updates the aur only
pacuar -Syu updates system pacakges + aur

Guys help what do I do. I was fucking with grub and I must have fucked something up real bad because now when I boot my computer grub doesn't show at all and instead it jumps right into loading the kernel, except after it loads the initial ramdisk, it tries to load the kernel again, and then hangs.

I managed to get to the grub menu somehow by going into the firmware settings and then exiting them. When I do that, the kernel loads, the initrd loads, the kernel loads again, the initrd loads again, the kernel loads again, and then I get the grub menu. However, every option I choose hangs my system. I've tried the command line, but no commands work because all the modules fail to load.

Nice. Thank you.

I don't think i3 is capable of running stuff through sudo.

Is "brightnessup" a script you wrote yourself?
Is there a problem with your backlight that you have to resort to janky hacks?

What's better: irssi or weechat?

What even the fuck

>messed up install of Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 LTS
>install Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 over it (fresh install)
>everything all jacked up
>no desktop background, default icons, large icons in filebrowser
>terminal alerts me of some .sh thats now found

idk what happened but I am definitely not going to use 17.10 anymore. I either need to go back to LTS or I need to switch to Solus.

What I need is GCC, VLC, Firefox, Office Programs of any kind, Steam, Openshot, Gimp, Pinta, Kdenlive, Audacity, DaVinci Resolve (which is a .sh file), etc.

Should I just go back to the LTS version, or should I try Solus out?

also try to replace sudo with gksu

Microsoft shills are now with google

Remind them of our hate for their dubious marketing practices whenever they shill their new troyan horse

That's the downside to not using rolling release. Try something like Arch or maybe Debian Unstable. Smooth updates over time instead of big ones that come with breakage.

Install grub again using the installer

>What's better: irssi or weechat?
irssi. weechat is more modern and is getting some popularity, but irssi is still the better of the two for sure.


So I should go ahead and try Solus?

The reason why I haven't is because i'm not sure how to install steam on it.


update: couldnt get live usb of solus working, just going back to 16.04lts instead