Apple now worth $800 Billion

Apple keeps on growing and growing... Sup Forums BTFO yet again. How come Sup Forums doesn't understand Apple and Apple's technology?

By your logic Walmart is better.

yes and...?

>mfw Loonix plebs too stupid to understand Apple's IT magic.

>Normies keep buying more and more overpriced Apple toys.
Wow color me surprised.

>proof that apple is over priced
>proof that apple is cheaply made

I was right

Apple has $250+ billion in the bank. Who will they buy with all that money? Netflix? Disney? Intel? Microsoft?

Poorfags in denial.

>Doesn't want to buy Apple
>Must be poor

>mfw Loonix plebs too intelligent to fall for Apple's IT magic.

I'm literal SJW but when it comes to raising taxes on the rich, I don't understand the point of doing so when the rich hide their money in foreign banks. I wish that loophole could be closed. I know people disagree on what a fair taxation rate is, but I hope we can agree that avoiding taxes entirely is no good

>tfw don't have $250+ billion in the bank

>Buying a superior product while saving money in the process.
>Said money can then be used to buy more good tech that is reasonably priced
>Somehow considered poor
Keep it Salty Apple fag

thats only because normies will buy everything that is advertised to them enough.

>only SJWs want to raise taxes

BS. Apple has one of the lowest advertising budgets of all tech companies.

is this solely because of iPhone?

Or is it because they generally have massive profit on each device they sell

>is this solely because of iPhone?
massive revenue

Apple's technology is nothing when compared to it's ability to completely brainwash it's employees and userbase into believing the overpriced shit they shill daily is worth the price.

They are still just as susceptible as windows or linux based to intrusion, they can still be socially engineered. Apple has been a long, long meme that dived balls deep into the emerging technology of the time and rode the success wave to the shore.

What have they invested in for the next decade? What's the big product that they have for us? Anything revolutionary? I highly doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple tank, hard.

They haven't made much money since 4 years ago because they have so much debt

The reason is simple, Apple just makes nice stuff. It is not better or more superior. It is just NICE. Compare any MacBook Pro to an alternative and proof me wrong. They either try to imitate or just plain suck. Microsoft Surface maybe comes close but still. It is just not nice. The entire experience. The box, the cables, the color everything checks and fits, most laptops look like plastic dumbdumb toys...... Just make nicer stuff and you will sell. Look at Tesla.

>no cash
>loads of debt
>more and more debt coming
>tax penalty for bringing cash back after their kikery dodging
>more and more debt piling up since they have no cash to fund operations

bubble burst when?
