*Blocks your CPU*

*Blocks your CPU*

*sages your shitpost*


>Sup Forums suddenly hates shitposting
What the fuck happened? Were all those benchmark threads just a ruse?

it's because your shitposting sucks, learn how to quality shitpost

loving every laugh


No fucking wonder

*takes the memepill*

That font rendering is disgusting esse

I think it's cute
Except for the antialiased text, but I've been struggling with replacing those fields with the correct fonts
As well as the fonts at the topbar.

Works on *my* machine, faggot.


OP here, the bottleneck is with 50 youtube tabs open

>32 bit

is this 1998?

>4gb ramlet

i dont use proprietary software.

> *blocks your CPU*
> what are you doing to support FOSS today, user?

try the new developer edition. it has multi-process tabs now. its a lot more snappier and doesn't choke the cpu as much.

the terminal font is good but the browser font disgusting

I understand that it may look "gross". Or strange. That is appealing to me... feels like the characters are "tall".


FF 64bit does literally offer 0 benefits

Node.js doesn't have this problem. :^)

Disable SPF for YT because it is a bitch

Ryzen 7 master race