Let's bring it down again!
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redpill me on this FCC stuff, if i'm alt-right, who's side should i be on? for or again this fcc website?
>bluring the name and id
Whatever you feel like, you stupid fucking sheep. Why would you let a label define who you are?
i just dont wanna side with libtards m8
moving fcc regulations to title I (which is what they want to do) means that internet providers will be able to slow down your connection to whatever sites they want with impunity.
so if your ISP is a SJW cuckfest, they might throttle your access to youtubers like paul joseph watson, lauren southern or peter molyneux, and also block news stories about migrant crime
if your ISP is a bunch of alt-right fucktards with no sense of human decency, they might throttle your access to john oliver, mainstream media critical of nationalist leaders or stephen colbert
either way, it's huge corporations being able to perform population control. for once, there is actually a reason for "the left" and "the right" to agree on something. please don't squander it on something this important
Decide for yourself right now:
do you want
1. To let companies and people who pay more to have unhindered network traffic because they pay for "special lines"?
2. Have it so that there are no "special lines" and everyone gets treated equally when it comes to network traffic? (also not treating one source of data such as spotify as more important than another etc)
i dont want anyone trying to fuck with what pixels i choose to generate on my screen, mother fucker
There are some issues that are honestly more important than partisan politics. This is one of them. Everyone should want net neutrality, left, right, or whatever.
yeah pretty much
i am what you folk would call a "libcuck" but seriously man this is way more important than stupid names we call each other on the internet
>pay more
>get higher speeds
>oh vey it's annudah shoah
telecoms have and will continue to fuck you over and make you a slave to their business
2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube. (edit: they actually sued the FCC over this)
2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.
2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction. (edit: they were fined $1.25million over this)
2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.
nah bruh the free market will fix everything you libcuck hail Trump
No no, it wasn't the people that took down the site, it was nefarious attackers DDoS'ing us!
They can't control individual channels since Youtube uses TLS.
And if they start trying to get you to install a TLS proxy I'd consider switching ISP. Not that that'd be much use nowadays anyway thanks to certificate pinning in Chrome
You have to be 18+
it's not a partisan issue, support whatever you think is right, why the fuck would you ask this?
Which is pretty much the reason it's worth throwing your hat in with Oliver on this. Sup Forums has been hit by this shit before. I think it was ATT or maybe Verizon that blocked access to Sup Forums for a while some years back. Net Neutrality really isn't a partisan issue. It's an anti corporatism and a free speech issue. Telling them they need to adapt to consumers, not force feed you what they want.
So do y'all usually put a made up or incorrect address when posting your comment on the FCC site? The note at the bottom says that all information submitted will be publicly available via the web, so that seems like a bit of a security issue to put legit info.
here ya go, op
True, but they could slow down all of youtube and only allow fast speeds to their own approved video site. This would mean the content creators have to chose between to get on board (with whatever content rules may apply on the new site) or force most of their viewers to watch in 480p on youtube.
This is a real risk as companies like Comcast and Verizon buy up media sites and create their own media empires.
>implying you can switch ISP
more like pay more and get the speeds you already have now lol
Great... another wave of newfags will come thanks to that dirty fucking kike.
lmao libturds seriously think the issue is like a socialist "all packets matter" issue
All normalfag social media, streaming sites, and news sites should be put on the bottom of the hierarchy.
It's fascinating that people on an anonymous imageboard feel the need to assign themselves to a political identity.
What's stopping ISPs from raising their current prices under net neutrality?
reddit is that way
They've already done a number of shitty things before
2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube. (edit: they actually sued the FCC over this)
2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit. edit: this one happened literally months after the trio were busted collaborating with Google to block apps from the android marketplace
2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction. (edit: they were fined $1.25million over this)
2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.
I have sources too
Net neutrality means the gubmint has easier access to spy on you.
t. fox news reporter
tbqh i support net neutrality but at the same time want to be against it just to stick it to the /g and reddit.
>Let's bring it down again!- 36 posts and 6 image replies shown.
KILL YOURSELF you retarded libtard shithead who gets his news and directions from a Jewish British comedian.
you're literally too stupid to live. just fucking KILL YOURSELF!
Nice shitty copypasta. How does net neutrality protect me from ISPs incressing prices to whatever they feel like?
It stops them (like the examples) from flat out cutting off your service to some particular website or application or what ever for any discriminatory purpose what so ever.
2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
Where AT&T completely stopped you from getting facetime and demanded that you pay AT&T more money for a product that wasn't even theirs just so you could get access to it.
Net Neutrality makes sure that none of this information is discriminated against. So if you like to use duckduckgo or google or bing, your ISP can't arbitrarily (due to some sort of non-compete clause they've set up or some kind of bribe where google pays your ISP to favor its search engine more over others) raise your prices or cut off your service to that content
Comcast already sort of does this with netflix by charging them out the ass for their streaming service just so they can cash in on what other people prefer so comcast can attempt to cut off the competition to gain revenue in their Xfinity stream service instead of just competing fairly
This weeb seems pretty mad. Did it just have an autistic meltdown for no reason?
>Comcast already sort of does this with netflix by charging them out the ass for their streaming service
Why is fucking over netflix a bad thing?
>taking down a website that doesn't even regulate the internet
Comcast is giving Netflix a DISCOUNT on transport costs compared to what they were paying before. Stop watching John Oliver.
>% based on a total use proportion
>not a % based on total capacity
So how is this evidence that netflix is bad because people want that service. Why should comcast have the right to charge customers more for that content over others? thats highly anti-competition, anti-freemarket, any consumer
It must be so much more fun shilling for an ISP in this discussion
you literally are the SS of the third reich america is becoming. Go fuck a woman who is legally obliged to act like she enjoys it
Basically, Obongo made it so only google and facebook have the right to collect your personal data and use the data to better target ads to their users. This is because he filled his administration with ex-employees. They convinced him to force out the ISPs with Title 1 bullshit, which is some arcane crap from the fucking great depression meant to apply to Bell back when they had a monopoly in rural areas. This was a problem because people couldn't contact the authorities in case of emergencies. Obviously none of this applies to the internet unless you are a mouth breathing moron.
So Obongo and his kikes created one of the most heinous cases of crony capitalism in western civilization by ensuring there was no competition to upset the google botnet. That was the case until the based GOP revoked it at the last minute before it could take effect. Now libtards think this means the end of the internet even though it just restores things to how they were before.
TL;DR Anyone who supports net neutrality is a google and/or facebook cuck/shills.
Netflix is aware of the dependency of its model. They should be more creative to get around it.
How so? they're a content provider, creator just like youtube. Aside from mass, what is the real difference between youtube and netflix?
I don't even fucking watch the news/jews
Why should netflix have the right to shit up bandwidth with their shitty videos when I want to quickly load shitposts?
you are only cucking yourself
fucking nigger brainlet
Net Neutrality means it would be legal for the government to install estrogen drivers in your network hardware
Nothing, really.
If an ISP wanted to ratchet up a cost to Google, then so be it.
>Why should netflix have the right to shit up bandwidth with their shitty videos when I want to quickly load shitposts?
Maybe because comcast wants to blame you and netflix for their infrastructural problem they've refused to fix for a number of years because they're too busy raking in money on you based on arbitrary made up fees, datacaps and tons of other shit. Billion dollar company can't upgrade and make peoples internet faster?
>thinking individual videos and channels could be throttled
This proves that the net neutrality niggers have no fucking clue what they are talking about. You do realize NN doesn't actually guarantee the secular streaming of data right? It just means that the private ISPs can no longer do it. However, the government still has the power to. So once Hillary gets elected president she will throttle every anti-sjw website and there will be NOTHING you can do because you were retarded and decided to give the government a monopoly on regulating the internet.
What's stopping ISPs from going fuck it, let's shut down all our services tomorrow, no one gets internet anymore?
Thats completely unfair though
Its not fair that if youtube bought a 10mb connection and netflix bought a 10mb connection comcast gets to charge netflix more for the same connection just because they use their 10mb connection more than youtube does. They both bought the same thing but are being charged different based on popularity rather than actual infrastructure demand
>no country argument
I didn't think it would be that easy to trigger you shills. Now fuck off you web 2.0 gargling garbage.
>oh, better let the milkman fuck my wife, because otherwise the neighbor has a monopoly on fucking her
I clearly do not see your logic
Because thats the same as saying "whats stopping everyone from committing suicide"
This is far beyond the scope of the topic. Comcast isn't going to magically go out of business, theres no reason for them to, they aren't going bankrupt, they certainly aren't having a hard time making money either
FTC regulation you dumb fucking idiot
OP - Net Neutrality is good but you're not doing yourself any favors by using a Reddit meme that's based off a stale 11 year old Sup Forums meme template.
Have you considered maybe that Youtube's servers are located in places with lower congestion that less of a strain on the network than Netflix? Have you considered that maybe Youtube has better streaming algorithms that are more lenient on dropped packets so they can buy a cheaper level of reliability? Have you considered that maybe Youtube is reserving their bandwidth years in advance whereas Netflix is on a monthly contract?
>hurr durr all packets are equal!!!!!!!!
This is really funny because just a few years ago, Comcast made their Xfinity streaming service not count against people's datacap while netflix (being an equivalent streaming service) charged against people's datacaps
The mental gymnastics you people come up with is quite surprising sometimes
>more government oversight of Internet activity is good
Like it or not you breathe the same air as them.
This is like air.
Will you stop breathing just because libtards breathe?
You clearly do not speak english as a first language, so go reread the post you monkey. You example makes no sense because you are implying you can have an internet without either ISPs or the government, which is total nonsense.
It is entirely fair. The entities do not have an entitlement to use the services an ISP offers. If they signed on the line, the onus falls on the consumer, i.e. Netflix. As long as an ISP isn't breaking the contract, they're fine.
I don't see how any of that has anything to do with Comcast charging based on user popularity than infrastructure demand
its not comcast's fault youtube gets less hits than netflix but its completely asinine for comcast to arbitrarily charge more for certain content from certain places than others. Thats extremely anti-freemarket, anti-consumer and anti-capitalist
>no counter argument
>another shill getting BTFO
It's astonishing how stupid this board has become recently. Fuck off back to tumblrwith your statist bullshit.
He's right though. SatNets exist.
What FTC regulation enslaves employees of an ISP to keep working even if they want to quit?
>You do realize NN doesn't actually guarantee the secular streaming of data right? It just means that the private ISPs can no longer do it. However, the government still has the power to
So your argument is that because a rule preventing ISPs from arbitrarily throttling you won't actually prevent ISPs from throttling you, we should vote against it because the government will censor us if we vote for it. Brilliant.
No its not, its not fair at all for me to sell a cup of lemonade to one guy then charge you double the price of his for no reason
This is way out of the scope of the argument, stop making shit up
You seem like a fellow Sup Forumsack so ill help you
if ISP's control what speed you can see certain sites at, Sup Forums will be gone the next fucking day because of muh racism, think about it. Most of the general public understanding of this site is Sup Forums for being racist and there WILL be leftist media hit pieces on company's that don't block sites like Sup Forums. Net neutrality is pretty much the Jewish trying to control what you can see on the internet, and if it passes they will be controlling what you see
This is like some tranny saying that "SOME PEOPLE ARE BORN WITH SCREWED UP CHROMOSOMES, THEREFORE BEING A TRANNY IS ACCEPTABLE!" It is a nothing burger, and not a real argument.
That is already illegal you moron
Certain content from certain places is cheaper to delivery. Why shouldn't Comcast be able to charge different prices based on the cost of delivery? Should Fedex not be allowed to dictate shipping prices based on distance?
However, if at least one of two can NOT fuck with my internet connection, that's better than both being able to fuck with it, if you get my point
Oh really? its illegal? then why did all this shit happen?
Based on what is already illegal before the net neutrality rules came in to place
if the
>no reason
There are many reasons you would charge different prices for a cup of lemonade. Maybe it's later in the day and you want to get rid of your stock. Maybe the temperature increased so there is higher demand.
This has nothing to do with government control and everything to do with preventing the Jews from Jewing with the Internet.
>Certain content from certain places is cheaper to delivery
No they aren't you just made this up. Theres no way to ascertain the difference between some mom and pop shop's family owned website and any other website. Its completely unfair to slow other people's connection to other websites down because you have favorites that wanna bribe you
Actually, it is fair, unless you're forcing the second guy to buy the lemonade against his will.
Businesses are free to set prices however they see fit. Anything else is actually anti-free market.
It's shifty, but that's how it is.
No you ESL faggot, voting for it will just give more power to the government to potentially fuck us all over in the future as they will have sole control unlike how it is now where there is competition. I know they don't have free market in what ever shit hole you live in, but they do here and we would like to keep that.
All of which are arbitrary. If a price is set in stone I can't vary the price between two different people because its a different person
same shit here. Comcast shouldn't be allowed to throttle your access to Sup Forums because comcast is best buds with reddit and doesn't wanna support Sup Forums. They should receive equal quality support even if their traffic is different because the amount of traffic is irrelevant. Its politically motivated anti-competition doctrine they want to force
because retards watch Jon Oliver
until you only have one ISP in your town
The mom and pop site has one server located in the middle of Kansas. Youtube has servers in multiple locations in the world and its packets have to travel a lower distance through less nodes to reach the end user.
The internet is not a right, dude.
Do you even know what Title II regulation is you fucking retard?
>its totally free market for AT&T to block facetime so you have to pay AT&T more money to access another website that isnt even eithers.
>its totally free market for Verizon to block skype because of politically inclined reasons
>its totally free market for one company to stifle your access to a competitors product so one company can make more money at the expense of the competitors
No that is not free market at all
>amount of traffic is irrelevant
Ok, then why do I have to pay more for higher bandwidth? Shouldn't internet just be free?
If so then how did they support Hillary's email server
then move or don't use the fucking Internet