Complete the sentence

you wouldn't [...] a technigger



this isn't pol

Sup Forums culture is Sup Forums culture, whether you like it or not. Welcome to Sup Forums. If you don't like reading "racist" or "sexist" comments there's a million other hugboxes for you to frequent.

convince to install gentoo




Meh. This is why we can't have nice things.



apologize to

Jesus fucking Christ you reek of the SJW type edgelord.

Refer to the rules then faggot


Sup Forums was never a hugbox but it was never an alt-right shithole either
Sup Forums culture is anime and people speaking their mind, not your fucking Breitbart "red pilled" autism

Go be 13 elsewhere cunt

hello new


people like you have been whining about the word nigger on Sup Forums before breitbart existed

Acknowledge the existence of

but it's fine to listen to left wing propaganda all day from every direction? because that's the state we're in right now

>Sup Forums culture is anime

Maybe in '08, but that meme is dying friend. This place is evolving, and Sup Forums is taking over

I'd take it over your new breed of cancer any day of the week
You've swung too far in the opposite direction, thrown the baby out with the bath water and been rather ironically taken advantage of

Fuck off

Truth hurts, eh manchild?

boards with no moderation instinctively sway right. go back to plebbit if you don't like it.

No they don't ""swing"" cock breath, they're unfortunately flooded by alt-right scum that understand their dogma won't fly anywhere else

fuck off back to your containment shithole Sup Forums

Get this nigger out of our board.

His white palm really annoy the shit out of me. He's super ashy.

>Lefties pride themselves their ideology flourishes on Sup Forums

>Lefties whine their ideology isn't flourishing on Sup Forums
>Suddenly think flourishing on Sup Forums is a bad thing

Sour grapes

There's nothing wrong with a few people having the same opinion, but when every board gets swamped by the same three talking points, it gets boring to read. Nobody likes Sup Forums any more because it's nothing but pornography, and if discussions about technology just devolve into
>niggers lol
>ugh le sigh these shitlords are so problematic
then all of Sup Forums will die, and you fucking spastics will have killed it.