Transferring Cases

What up, Sup Forums? /o/ here. I need advice about case-swapping.

I have an Alienware X51 R3, a mini-ITX PC with a slim case that makes managing temperatures a challenge and limits GPU upgrades because of size. It also only comes with a 330W PSU that's a brick on the power cord.

I am planning to transfer to pic related - a Lanbox Lite VF6000BWS (which supports mini-ITX, and comes w/ 3 fans) and I'm getting a 450W PSU (EVGA 450 BT -- better thermal efficiency than the 450 B-model).

Is there anything that I'm missing or need to know about swapping cases like this? Are there any little tricks or details that I should know? Changing to a better-flowing case can lower temperatures given the same clocks / fan speeds by a noticeable amount right?


make sure the motherboard is actually standard

Get the shotgun, put the Alienware out of its misery, then build a Ryzen setup.

What do you mean?

>Standard mini-ITX dimensions / screw locations?
>Standard as in the layout of components?
>Standard as in ensuring there are no weird / proprietary wiring bits?

Pic is the MoBo.

I got this as a college-graduation gift from my parents, it's what I'm stuck with for now.

Craigslist it then, craigslist your parents aswell, they never loved you anyway as seen by getting you ayyylienware.

That case is fucking shit. Get a SilverStone SG13 or a Node 202.

This is a nonstandard motherboard, probably mATX compatible. Get a SilverStone SG10.

Measure it, it needs to be 6.7x6.7"
That bit on one end is obviously not going to be the same size, but if your case has that extra length then it may fit
Be aware of power delivery too. There is no 24 pin or 4/8 pin on that mobo. Its using something else to power it. You may need an adapter.

Honestly, its probably better to build a whole new system. Or if the processor can be removed, just get a new mobo

SilverStone SG13B looks like it has good airflow; will consider.

It's supposedly mini-ITX.

Thank you, honestly. I'll definitely look into the power delivery needs - if I can't get the right power cables then I may just not upgrade this at all and make a custom in a year or two.

My real issue with this PC, though, is the GPU -- An OEM-only GTX 745 4GB which is a huge bottleneck for gaming even though I've OC'd the clocks [+82 core, +90 mem, +22mV] and voltage and monitor the temps. GPU upgrade choices are limited b/c of my case.

dump that shit on some chump on craigslist and get ryzen

Get the sg13b, a standard mitx h110 motherboard and something like an rx480 and you're golden.
The sg13b can do up to 210mm gpus, which covers pretty much all dual fan cards.

Pretty much the only thing you need to know is where to plug the case cables like the power button and USB, audio, etc. You can find that stuff on the mobo's manual.

Thanks, dawg. If you ever need car assistance, we [a small subset of users] at /o/ will be glad to help.

This is mini-ITX, look at the screw holes and look and your board again. It won't fit in a mini-ITX case.


I just ordered an sg13b (pic related). I could cancel it but I'm just going to see if I can make it happen.

there's more than enough room for the extension on your motherboard

Unrelated to OP, but I'm also planning to get a new case. I want something big with huge, quiet fans that I can wire up real nice and clean. I'm strongly considering the Cooler Master HAF 932, but my only gripe is that it's butt ugly and cheap looking.

Anyone have any suggestions for something comparably spacious and quiet, but more stylish?

expensive but looks nice
>fractal design define series
p good

Those both look real nice, but the main reason I'm upgrading is so I can fit some big ass fans in there and keep em spinning real slow. 200mm should be enough, but a few 230mm fans would be ideal.

this is why you don't buy prebuilt shit, they always do funky shit with their hardware.

How much did you pay for that?

If the fan noise is a concern then know that it's never the fans but the case that makes them noisy. That HAF isn't going to be quiet, just look at how little equipment it has for dampening the noise.

Thats an hella ugly case. But I guess that might be more aestetic guidance than help?

>That's an ugguu case.

Well, good thing I bought the SilverStone SG13B instead [ ], amirite?

Yes, I approve this as a change for the better. Good job.

What the fuck is going on wtih those pcie ports?

That board is a fucking mess.
The ram tab holder is fucking lopsided in the top right

that's a modified matx design. looks like it will fit. cut some black pencil eraser to make support for the overhang. Is it not more financially viable to sell the x51 shell sans cpu and ram to fund an itx mobo? if you are going to replace everything but anyways why throw all that away?