Post legitimately good reasons why you still haven't uninstalled this incompetent, inconsistent, and buggy sack of shit from your device(s)?
Post legitimately good reasons why you still haven't uninstalled this incompetent, inconsistent...
werkz on my machine :^)
Posted from Clover on my Galaxy S7®.
Are you that guy who makes anti-clover threads every now and then?
It works fine on my phone :^)
crashes the odd time, but otherwise looks good, and works fine
Clover is perfect. I don't know why you'd complain.
>mobile posters
post legitimately good reasons why you haven't killed yourself
Are you on the newest version?
i get good pussy, I'm pretty sure you never seen a real one besides your mothers
t. insecure virigin
Polite reminder that mobileposters should commit sudoku at their earliest convenience.
Because I only installed Dashchan, so I don't need anything more.
I post on my desktop, laptop, AND mobile in order to maximise my shitposting potential :)))
yeah, why?
Because I have no issues with it and don't think it's that bad
This place isn't worth more than few minutes of browsing before bed, that's why I don't go here on my computer
works flawlessly on my cheap phone
Post legitimate criticisms or get out.
Is this a meme or why did I never had problems with Clover?
Its the best Sup Forums app for lagdroid
pretty sure it's one of the following
>someone rocking a T-Mobile G1
>dev of another 'chon app
its good for porn though.
Works 80% of the time
It never was installed
80% of the time it works 100% of the time.
Because the website is worse
Never had a single issue with it on my Z1C.
What is supposed to be so wrong with it?
Not that guy but I, top, am on the newest version and it does crash the odd times.
I find Dashchan handles Captcha better but Clover has the sweet swipe to exit thread.
Overchan stopped being updated.
What else am I gonna use?
Using mimi. Stopped giving a fuck ages ago.
I like it. Works fine
Overchan has been forked already.
I wish it would integrate 4chanx.
I can use 4chanx on FF Mobile.
Works great for me. Must be designed to not work for faggots.
Because the one who actually have my PC are cops.
Just werks on Moto Z Play
Also just werked on BlackBerry Classic
>wahhhhh stop ruining my safe space!!!!!!
Pathetic to say the least.
>purchases $100 "smart phone" from India
>Sup Forums app lags
>goes into autistic rage
>knocks piss bottle off desk to get to keyboard
>start another thread blaming app
Floens I know you're here
>image md5 filtering
>4chanx filter syncing
Because one cannot uninstall what one never installed in the first place :^)
Clover dev needs to add /bant/ already and make some contingency for the future when more boards are added, because we cant add them ourselves even if they exist.
Hiro seems to be more keen on new boards unlike moot, so we may see a new board this year too, its a pain in the ass to have to browse them on chrome until Clover updates a month or so later.
chanx filter syncing
/bant/ is already added. It adds the new boards almost immediately.
The hell you smoking?
Because I'm not a cancerous phoneposter.
*tosses sage leaves in your general direction*
Thats interesting, wonder why it doesnt work for me.
I checked Fdroid and this version of Clover is up to date v2.1.3
You're not up to date.
>I checked Fdroid and this version of Clover is up to date v2.1.3
Apparently you didn't check well enough.
No kidding.
What the fuck, is it a problem with F-droid then, I don't have any further updates available
you probably have to update the f-droid catalog
Is your version of F-Droid *also* a year old?
No more legacy captcha, so I'd have to select over 9000 squares with vehicles and gas stations
Wasn't that an API thing? can't really slight Clover for that. Blame Hiro.
Turns out it is, although I can't update it further, just says Not Installed when I try to, might just be my android settings though, I'll check that.
What do you mean, I have legacy captcha, is it because I'm still stuck on the older version?
If updating means I lose that, well then I may just hold off on that, having to use v2 captcha to post again would make me kys myself.
There was and app to start with?
Updating will give you the v2 captcha, yeah.
I remember someone in one of these shill threads went on about how insecure Clover is compared to other apps without any kind of proof, then said Mimi was better, but that's a load of shit.
You can't use the old captcha to create threads anymore, this isn't just clover, you can still reply with old captcha though.
Which version do you currently have? I want to downgrade to it
So its like 4chanX then, that I already know. I thought replying with legacy captcha was unavailable too if I upgrade, by how that user phrased it.
If its just v2 for making threads, then I may as well upgrade, soon as I figure out why android is being a bitch and not letting me upgrade f-droid.
Update Android maybe?
Wait a minute, thats the reply box, not new thread box
Yeah, it's v2 everywhere.
It's not, you can still use old captcha to reply.
Not like 4chanX then, are you sure you have this option disabled?
what's wrong with it?
I'm using it and i guess the only problem i have with it is the captcha and links open up in the app instead of browser.
other than that it works fine for me.
Thanks mate
Why do you want to downgrade though? I'm right now trying to upgrade
can you force old captcha when posting or is it rng?
What do you miss from clover that is in 4chanX
pls it's killing me crashing every 5m
One user says legacy captcha for replies is there, the other says its not.
Before I update to latest Clover I'd really like some confirmation that legacy captcha is always there on replies. After all thats how it is with 4chanX so why would this be any different, but still I'm paranoid and despise google v2 captcha fiercely.
waht do i install instead, and why?
clover seems p good, but i don't browse Sup Forums on my phone often
I posted a pic as proof you tool.
All right, updated Clover, if it wasnt for this thread I dont think I would have even noticed both F-droid and Clover weren't up to date.
>last updated 46 days ago
Holy shit, these fucking new features
>multiple layout modes
>thread image gallery
>mode which finally lets me scroll a thread easily when laying on my sides which is something I've wanted from Clover for so long
>catalog and threads can finally take up the full screen and not be split only
Godamn, I'm kicking myself for not realizing I've been so out of date sooner, Clover just became 10x better now, legacy captcha even feels easier to solve now that its taking up the width of my screen in this layout.
Absolute best feature is the image gallery though, this changes everything, not even 4chanX has one like this, with all images laid out in a grid, so easy to access and download.
Thanks for the trace
The newest version still has the option for the legacy captcha for threads. Sup Forums disabled the legacy captcha for threads.
all these meme threads about clover bad and qstalled and fuck you.
works on my machine
Loading dead thread from archives, mostly.
>Bookmark interesting thread before bed
>Someone spams shot posts, lazy janitor just deletes thread.
>Now have to email URL to self and go on desktop
>He doesn't realize people have been posting on mobile since the first gen iPhone.
You're dumb.
>Windows 10 Phone's 4charm has had this for years
How's it feel finally catching up to the big leagues?
>Crashes when browsing for images with Solid Explorer
>No longer has scroll to bottom button pop up if you scroll down
It's a solid 9/11 otherwise though.
>not using clover
>catalog doesnt have elipses for too long text like board mode and just cuts off mid sentence or word like the latest meme
Bit jarring
I upgraded to the newest version, and now I can't read Webm
im using mimi. what makes clover better? is mimi by koreans or something? sounds like clover might be jew or chinese
Clover works better on my phone than it does on my pc
Weird, I'm on the same version yet I can't add /bant/.
Because Chanu is dead and it doesn't support any of the newer boards.
What do you recommend instead?
anyone use chan burauza?
V1.2.11 4 lyfe faggot