Linux is going to die

Fuchsia will kill it on phones, then laptops, desktops, and servers. It's over. Android will be obsolete by 2020. Everything else will die by 2030.

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Not with that font it won't

>fucks ya, by google

>fucking fuchsia
Gayest. OS. Ever.

open source =! libre =! liberated

Android barely can be unfucked from intricacies of google. this will be impossible

Because everyone wants to use an OS done by an ad company

Lots of hype but it will end up in the bin just like all other "innovative" Google projects

looks promising

>'member google wave
>e-mail is ded, based google

Did they name it after rms's coat?

understandable that they doing this desu

>what if the company could design a platform while dumping all the technology it no longer needs or wants, such as Linux or any traces of Java?
wow rude


The fuck were they thinking?

Probably the most gay OS name and color that they could think of. Fucking SJWs everywhere ruining the image of technology...


in b4
>only runs android apps

I guess they will heavily support flutter and other languages this time. Too much trouble with Oracle

>what is google pride
>complaining about faggy colour scheme chosen by a faggy company
rly meks u thing

Faggots like OP do.

it'll have terrible performance and they'll abandon it eventually

It probably won't, but if Fuchsia manages to overtake the desktop and server markets, I'm quitting computers forever. I don't want to live in a world where I use Google OS to use Google Chrome to access websites running on Google OS servers.

1: its not applel so sluts wont touch it
2: no directx so no games for fags

its dead, jim.

Was it made by all gurlll Koders?

no, it was made by this guy

Fuchsia is a big pile of cuck bullshit that will end up on a small number of overpriced Google products before being shelved permanently because nobody else gives a shit about it.

I see a lot of naysayers in this thread. But I think this is a trend away from monolithing kernels which will continue. It may or may not be Google's microkernel whether it is Fuchsia or something else they come up with, or the Redox microkernel, or the Hurd microkernel, or the seL4 microkernel, etc etc. But I think that the trend is that people are going to be more interested in heading in this direction away from monolithing kernels and towards microkernels, and exokernels like so called 'unikernels'. There has been a lot of interested in this in the last few years and I see that interest growing.

>More C-based shit
In the bin it goes

Unfortunately, it's just another example of Google's dead on arrival projects

There's nothing wrong with C.

a unikernel is not an exokernel
and microkernels are fucking pointless

I'm so just because something is in C doesn't automatically mean bin it because consider how seL4 is in C but they have a program which reads in the C source code and translates it to into a theorem prover like Coq which formally verifies and proves that the C code is correct with no bugs.

It will run android eventually

>year of the microkernel is finally here!

Yeah, how about no?

i c wat u did thar


>Google fucks ya

They sure fuck you a lot alright.

Considering Google's track record with it's real innovative stuff (eg Buzz, Wave, etc), it will probably be either seriously gimped in favor of adtech or be commandeered by assclowns at launch to make it a new version of the Segway.

Honestly, they need to release some more information besides PR hype.

Interested in this area has been growing in the last few years a lot of people are interested in this. See the discussions on places like Hacker News. People have been coming up with all kinds of unikernels and stuff like Mirage is catching interest and even microsoft had a few research operating systems like singularity and spinnoffs like cosmos. And consider how extremely rapidly Redox got traction and gained over 50 contributors, that's pretty impressive when considering how usually new OS go on in obscurity nobody interested and never catching on.

Is everything of note at google made by Pike?

he's actually not related to this project as far as I'm aware

Has anything or anyone from bell labs gone on to do anything remotely interesting since the days of research unix?

Fuck off Microsoft

the trend to get onto new kernel designs is as old as linux itself and there wont be any shift you say will happen. why? because there is no need to. who would use a kernel that doesnt offer a feature set that works for what your are trying to accomplish? linux already has driver's and lots of features and the ring0 performance. the initial investment to catch up to linux feature set would be astronomical and is growing every day

tl;dr nobody has the time/money to produce a good alternative (for general use)

Google has NEVER been good about being able to maintain backwards compatibility with their newer products, especially trying to replace Linux. Chances are small though, between the technical hurdles and Google getting slapped around for being monopolistic.

Chrome OS and Android are insanely popular. WTF

Plan 9
K-L algorythms

All of this made by four little shits. Be amazed. Not to mention Unix and C, of course.

It's likely based on the linux kernel retard

>Chrome OS

it's not

"Insanely popular" as if 90% of the people give a fuck what they use.

>>Chrome OS

it is in the US, especially in the education system

All very valid points.
Maybe it's like how when you buy a certain kind of car and then after that all of a sudden you see that exact same kind of car everywhere, similarly Im interested in microkernels so I when I see so many discussions on it I think it more significant than warranted. But it is interesting how rapidly Redox attracted over 50 contributors which is very unusual for a OS, I have even wondered if its because of some politically motivated agenda with all that which is surrounding Rust. But on the other hand, at the very least there are a growing number of people who seem strongly dissatisfied with Linus so maybe all that might come together at the right time into a perfect storm.

thats fucking scary

the fuck is it good for there?

That font, that name, gayest shit ever.
You'd think Google could think of something better.

What's it being used for?

What does a student need a computer for other than writing documents, making powerpoints or doing math?

Google already covers those with google docs.

>in US
The rest of the world isn't retarded enough to use iPhones and Chromebooks

Schools like that it's super locked down and can only use google botnet services.

brainwashing lil shit into consumerism and mediocrity

but thats for embedded low power devices not desktops or even phones.

they are provided by the school mostly I think (I'm not american)

But they are cheap and when they break they just get a new one, no loss of data and cheap to replace.


that's why it got a smartphone interface called armadillo?

there is always somewhere a sc student who has to deliver any kind of project. plenty of which pick obscure or unapplicable problems to solve and some try themself on stuff that never comes to be. lets just point out that there are to this day people who develop on haiku and react os. nothing wrong with that but also it shows just because these things exist doesnt mean they have to have a prominent/relevant place in general computing

Citation needed.

Actually Google

the unironic botnet will rise to power in your lifetime.

read this image guys, everything is true.

>android is a gimped out java VM with a linux kernel
>fuschia is a kernel made to run a java VM

Why is this going to kill Linux again?

Tyrannical open source software will wipeout free software. I'm not sure there's anything we can do to stop it at this point without destroying capitalism itself.

>fuschia is a kernel made to run a java VM
wrong fuschia will run flutter/dart apps

>a good alternative

>A fucking lgbt endorsed kernel.
>runs this aberration of Javascript which is dart
>Apps meant to be cross-platform
So this is how Android ends. I don't give a shit. I'll keep using my rooted chink phone for ever and if the battery dies I'll buy another.

I wonder if Jewgle uses Fucksia for its own servers instead of Linux.

Why would they use incomplete software for their servers

So nobody is going to use Fucksia for a while.

UTF-8 is the only good and practical thing in that list that had a significant impact.

>not gpl
>owned by google
>replace linux?

Pretty much, its still in early stages.

If Google is serious about this (I suspect they are, Android is becoming a huge liability for them) I wouldn't expect anything until 2020 at the earliest.

The best sign of their seriousness is if they mandate that Play Store apps are written in whatever language fuschia ends up using years before its first release.

>another fucking google product that fragments their own market even more and will be abandoned in a few months

you should throw away your computer as well since it's written in C and you aren't making very good use of it

Go ahead and throw away like 90% of the electronics you own.

this build infrastructure is extra niggerlicious. Kernel itself looks interesting. Anyone tried running this on raspberry pi 3 or any other arm64 test board?

No trap, no nigg, no disabled dude in the chair. Boycott google and their services.

Every good project has a shitty font
we're fucked

Anything even remotely relevant is C-based.

Please name just one microkernel that has been relevant in the past 20 years (or one that has ever been relevant beyond old Mac OS and maybe AmigaOS).

Looks more like an android competitor than a linux competitor.

Crappy ass name.

Also Androids are cool as shit. Fucking fuchia? My mom might buy that I guess...

literally what

I wonder how loudmouth Linus feels about this.

He must be feels good as Android didn't gave back anything useful aside high amount CVE numbers thanks to half baked SoC drivers.

What does Sup Forums think about Google patent license?

Did we need another broken operating system?

Did we need another javascript?

>inb4 we have a color-themed series of failed kernels from giggle.

No java, apps are dart now. What is hard to understand?

Microsoft still can milk them.

Google is a huge fucking ad company
Android has shitload of ads in the device itself
It is obvious that fuschia will be having ads
If they conquer all the devices ,that's fucked cause you'll be seeing ads everywhere

Linux was fine before Android, it'll be fine (arguably better) after it. Satisfying Android demands was killing other good opportunities and limiting development (read LKML).

Good riddance.

It's much harder to bin an open source project than a SaaS.

It's supposed to be read "fuck CIA".

Nobody is forcing you to use Chrome -- at least not yet. Firefox runs on desktops and on Android.
The next big OS after Fuchsia will be written in Rust.

I don't care about monolithic v. microkernels, but I really hope unikernels catch on soon. I am sick of having to ship an entire Un*x-compatible OS will its thousands of potential vulnerabilities just to run a daemon like Redis that doesn't even need disk access.