Saving snapchats

How do I capture a snapchat without getting caught?

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take a picture of your phone dumbass

Why do you give a shit. Just take a screen shot. Fuck everyone else...shouldn't send stupid shit on a retarded app.

Does Snapprefs or Casper still work?

can't you take a screenshot?


You could stop being a degenerate. That's a start.

You can take screenshots, but it informs the sender that you took a screenshot.

snapchat disables screen capture and it also notifies the person who sent the pic that you attempted to take the shot so they can ban you or whatever.

kys corporate cock gobbling normie scum

kill yourself.

i kind of stop giving a fuck and started taking screenshots. if you want to be an extreme autist make sure you load the snap then turn off wifi and turn on airplane mode to take a snapshot

i meant take another phone and just take a picture are you blind

you coud use wireshark and rebuild the image from the data it shows you

Rooted android with s-off, busy box, xprefs, and keepchat.

Or just don't be a nigger ya fucking kike

root phone
use 3rd party screenshot app
install as system app
problem solved

Snapprefs does, but requires older versions of snapchat since each one needs to be reverse engineered. I would be running it, but no xposed is out for Nougat yet


HTC fag detected

1. why do people use this shit?
2. why can an application even disable screen capture at all?

lotta hate in this thread OP. They claim its because they are above using Snapchat or whatever but its really because they have no hot chicks whose trust they can violate and they're jealous.

>normie problems

Download AZ screen recorder and record your screen while you open the snap. It doesn't require root. I don't remember if it's on play store or f Droid

>normalfag apps

you need to leave son

>root phone
Snapchat also recognizes that the phone was rooted and allows senders to ignore you or ban you.

they use it because tits and pussy is there.

Fuck off bogan

>they use it because tits and pussy is there.
this isn't the only application for sending images

ez pz

Andriod or iOS?

>Snapchat also recognizes that the phone was rooted
no it doesn't you fucking moron. it stops you from logging in if it detects root/xposed, but all you have to do is temporarily disable root access in CM to login.

run it on an droid emulator on your pc and take the screen there?

Root, mask root using an Xposed module, then find a screenshot app.

Do all of you guys really eat this much shit in the morning?! Just fucking run an Android virtual machine and take the screenshot trough your pc for fucks sake.

very easy user. Behold: The method. -- Load the picture so you can click on it, but dont. Turn on airplane mode. Open picture. Screenshot. Fully turn off the app. Turn back on airplane mode. Turn on app again. Fin

There's some apps that save every snap you get, but they need root access, you can just use a emulator and take a screenshot in your pc.

For Android

use google assistant on the snap then share it to your drive or email it to yourself


it notifies snapchat you fucking moron. go fucking look at how cracks for it work.

my phone is rooted right now and no one has ever said anything about it lmao. kill yourself applel retard.

Use casper

you';re a moron
>applel retard
confirmed for a butthurt moron.

2) So apps like banking apps can prevent malware from using screencapping to get your bank information, for example.

dumb phoneposters


Stop using proprietary software.

faggots so stupid they can't even take a screenshot or record thieir screen..


i can write an app if 20 minutes that can record my screen and not a single app can't stop it from recording

also root your phones retards

>Snapchat recognizes root
Only if you rooted your phone the shitty old way. Root is undetacable now if you do it right.

>Snapchat also recognizes that the phone was rooted and allows senders to ignore you or ban you

why would you lie on Sup Forums?

You sure are a genius, ESL-kun

In a similar vein, does anyone know a way of accessing a protected twitter feed without approval?

who cares if they know? you already took the screenshot, it's too late for them to do anything about it

I'm actually really old and have never used snapchat before. Apparently I chased off a few girls because I have no idea how the app works

You can shear a sheep more than once.

Thank you, I'll try that

Htc 10

Xposed my nigga
Gotta save those nudes

Snapchat does not disable anything on my phone and there's absolutly no reason for external screen capture apps not to work either

I use Screen Recorder on my non-rooted android. Saved plenty of lewd pics without the girls knowing, assuming that's what you were planning on using it for as well

Yes, that's literally all I want to do

Why are people streaming themselves naked through a shitty app? Furthermore, if they are okay doing that, why are they against saving pics?

I don't get it.

cant you also just use some android emulator on your pc then login to snapchat and open the snap then just take a screenshot on pc.

Take a picture of your screen with a camera (another smartphone or regular cam). I've done it

>You don't have Xposed
Cuckdroids, everyone

The more restrictive = the more you have to use the app and the more money it generates.

Snapchat fucking hates user friendliness, which is why there's so many 3rd party apps and hacks.

1. Open snap
2. Enable Airplane mode
3. Take screencap
4. Crash the Snapchat app (google it).
5. Reenable Airplane mode

They will never know you took a snap and now your dickpic is saved in your camera roll.

two reasons mainly:

i) because they can
ii) because they want to

I mean, do they do it just for fun or are they being paid somehow for it

This, install bluestacks and just printscreen


i don't even have a phone, but doesn't android have a screen capture on video utility? you could start recording the "desktop" and open the software, then just screenshot the video

You arent socially adjusted....are you?


It's just the modern equivalent of a street walker flashing her tits to get men to pull over.

this and the internet is full of pictures of whores so theres no need to do all that work to get some shitty grainy iphone picture.

Casper for android, if your on iOS your out of luck, Phantom is kill

I run snapperf with xposed. it works and haven't got banned or anything. it's kind of a hassle and I dont even have my girls on there. not any that would send nudes. well one is a stripper so she would probably want me to pay her or something

Casper worked for me about a year ago. Haven't used it or Snap since

This. They'll cry degenerate but will be fapping to sexualized images of children drawn by some chink while they do it. Sad!

Battery killer


Screenshot via adb might work

Reply snap, then take a screenshot, sc doesnt notify if you reply the snap.


>Snapchat also recognizes that the phone was rooted and allows senders to ignore you or ban you.
I'm an expert in this shitty subject and snapchat doesn't detect root but it does detect Xposed framework and red flags you not allowing you to log in.

My way:
>Install Solid Explorer
>Have at least Android 6
>Open snap
>Long press on home button
>Now on tap
>Share the screenshot
>Save in memory

Tried with a friend of mine, not detected

>not saving nudes using Casper

>using a png when clearly a jpg is the better format

I use a screen recording app and take a video of me opening the snapchats. Then I screenshot the video.

only non autistic answer here
It is on the play store

lel these phonelets have to go all through this trouble while on iOS all you have to do is install a tweak and press a button in the snapchat app and it saves to your photos

>clearly lossy compression is better than lossless compression

it doesn't fucking matter because the image you saved was already compressed you stupid piece of shit

So are you gonna post more waitland ward
or what?

plug phone into computer
open quicktime
file --> new video recording
select iphone
open snapchat
save recording

like this dippy

i have done this

airplane mode, screenshot, airplane mode off

Load the snap, turn on airplane mode, screenshot, immediately leave the app and close it, go to settings and find apps, force close snap and delete cache. You should be good. If you have an iShit then I don't know.

>plebs ITT not writing a kernel framebuffer driver to capture frames transparently
Knock yourself out

Yeah but it doesn't degrade over time like a jpg does

Use a Android-x86 vm

True. That's why I convert my jpgs to FLAC and then convert them back to jpg when I need them.

Casper still works.

You can also use a screen recording app to capture the pic