Never put up your real information on the internet, user!

>Never put up your real information on the internet, user!

Fuck you bitch I do what I want.

I haven't seen these words like for 5 years now.
Now it's the opposite: put MORE your personal info.

my social security number is 032-26-5812

> has facebook, twitter, instagram, wednesday twitch streams and livestreams going to the toilet on periscope

It was decided around 2006 that targeted advertising was far more important than child protection.

>So user, it looks like you'll be a good fit for this company. We'll just have to run one last check with HR...
>Wait a minute, HR just flagged your application. It says they couldn't dig up anything on you on social media.
>What's that? You don't have ANY social media?

With pleasure, you fucking normie

Can you also post your real name and birthday?


Only happens at shit tier hipster startups, most companies like this as it shows you aren't a liability.

Thanks, saving this.

How am I supposed to get stuff shipped from online retailers without giving them my address?

Two options

>Normie but pretty safe tier
Use reliable services that aren't likely to go bankrupt and sell your information in a liquidation; make sure to use HTTPS whenever you make a transaction

>Paranoid but understandable tier
Get a PO box and ship things to it, not your home address.

>Oh shit CIA-niggers tier
Don't, only buy with cash at brick and mortar small businesses

Too late if you used Facebook

Holy shit

Gee I wonder happened in those two years... Some sort of coincidence.


For real, we already know Google was cooperating with the NSA

>tfw I've said some cringy awful shit on facebook
>Deactivated it years ago
>Always have the constant fear of them being revealed

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Where did everything go wrong?

After enough time passes you can pretend that someone just stole your username / had the same username as you.

Thank you for the information. Now I need to go back 20 years and fix the mess. Do you have a time machine?