Explain yourselves France

Explain yourselves France.

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The french confirmed for idiot cucklefucks

Is it the sun or the moon?

what the actual fuck france?

>French intellectuals

>zionist filth

This is a bad question because geocentricity is still a valid point of view, we use a geocentric cosmology even in science still when pointing our telescopes at things.

So while the answer is the moon in a strict physical sense, there is no reason to assume that that is the default perspective everyone should be operating on. Geocentrically everything orbits the earth however, so its obvious that use of context would tell that man that we are not useing that frame of refference, but as he is french, and not had the benefit of growing up with a language which heavily demands contextual analysis of the situation to know what is actually being communicated, i can understand his confusion.

im pretty sure its asking what gravitates around "la Terre" which i think is earth
so the moon

>but as he is french, and not had the benefit of growing up with a language which heavily demands contextual analysis of the situation to know what is actually being communicated
What's different about French?

It's not just his confusion that's the issue, that graph represents popular opinion among the spectators

And while it's possible that a lot of spectators just went "oh lol let's fuck with him", it doesn't feel likely.

Plus this is a show about popular trivia, you should not try to justify whichever answer with mental gymnastics but just roll with what's "common sense"

>falling for the heliocentric meme
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>56% of arabs and niggets in France


Do they accept Galileo in France?

It's French

please tell me this is unreal

Its more of an "any language thats not english" thing, than a "french thing".

What's different about English?

english is what's known as an Analytic Language


Analytic languages have nothing to do with contextual analysis.

Obviously a flying circus, duh

that wasnt me by the way.

Basically, take greek for example.

In greek, you can rearrange the words in any way you want in a sentence and the meaning stays the same, because what tells you whos doing what to who is not dependent on the word order, but rather each word has its own form specific to that 'sentence place'

Yet other languages just have more specific words, with out all the words that sound the same but mean so many different things like english has.

The lack of that first thing, and the existence of that second thing, means of all the languages english is the one that really requires you to look at context to understand what the fuck is going on.

This is why anglos are best at war.

Le Soleil?

Yeah, that circus.

I'm guessing the sun. Well what else would you expect from catholics. Still can't accept being beaten by Galileo and Copernicus at astronomy.

>The lack of that first thing, and the existence of that second thing, means of all the languages english is the one that really requires you to look at context to understand what the fuck is going on.
What a load of bullshit. How the fuck does French being a synthetic language make "Qu'est-ce qui gravite de la Terre" any more ambiguous than "what orbits the Sun?" By your logic just about every country in Europe should struggle with that question in the same way. Pseudo-intellectuals s m h

>tfw when americanized

>This is why anglos are best at war.

Were you ultimately defeated by the superior vietnamese language then ? Should we all learn vietnamese or farsi ?


It's the americanization of the arabization of the society.