Black phone or white phone, anons?

Black phone or white phone, anons?

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not nigger

There's nothing aesthetic than a black phone in a white hand

Other than a black dick in a white pussy.

doesnt matter, you can get a cute case with either

(ฅωฅ*) *boypussy

My boypussy is for my boyfriend only and he's white.

different strokes for different folks

White is for girls.



Black or Gray.

White and Gold are for fuccbois.

Black/dark grey is usually better because it hides being dirty better than white. Unless you clean your phone regularly but I doubt the average person does this.


It doesn't matter whether a phone is white or black, as long as it makes calls.

Anyone understand the reference?


Fuck off Sup Forums

Black, definitely. My friend got a white phone and he fucking hated it, and for good reason it was an eyesore.

Black because the bezels are less distracting.

I'm the bottom in a gay relationship, should I get a silver iPhone or black iPhone?


Does that mean I'm a girl now user?

Wouldn't matte black contrast better with the white AirPods and cables?

white, my boyfriend's is black

White is perfect, it screams slutiness

I get the white and silver iPhones since the scratches are harder to see. I don't like cases.

White for Female
Black for Dude.

White tech always looks cheap, like infomercial kitchen appliances.

The white iPhones have an ugly black border around the screen, the sensors are black and stick out. It feels super cheap.

Mullato phone

If they do not offer yellow, grey and cover it in stickers.


How is black cock a turn on?

I prefer black phones because of how they typically fit in with color schemes and the dark stuff people use nowadays.

Black body + OLED is great stuff. Or just black + nice IPS panel.

as long as it's an iphone, it doesn't matter


Anything other than those two. Black > white, unless you're a girl.

It's not. It literally looks like a piece of shit. Look at any nigger buttfucking a white girl and tell me it doesn't look like she's taking a dump.

They look worse close up

I like gold. I might be a crypto kike.

Black obviously, white electronics are ugly as fuck

matte black

shiny black is just a fingerprint mirror, and only looks good in ads

How do I deal with being a dicklet if I don't have anything compensate for it with?

Find a cute boy or a bug guy and your dick won't matter. As long as you are sub

post boibucci

Dark gray

>not purple
lmao fucking plebs

What are you, a depressed fag?

My nexus 5x is panda colored.

Is it my nigga 2pac?

Space grey


White = yang = male
Black = yin = female

dark cyan


1) Another one partner.

Panda a shit it just looks like you nig'd another phones back cover

honestly its the fear of niggers hurting me thats a turn on

Red phone.

Sony Z5C ftw

pink if you are a fruit. silver if tame

Black, most of the things I have are black.

Black cock

OLED and black screen. its yum senpai. especially at night


4" and some.

find a big syrian boi with a 9"

I think you have something else to say to me. Please do.