>tfw these are literally never going to die ever
Tfw these are literally never going to die ever
nice meme
They said that about Myspace.
That's because Facebook came along and killed it.
Who is killing Facebook?
The app that will next to die might be Twitter, been slowing not using it along with Facebook. I use instagram to fap.
-facebook is irrelevant for people under 20
-twitter's stock is falling ever since they retardedly closed vine
-instagram can easily decline if they dont keep up with technology. they still downscale image resolution
-even windows can slowly lose its monopoly. only a matter of time until chromeOS will run anything a normie office desk worker needs. remember this is how windows got big: through office computers
the only thing that wont lose popularity is google search. google is literally a verb now
>facebook is irrelevant for people under 20
i ditched FB and IG a few days ago and replaced them with twitter and only follow people i want to see content from
has massively improved my mental health 10/10 would recommend desu
Not him but it is becoming irrelevant for some reason (Moms and ad-shit).
Reeeee am I right?
Might as well use them for something so wasteful as Facebook.
It's getting replaced by messenger and still has uses amongst teens
E.g. meme groups
Has potential but is buggy af atm, especially the mobile version
you know you can do this on facebook, right?
It's own userbase.
get out of your nerd bubble. compare the activity of your average normie teen on facebook vs their activity on instagram or snapchat. 20+ are still on fb but much less active, 30+ are somewhat active and 40+ to elderly are very active.
Meaning it's up to you to distance yourself from them as much as possible. If they die another product will take their place.
oh for fucks sake you absolute fucking mongaloid.
fb own instagram, and its crushing snapchat.
Uh.... no they didn't.
They don't die. Just fade away. Kids nowadays shun them because mom and dad are on it. Don't know what they're on these days though.
>>tfw these are literally never going to die ever
Those icons sure are dead
no one is talking about the corporations. we are talking about the platforms. stay mad brainlet