Speccy thread / Specs thread

Speccy thread / Specs thread.

Waiting for Zen+.





looks good to go. 3gb is only neg I see but I'm sure it's enough for 1080p/60
me too
that's a lot of displays and drives.


Looks ggod except I would get a better gpu also:

it's a 144hz monitor.... the video card will only go up to 119hz and I'm getting a new video card as soon as AMD gives me any fucking info about VEGA I would go buy a 1080ti but it's so close might as well wait.

Rate my shitty budget build. Thinking about getting another 8gb ram soon or should I upgrade another thing first? I'm broke atm

I forgot to...

just finished this low budget project of like 3 years, buying used parts.

Waiting for Zen+ [2]

Waiting for Zen+ to free my soul from the jews.

Just finished this build. Mostly a mobo+ram+cpu swap from an 8350 build.


solid build

Thanks man. Im thinking of changing my ram but not sure if its worth the trouble. Though what i have now seems to be slow

tfw corelet

How can you tell?

just overclock it manually. I got a corsair kit rated at 2400mhz but it clocks perfectly fine at 3200mhz with cas15 timings at 1.35 volts



idk ive just been told its slow

will try this tomorrow

oops meant to reply to the other user



Monoprice monitor was passed down lol, i just get hand me down parts. Im shooting for a 144hz or 4k@60fps not sure what im gonna get next

4K has scaling issues in windows and some games... I'd go for 144hz as 1440p is kind of a shitty jump.

I gotcha i want to see something in person first i got a frys near me, but ill have to see plus im a poorfag so its going to be a while



I wish speccy reported overclocks, my 4790k is at 4.9ghz at 1.285 volts. Second 390x is in second rig.




I really want to be awake at all times so I can post muh pic related sooner than about 40 replies

D-do you have a heatsink installed?
