MIT niggers
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Do his parents hear him say "nigger" every day? xD
People from Las Vegas are very racist so I doubt they even give a shit. inb4 >b-b-but only southerners are racist!
Is it hard to stay in your containment thread you fucking autistic lump of shit.
Take your eceleb garbo and immediately fuck off back to plebbit
Please take your autistic moron videos back to r9k or the Donald or wherever this behavior is heralded as brave or whatever
This is a technology board
The video is technically technology-related you fucking autist.
Hell, there's even a thread still on here just dedicated to saving his videos.
I bet you're a CIA nigger.
>tfw pol ruined the entire site
>Sup Forums boogeyman
You're niggerlicious
Is terry actually a good programmer?
I dont know enough about programming to tell if he is really good, or if he is just running off of novelty alone
He's a fucking genius. Dude made his own OS.
He could be rich working with some major companies if he wasn't mentally ill and said "nigger" every 5 seconds.
He made TempleOS you nigger
>Is terry actually a good programmer?
terry is a phenomenal programmer. he isn't far from the truth when he says "i am the best programmer on earth; chosen by god."
In 2017
Make a shit OS
I will call him a reasonable programmer
I'm tired of this bullshit, if he were to only experience ego death he would be cured.
>if he were to only experience ego death he would be cured
>What works for me will work for everyone else
You don't know shit you must be a spirit nigger.
He made a shitty OS that anyone who goes through an undergrad OS course will do.
>he thought it was the stack
post a link of your cool OS that you wrote
My code enters ring 3, which Terry never bothered to do. His mind is stuck in 1996, maybe even a bit earlier.
I plan on continuing my OS over the summer, fixing a few bugs and adding drivers for some devices. I was supposed to have a group, but my partners were stupid so I did most of it on my own.
Are you the new Terry in the making? Make sure you harden your OS to protect it from CIA niggers
Remember to make it 640x480, it is what God wants
And it has to be like having sex with a twelve year old
He's good enough to make his own OS and compiler which is more than 99% of programmers can do. People hype him up over the fact he made his own OS but the compiler is actually more impressive.
Has anybody looked at the compiler? I would but I don't want to learn HolyC or look through Terry's code.
Is it just straight-up transcribing statements to bytecode, or is actual optimization taking place?
> being this new
>I plan on adding drivers for some devices
Where do you get the APIs for these devices?
Is Terry just going to keep doing the vlogging stuff or is he going to do some more programming livestreams at some point. Or is what hes going to continue to do up in the air right now
Hes chosen by god
Fucking CIA nigger. I bet you can't even program you stupid fuck
Can I get a quick rundown on rings
Is it true that Linus Torvalds never finished his compiler?
oh god, dont let the feminists know he has privilege level on his OS.
u CIA mulattoes have to go back
someone get him to stream on vaughnlive. i need my terry fix my dudes
Fuck off, autistic brainlet mouth breather
>My code enters ring 3, which Terry never bothered to do.
tfw you miss the entire point of TempleOS
has terry started streaming again? hitbox still banned?
Is Terry homeless?
Are you the anti-Terry. Did the devil command you to make this?
Quick summary:
The compiler generates Intermediate Code at the parser stage. See
PrsExpression(), PrsStmt().
The compiler optimizes See Intermediate Code Attributes,
Combining Consts, Choosing Reg Vars. Use PassTrace() to see the optimization
The compiler makes machine code in the back end. See IC Struct,
COCCompile and OptPass789A(), BackEnd. Set Trace(ON) to see the output of the
There's a difference between racism and autism, nigger!
When you cia nogs write you own compiler, then come back and talk, otherwise sit down and let the genius carry on that is Terry.