Screenfetch thread

screenfetch thread



What do people say when you take your computer to class?

why would I take my gaming rig to class

they ask for my number

"I recognize that dickl"

I guess macs are for fags after all.

Well, while we're here, sauce?



meant for


what will you give me for it?

For your sauce I'll give you my sauce, if you know what I mean

I'll tell you where to find the best coding socks.

no thanks

alright I'll tell you a secret
traps ARE gay

good thing that's not a trap

controversial opinion: cute traps aren't gay


Looks nice, what browser are you using?

>cute girl

what's the best way to run screenfecth on pfsense and freenas?

What image viewer is that.

Here is my screenfetch



install MATE



Am I doing this right?




i like the font, what is it? owo

fantasque sans mono uwu

Finally fixed a desktopthread function and a colour scheme.

That's the gayest thing I saw tonight. And I just visited Sup Forums
