USB flash drive got really slow

I've had my USB flash drive for a couple of years now and it got really slow after formatting it to exFAT and now no matter what i do or format file system i choose it's still very slow.
It was formatted on NTFS before and it worked fine, but now even if i change it back to that it's still slow.
What happened and what can i do to fix this?

Uncheck quick format.

Flash drives don't have unlimited read/writes before they go to shit. It's probably just dead.

I've done that, i even gave it a seven pass secure erase and still nothing.

I don't think so because it only started getting slow after changing the file system to exFAT.

Very likely about to die

>I've done that, i even gave it a seven pass secure erase and still nothing.
I had this issue as well, it gotten really slow over tim. Formatting it that way fixed my problem. Also, from my experience NTFS 64kB is faster than exFAT.
Also the format must be done in the fs/block size you intend to use, in my case NTFS/64k

They have enough to last many many years

Benchmark the raw data using gnome disk utility in a linux live cd.

Also you may have misaligned partitions. I think mine came factory fucked.

XFS straightened it out at a solid 100MB/s write and 150MB/s read.

thats normal. I have the 128gb variant of this, they throttle.

But it worked fine for about 2 years.
Every file below 1GB would transfer really fast, and files above 1GB would transfer fast for the first GB and then slow down for the rest of the file transfer.


that's just write caching on the OS side, nothing to do with the speed of the drive itself
note that write caching can be turned on or off, check it's not turned off if it's now slow for any writes

You're more likely to lose it before it goes bad. If you don't cheap out.

>Uncheck quick format.
>Flash drive
You're cruel.

If you have pic related, it's probably dead. Those tiny usbs get extremely hot and die prematurely.

>use flash drive as a persistent live Linux system
>gets super hot within 5 minutes

Feels bad man. How to avoid?

1. load rootfs into ram
2. remove flash drive
3. when powering off, plug back in and sync changes

Not enough ram for that feels bad

You probably fucked up the formatting.
Try different block sizes.

then i guess you'll need to either;
a. use a device which doesn't get too hot
b. cut a hole in the shell and put a small heatsink on the flash chip(s)

Its because if the drive has 512kb block sizes and you format it with 64kb sizes it has to write the same information 8 fucking times you knob.

This is the drive info:

Volume name : exFAT
Partition offset: 0 sectors (0 bytes)
Volume size: 60062500 sectors (30752000000 bytes)
Bytes per sector: 512
Bytes per cluster: 512
FAT offset: 2048 sectors (1048576 bytes)
# FAT sectors: 466944
Number of FATs: 1
Cluster offset: 468992 sectors (240123904 bytes)
# Clusters: 59593508
Bitmap start: 2
Bitmap file size: 7449189
Upcase start: 14552
Upcase file size: 5836
Root start: 14564