Begin to work at a start-up

>begin to work at a start-up
>EVERYONE uses a Mac
>i'm too poor to buy one

macfag here
pls dont buy one just to fit in

we have enough fags doing that already

buy it because its literally the best OS

so you lied on your application again eh.

As long as you're not on windoze it's okay.

> not having a macbook given to me on hire

lmao fucking pleb start-up

They gave us MBPs in the startup I worked at until recently

Shit was pretty cash

give me one thing that mac can do that linux can't


You can simply do installment payment.

>EVERYONE uses a Mac

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Where I work everyone runs linux on a macbook or dell xps.

Why would someone do this?

iOS is basically BSD plus the best GUI money can buy. You have the console as well as the "just werks" Applel products. It's literally the best of both worlds..

Don't get me wrong, I really like Mint, but running Linux on a Mac is silly..

just get a T420 and hackintosh

if i am an artist i have 0 (zero) reasons not to pick windows 10.
if i am a programer i have 0 (zero) reasons not to pick linux.
also ryzen.

>iOS is basically BSD plus the best GUI money can buy

No, it's not. Where did you heard that?

>the best GUI money can buy
Lol, no, it just looks nice because of icons and fonts, usability is far from kde's.
>You have the console as well as the "just werks" Applel products
Have you tried coding on mac? I heard that it's literally impossible. Usually it "just not werks".

i have a lenovo 440t ;___;

Adobe Creative Suite
Sane window manager/display protocols
Good file manager

Use mainstream software.

You "heard" that it's literally impossible?

Just shut the fuck up already. macOS is a unix, programming on it is as easy as it is on Linux.

There are free (as in freedom) alternatives on almost all distros.
Having a bad window manager is your own fault for not configuring it yourself.
You can install or even make your own file manager, compared to "Finder" which makes the Windows file manager seem state of the art.
Fucking brandniggers. Go install gentoo you privileged piece of shit

Attract women

Why do you need to use "mainstream" software when there's an equivalent to everything on Linux? Having some trouble fitting in user? Or maybe you don't know what to do with all your money so you'd rather waste it on shitty non-free software?

Spotted the virgin.
Technology has no baring on attracting women. An attractive guy could be running Red Star OS and playing a Nintendo DS and women wouldn't give a shit so long as he has confidence. What would be gross and virgin-y suddenly becomes cute and nerdy.

>t. unemployed neet
Free software sucks, that's why professionals don't use it.

>good file manager
top fucking kek
>you can't use chrome, spotify, and netflix on linux!!!!!!
oh wait you can

>You "heard" that it's literally impossible?
Yes I heard this from my friend who coded for 15 years and on his last job everyone used macs. He told me that it was the crappiest OS for coding he's ever seen. Almost nothing fucking worked except browsing facebook. They literally had to launch some linux in docker to make their project work.
>Just shut the fuck up already
Gtfo, mactoddler, What are even doing here? This place is called TECHNOLOGY, not TODDLER TOYS.
>macOS is a unix, programming on it is as easy as it is on Linux.
>b-but it's unix... it.. it should be as easy as linux... b-but i payed muh money, why is it so shit?...

There is no alternative for AE. or a good alternative for Premiere/Photoshop/Animate.
All window managers on linux are utter shit. And you can't not use x11/waymeme.
Finder is good, it's winplebs are too dumb to think different and use it properly. And like with window managers, there are tens of them and they all suck.

you can use these on a Windows VM

Whatever user, I'll be sitting here with a full wallet and being able to write code, edit images, videos and audio at a professional level while you struggle to pay the thousands for "professional grade mainstream software"

I'm a newfag, can someone explain to me why Mac is so good? Is it for programming?

And harm the performance a lot. It's pretty critical for programs of that sort.

>finder is good
I want you to consider the fact that you're using the operating system and brand of choice of spoiled American teenage girls that was specifically designed to be simple to use for technologically illiterate retards who can't be trusted to run an .exe

>Because of the huge amount of data which needed to be stored, cataloged and available for everybody involved, even on the other side of the world, a new cloud computing and Digital Asset Management (DAM) system named Gaia was created by Microsoft especially for Avatar, which allowed the crews to keep track of and coordinate all stages in the digital processing.[103] To render Avatar, Weta used a 10,000 sq ft (930 m2) server farm making use of 4,000 Hewlett-Packard servers with 35,000 processor cores with 104 terabytes of RAM and three petabytes of network area storage running Ubuntu Linux, Grid Engine cluster manager, and 2 of the animation software and managers, Pixar's RenderMan and Pixar's Alfred queue management system.[104][105][106][107]

>Finder is good, it's winplebs are too dumb to think different and use it properly.
I want to hear more :^) what is the "different" way of using finder?

>I'm only getting 60 fps instead of 200 on my photoshop

It looks really nice (mostly icons and fonts). It's overpriced a lot, so if you don't care about being a special snowflake you don't need it.
>Is it for programming?
linux is the best OS for programming

Yeah, linux belongs on server farms for nerds while the actual content making will still be on osx.
just dont use windows' concepts on the best os
maybe in 90's, but based steve made it into the best os for programming
it's like linux, but with more software and non-shit ui/system

>muh fonts
OSX does NOT have great font rendering. What it does is, on retina displays, render the desktop at fucking double the selected screen real estate to provide super sample anti aliasing to their fonts

use a macbook air or any old macbook pro and you'll see the same shitty hard to read fonts of old resolution displays just like fucking anything else. Use Windows 10 on a 4k monitor and say
>dude windows finally has good font rendering lmao

Actually the opposite, when Steve Jews died the normies accelerated their Apple product usage.
Anyways, how about you show us some of that content you've been making? I'd be happy to link you to my YouTube channel or some of the models I've made in Blender.

looks fine to me

>just dont use windows' concepts
for example?
>on the best os
you are wrong, finder is mac os file manager, not related to gnu/linux

>steve made it into the best os for programming

Hey that looks like my $80 Chromebook!

>It's the "I have a seven figure income and you're poor" response

yeah probably. freetards finally caught up.
opinions discarded
idk plan9port is the same for all posix for me. and osx is free

Nah I don't make anywhere near that much but at least I'm spending my money on useful things like food in rent instead of overpriced slave software.

>it's like linux, but with more software and non-shit ui/system
>more software
I'm going to have to laugh at this one user. It just really doesn't. It has a handful of professional Apple backed programs which are marketing to media creators and that's it
>non-shit UI
functionally OS X is no different from GNOME 3, except OS X offers no customization options. Sure the gestures are nice and the compositor really is excellent, but there's plenty of things with OS X that are straight up issues
>programs consistently only minimize to tray instead of close
>updates through the app store are slow and difficult to control
>the app store itself is a piece of shit filled with useless trash outside of the top 3-5 apps
>there are THREE (count em) THREE OS search engines, all for different purposes, and all of them shit
>third party package managers are a fucking sad joke and worse than even chocolatey on Windows
exactly, looks like any low resolution font on any OS out there. if you really want to get mad pic related is from a 1080p display

You realize that video editing in a VM is fucking awful and dumb, right? Most editors use the GPU etc.

Why don't you steal one Jamal so that you can make a thread on how to unlock it and we can tell you to give it back.

it is not best the OS and you don't even have any valid arguments

How can you justify charging double what a computer's specs are worth just for a shitty brand

Kdenlive is functionally identical to Sony Vegas Pro

>OSX does NOT have great font rendering. What it does is, on retina displays, render the desktop at fucking double the selected screen real estate to provide super sample anti aliasing to their fonts
I meant just the default font. It's the only thing that matters.
>old resolution displays
I used hackintosh on old resolution displays and fonts look better than default windows or linux fonts. Stop pretending that there's no "spoilt teenage girl" default setup on mac, like this guy said

Why are you changing the topic?
And yeah, Sony Vegas Pro is garbage for professional video editing.

why wouldn't provide you with one?

What do you use macfag? iMovie? Whats your coffee of choice by the way? Starbucks?

>looks better than windows
yes windows looks like shit unless at high resolution, OS X looks average unless super sampled
>looks better than default linux
not even true. On Fedora and Ubuntu you get font rendering that default looks the best on any resolution display you can find

>acting like a successful business that invests in its employees

>>just dont use windows' concepts
>for example?
answer this, you little bitch, make us laugh and tell us about thinking differently

>Literally impossible
You either have no idea what the word "literally" means or you're an idiot. How would there be software for macOS if it was literally impossible to program on it?

>As easy as it is on Linux
No, not at all.

Specs hardly matter nowadays. and stop being poor :)
But osx also can run any POSIX program, so it's simply slightly better. I can make the same arguments about linux
>document-based applications close instead of minimizing as proper & it's impossible to implement unless changing every programs' code
>updates thru package managers are slow and difficult to control
Some are wrong:
>three search engines
find, spotlight and ?
>third party engines are a joke
nice meme but brew is actually good and has a lot of forumlae and i actually like it better than aptitude for example.

App store is trash tho.
>plebs can't fathom proper video editors like final cut pro, premiere or avid

I actually don't use a Mac.
openSUSE mostly on my systems.

I'm just calling out your bullshit. Why are you fighting and discussing vigorously if you have no idea what you are talking about?

>It's the "I must be smarter than you because I use linux" response

>buy a mac
What a waste o'munny, son

>brew is actually good
why don't you kill yourself

>You either have no idea what the word "literally" means or you're an idiot
you don't know what overstatement is?

>the best GUI money can buy

>Specs hardly matter nowadays.
oh, the BRAND matters? :^)
>and stop being poor
typical mac shill post. people who don't buy apple products are not poor, they are just not retards

Brew is good, it's just crap compared to apt or dnf because it's constantly fighting the OS for links.

Yes, I do, you know how you describe "overstatement"? As figuratively, the complete polar opposite of literally. Stop using it for emphasis, you just look like an idiot.

Brand doesn't matter but there's nothing but apple that compiles with my requirements.
(btw ur a poor retard)
apt is shit

because that equivalent sucks balls

>so it's simply slightly better
it's non-free and overpriced garbage
>I can make the same arguments about linux
>>updates thru package managers are slow and difficult to control
>brew is actually good
are you retarded or what?

OS X is free. It costs 0$.
Also you're the retard if you don't think brew is good. Lincucks are even porting it to their os, that's how good it is.

but it's true
>Yes, I do, you know how you describe "overstatement"? As figuratively, the complete polar opposite of literally. Stop using it for emphasis, you just look like an idiot.
just try coding on mac and I bet you'll use the same word :^)

OS X is not free, they will not release the source code

>working at a start-up

Don't worry, yourself along with those Mac users will be unemployed soon enough.

don't get pressured into getting one.

>OS X is free. It costs 0$.
I meant free as free speech (macfags always think about money). But it's also not free as free bear because you can't use it without buying an apple product, only if your hardware matches exactly.

Apt can update my entire system in 2 command, let's see brew do that.

I code on a mac for a living. Yes, it's bad. I'm now in charge of our dev department and we're moving to CentOS VMs.

Are you retarded?
Spotify and Netflix are online so it doesn't care for your OS is. Chrome is just a browser.

It's compatible with any x86_64 CPU

>Lincucks are even porting it to their os
lol! it's ultimate shit when compared to pacman and yaourt. Some port on github does not mean that it's as widespread as linux kernel.

>sony vegas pro

>being susceptible to peer pressure
grow some balls

Honestly this isn't a meme
I can go on an autistic rant about some autistic software and my gf will just giggle and be like "oh user, you're so cute"
I can't quite believe it myself

If linux people are so smart, why are they shitposting on Sup Forums?

>It's compatible with any x86_64 CPU
What about amd?
Computer is not only cpu, if you use hackintosh at least nvidia gpu will not work. Also installing it is a hell, most users will chose to buy mac instead of struggling if they want mac os. (it was designed in such way on purpose)

and they wont let you install OSX on another computer

>Sane window manager
>Good file manager
On what level of retardism are you even?
Those two things are literally the worst specimens in existence.

we need to relax sometimes after doing our smart things that mactoddlers are too stupid to do.

It does work with AMD, just have to use some unofficial kexts. Also there's the official nvidia driver which is compatible with all gpus.

>Also there's the official nvidia driver which is compatible with all gpus.
Fuck you shill! Why the fuck are you lying on /g?

Shit, I can't even imagine such a retard like you. You buy overpriced computer with non-free os and after that you lie on Sup Forums that your os is free. Is it even possible to be so dumb?

Macfags in a nutshell
they try to convince themselves that buying a Mac is actually a good investment.

2/3 of the posts you quoted are people shitting on macOS.


so? I was quoting the discussion

ok, just leave the technology board

Really why do you even come here? Buying consumer devices is not related to technology. You are not even customizing them. I'm sure you don't even code. You can't be posting in hw threads because you can't change your hardware :^)
So what are you doing here? Tell me please, I'm really interested

Bro I like OS X since being forced to use a mbp at work, but the file manager is literally the worst thing about the OS. I don't use it all and just use the terminal. In fact I don't even really like OS X that much, I only use non default apps, but these apps don't have good equivalents outside of OS X. Iterm2 and spectacle.

don't butthurt so buch :) just install linux