Do most people lack talent or are they just lazy?
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The average person becomes distracted by "noise". So lack of focus.
The average person isn't wealthy.
Lazy and lack of focus
They're fucking morons who never develop their talent.
They're weak.
And the weak should always fear the strong.
Neither. They are just in the wrong profession living a life they don't like. Their subconscious self sabotages them
I think it's supposed to be the other way round, m8.
Most of the people that got famous over the age won the lottery (by starting out rich or by hitting one or a series of jackpots for one or another reason).
People usually call that "talent" more often than not, but it's actually basically luck.
>this is what incel cucks believe
They pay attention to the wrong things.
They take advice from 10k like posts on quora. Like 80% of the stuff in my field that reaches 2k likes+ is simply wrong or irrelevant.
It's a form of optimization actually. Maximising profit with minimum work. We develop textbook talents because the society tells us to.
Uncultivated, which results in the appearance of the former and the actuality of the latter
Obama isn't lazy, but pretty smart. However he doesn't know anything about management and transaction. He can teach a graduate level course on Constitutional law, but if he had to manage a supermarket, or play 1000 hands of poker he will fail.
I know this guy that took ever my old job about 10 years ago when I was promoted. This was a combo sysadmin job with help desk like duties. Well he didn't even have to do the sysadmin part and was basically a help desk / service tech. Well he STILL has that same job. Ten fucking years.
I now make well over six figures and have a pretty good job at a big tech company.
This guy spends all of his time watching Netflix at work, talking about tv shows on Facebook and probably forums and Reddit. He spends his time at home playing DnD and making and painting game models and castles and batman play sets and shit.
All in all, though, despite his lack of professional success, he seems pretty happy and has a good wife and a good life. So more power to him.
If you want to be successfull, however, you need to dedicate yourself to it and not spend all your time on entertainment.
how'd you get promoted?
There was an opening on the Linux team, I was offered it and took it. Instead of watching Netflix at work I was installing Gentoo at work.
If you got fucked over so hard and you accept you'll never be anything, why haven't you killed yourself already?
Success is 99% hard work and 1% talent or INNOVASHUN.
Yes, you need talent in what you do in order to effectively get over the steep learning curves of whatever you're working on. However, at the end of the day, consistent, determined, and serious work will make your talent insignificant in the long run.
I have a 9 inch dick but I'm too shy to be a porn star.
You're overlooking the hard work that's oftentimes put into success. You're dismissing their 80hr workweeks and no family/vacation time as "luck". This hard work is also accompanied by "give up already", or "you're never going to make it".
It's not so much luck as it is perseverance.
it's actually 70:30 but whatever
>Want to learn robotics and software to create something badass that would serve society pretty well
>I have the idea down
>I'm to lazy to even go to college to learn programming , electrical engineering , mechanical engineeering and buisness
Fucking kill me
god damn, Obama's so cool ;_;
Where did you source that number? I sourced mine from Linus Torvalds.
You're forgetting that plenty of people put in that same amount of work and most never get anywhere. It really does boil down to luck in the end.
Hard work =/= perseverance
Most people would not work the week after their father's death while they attend the funeral and plan the laying. The person who achieves success would continue working.
t. someone who broke off a relationship with someone who literally did that and said person has gone on to earn millions
no such thing. just motivation to master a skill.
To be completely honest, some of it is luck.
I have a successful small business due to luck.
I owe a lot of it to an investor that randomly found me on the third page of google and thought I had a cool idea. After a few weeks of discussing the terms and in-person meeting to figure out our new agreement. I woke up one morning and had several hundred thousand in my business bank account. Got an office, hired some new hands overtime, and it's been successful ever since.
then why don't you play the lottery if you think it's really a matter of skill?
If I start a game of monopoly at the beginning and you start twenty rounds later, I will take every bit of cash you have, am I just more talented or have more perseverance?
Everything in life, is a matter of luck. You did not choose where you were born, you did not choose the color of your skin, you did not choose to be born wealthy or poor, and all that has deep impacts on your life outcome, your education outcomes, your health outcomes. There is a lot in life you simply can not and will never overcome.
>anyone who chooses a different life than me is inferior