/wdg/ - web development general

normal i's edition

>Old thread

>This season's Advent of Code:

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


What would CSS choose to apply if there was:

div { color:blue }
p { color:green;
font-size:smaller !important }
.hmm { color: fuchsia }

p { color:white;
font-size:larger !important }
body { color:yellow }

//User agent:
body { color:black }

Would the color be fuchsia because Author takes the highest precedence here?

If User were to have .hmm{color: fuchsia} instead of Author, would that be used because it was more specific or would Author still override it?

I don't know what takes precedence: Order or Specificity.

first for {{ generic anime girl }}

why not just self host shit for portfolio and resume and such

Is this some special type of CSS? I dont know why youre blocking it like that when any nornal person would wrap thr content with a div and change the class of thay div depending on what you want.

If your ISP doesn't care then go for it.

Mine does. A droplet is only 5 a month

It's ripped from an exam question. It basically asks which rules will be applied.


Using mint

notepad++ isn't on linux

I'm not sure sublimetext?atom.io?

what do you all use

I'd like something that is not bulky/clunky that still does the job well


Vs code, sublime text, atom, vim, emacs. Check them out and choose for yourself. I use vs code and vim

Sublime or get out


if you have at least 8gb RAM then atom
if you have less then vs code (which i use)

I always wanted to make a pilgrimage to vim/emacs

EVIL maybe

I have heard the legends of broken fingers from emacs

I'm seriously considering doing a bootcamp with Thinkful.

They have a money back guarantee if you meet their milestones and are flaunting a "93%" placement rate into a job within 6 months of graduating, and they also pro-rate your tuition if you finish ahead of schedule.

It is designed for complete beginners which makes me a but uncomfortable because I don't want to be paying to video conference with some hipster who is going to try to make writing a responsive layout seem like extremely valuable information that you can't find for free.

I feel like you are really paying for the interview/job search/networking value of the program, which I am also unsure if it is worth paying for..

I know a lot of people are going to tell me I could do it for free, but I have literally been hoarding information and courses/free bootcamps for the past few years and I can't seem to light a fire under my ass to get shit done. I'm spinning my wheels going from odd job to odd job atm and it really blows.

if you have IQ above 130, get yourself some books on HTML, CSS, and Javascript. learn anything else online. dont listen to the cunts that will tell you books are unnecessary, you need them for the 3 things i listed which are the very basics. they are written by actual professionals who are masters at the field and have degrees in teaching. unlike retards like bucky from youtube who have no idea how to organize a lesson or to write an understandable example.

anyway, if you have less than 130 IQ then im sure those guys at thinkful will be perfect.

tested at 138, yet I'm a lazy fuck who can't get shit done. what now?

Yeah man. I test around 120-130 which honestly is overkill for fucking web development, my friend. I feel someone with an IQ of 108 could be a fully competent web dev, IF they have the motivation and discipline to put in the time.

I was honor roll in highschool, dual enrolled in college and had nearly 100% tuition covered by a scholarship.

Self determination is a bitch when you are in a rut, doing pointless part time jobs and just want to fucking shitpost and read when you have free time.

get the books. mentors are for retards that make up for having no brain by throwing away money

>I test around 120-130 which honestly is overkill
iqtest.com is not a valid IQ score m8

im doing java in school, but i kinda lose motivation for personal projects cause i cant make stuff look nice enough.
Would it make sense to just switch to html css javascript stuff for now?

averaging scores from school / mensa website

and I would like to reiterate that you don't need a 130 IQ to make web pages, FFS

Temperament is just as important as IQ in many cases. There's a reason a bunch of stupid fuckheads are succeeding while Mr. 130 IQ over here is posting on Sup Forums during normal work hours. It's gonna take some work, lad.

it would make sense to do a project in java with the aim of it being an aesthetically pleasing design

I was the type of kid who skated by in school with good grades without having to try and basically spent all my free time since I was like 13 on totse, chans, irc, etc.

I was making HTML pages in notepad when I was in middle school, I did not have the foresight to make it my goal to be a web dev though at that time, which was [spoiler]13 YEARS[/spoiler] ago

Would working through bento/odinproject/freecodecamp and making a few projects, with everything hosted on GIT, really be enough to get a job?

As nice as the guaranteed job placement/interview prep/networking sounds, I also cringe at the cost of these 6-8month bootcamps..

>Would working through bento/odinproject/freecodecamp and making a few projects, with everything hosted on GIT, really be enough to get a job?
If you are willing to take a lot of shit and make little money to get your foot in the door, you can absolutely do it on your own. If you have no discipline, you're going to have a rough time. Step 1 is to treat it like a day job. Until you can legitimately put in 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you should look at it as a non-starter. If you can do that, and if you'll relocate and take low pay, you can get a job after a few months, and that will be a springboard to the 'real' jobs.

Not unless you do web development in Java. Java requires 100 levels of abstraction on top of another 1000, so it takes someone with an IQ of 800+ to figure all of that shit out.

>he's not an asynchronous developer

>he felt for the multithreading meme

i fold my toilet paper in advance while shitting, does that count as asynchrony?

>Multi thread

Holy shit Sup Forums

>still multithreading your apps
Enjoy you're deadlocks

I place toilet paper in the toilet before I defecate so as to avoid unclean and uncomfortable splashes

Which paradigm is this?

There's literally no reason to make any program multithreaded in the year 2017. Single-thread of operation suffices in 99.99% of situations.


Solve this and I will give you the answer you seek

ummm... is there a way I can split screens horizontaly in this sublime shit or should i just get back to web storm?

bottom right

You failed. You're probably not going to make it.

>You have to make N requests to a server
>Program is on hold while requests finish

Oh, ok

>But muh 8 Cores processors that everyone has

What is optimization?

>There are people that actually believe this and they may be developing software right now


I have an idea for a web app, and only know basic HTML/CSS. I know basic JS won't be enough, so my question is, is there a recommended way to learn react/flux without having to go through JS.

I know its generally said you should get a base in JS first, but its only for 1 app so I want to keep learning time down.

lazy fuck

just use codecademy or something for the basics

this is the problem with frameworks *sigh* people are trying to "program" without actually learning how to program first

Thank you my mentor!

Then what's the correct answer, Einstein?

Guys, how can i decorate specific element clicked on it? I mean, i have some elements without unique ids and classes, i click one of and i need change background under this clicked element.
Look at this, please:

Of course, i can make unique id for each element, but it is a bad way.

>>You have to make N requests to a server
>>Program is on hold while requests finish
Literally nothing wrong with that.


i use vscode


how soon can i get proficient with nodejs and reactjs if i've built crm systems and bloggers with php

yeah but what if you need to do something with the results while N remaining requests finish?

i dont see why you couldlnt pick it up fairly quickly

No you don't.

if i were to go at it autistically in an everyday manner including weekends (and probably burn myself the fuck out) would you say about a month?

Can I use jquery?

Done (using jQuery)

No, it's cheating. I already considered this variant, but i interesting about vanilla javascript. I know it's possible, but how?

I'm not lazy, I just have a job and don't have as much time as I would like.

But thanks anyway.

idk man, i hate questions like this

>do you know both technologies?
>did you learn in spare time or on the job?
>how long did it take you?

also, general question for anyone knowledgable:
>is mean stack better than php / laravel?

Done, it's just ugly

Updated version

Interesting, thanks a lot!

what front/back/full stack course learning site do you all prefer?

not him but should be top right. you spin the right part horizontally and then spin it vertically

I have a an app that makes calls to a 3rd party API over http, my app doesn't do any caching of responses. Can I use something like varnish to cache the responses from the API? What would be the easiest solution here?

X-posting from /sqt/. TiA.

Does anyone mind if I remake the OP develop a super pastebin(s) and accompanying super mega or whatever file site?

if i give some links in a nav bar some padding right to space them out, then the last link has spacing which i dont want

how to space them out without effecting the first and last link?

>>making things easier with library
Please get some common sense

do I need ruby if I have python?

Set half padding to left and right so things look equal.
Remove padding from last element

They are fairly similar languages considering webdev so no.

whats the best framework for a simple static site with multiple pages? as in i dont want to have to create abunch of whatever.html pages, i want the routing thing where i say "/contact" loads some html, etc

React or Vue

they fulfill the same role, so no. If you have Python, do a bit of HTML/CSS/JS, basic SQL just to get an idea of what it is, and then pick a framework to go with Python: your main options are Django and Flask. Then hit Shift+F10 and watch the money roll in!


What the hell is angular2 sending to the client that takes several seconds to load "Hello World"?

>if i were to go at it autistically in an everyday manner including weekends (and probably burn myself the fuck out) would you say about a month?
but chances are you're just gonna do it for one day and then jerk off and play video games after that
let's be honest here

I'm trying to update a json file with thousands of entries by making calls to an api server, but I'm getting a lot of timeouts back from the server, so I assume I'm spamming it. How should I stagger the requests? settimeout? node.js btw

Get off your ass and learn something new. javascript rots your brain.

if you don't async your app, you're literally shitting on the next person's request. Think of how you treat your clients.

the api server isn't mine - wordnik, I'm just trying to scrape it to update my local json file to run my app off of. how would you go about making thousands of requests to an api without overloading it?

cache the results

in the needy neet guide how much do you make in those work from home jobs? I'm a wage slave and I'm tired of looking at my useless degree

Why not just try it?

View --> Layout --> Rows


Why the fuck does Chrome have worse dev tools than FF?

>in the needy neet guide how much do you make in those work from home jobs? I'm a wage slave and I'm tired of looking at my useless degree
Almost nothing. They're shill guides for making under minimum wage. Just keep your burger job and work harder to find something better in the afternoons.

Thanks user. I was gonna quit after I got back from japland and try those jobs but if I can't make my 300/biweekly it ain't worth it

Please tell me learning JavaScript gets easier.. I spent the last 3 months learning lots of html and CSS and getting confident in it and now I'm onto JavaScript and it feels like I'll never get it. I felt this way with html and CSS too at first but to a much lesser degree.

I understand variables but loops (while and for loops) have really hurt my morale and I haven't even learned about arrays or dom manipulation yet.

I have the Jon duckett JavaScript & jQuery book I'm also following the Colt Steele web development boot camp videos to get introduced to JavaScript but maybe I'm missing other resources.

What did you guys use to ease yourself into JavaScript and learn the basics?

I'm trying to get my life back together again. What changes would be made to a 2017 NEET guide? I'm working my way through Eloquent Javascript albeit slowly. I want to be in decent shape sometime in June

I recruiter wants to speak to me over the phone tomorrow regarding a position i applied to. What should i expect? It was for a junior developer position/internship.

what are best practices for a node.js 10k+ ecommerce site? I'm just starting to get into nginx, would like to know the names of other associated technology so I can wrap my head around everything