Sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get update

So the power of linux....

Google aptitude guide u bum.

>breaks his install
>cries about it on Sup Forums

I don't think Linus is at fault here.

>being able to break your install
Windows doesn't have this problem


So it's better because it's more idiot proof?

apt update

How did I break it?

You don't need to do it yourself when Windows does it for you

>what is cryptolocker

Ransomware. Use Common Sense 2017

>try to registry edit my way out of Telemetry
>being able to break your install

Another Day Another Windows Install:
>Wanna Play Muh Gaymes
>Windows reboots because of Updates
>Every Time it tries to update it resets and reboots again
>using an OS that automatically breaks itself
Linux doesnt have this Problem

Installing Chromium on a fresh Windows install: Just navigate to the download page
Installing Chromium on Linux: Have to troubleshoot for hours

Nice OS you got there

you're right, windows breaks itself

>Wanna Play Muh Gaymes
>Linux doesnt have this Problem
It doesn't have games faggot

>try to registry edit my way out of Telemetry
I never have this issue. Maybe you are just a faggot.

Is this like this thread again, where someone tried to install Linux Mint 7 and complained the repos didn't work anymore?

No, Im running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

if you use Common Sense 2017, you won't break your Linux install

>what is Wine
>what is PlayOnLinux

open synaptic search for chromium browser klick on it and install alternative sudo apt install chromium-browser in terminal

Oh god just stick to the os which you are comfortable to...
And seriously if you dont know what your doing just dont fucking do it

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
sudo apt-get update

>stick to what you know, never try anything new
>don't learn from your mistakes, just give up after breaking something

pip install Scipy

Install failed

So the power of Wingdongs...

>2017, year of Manjaro
>using Ubuntu

come on, brodie.

>being literally retarded
>blames the OS

Nice logic you got there

Manjaro is shit tier tho
Arch Anywhere or if you really need that gui then Antergos. And you won't have to constantly adjust your clock twelve decades back when they forget to update their certificates. Also you won't be behind with updates because they 'test' the package upgrades.

Yep true that...i dint think it through

Why do people even reply?
Just stop.

I wonder who's posting all these pointless bait threads.. been going since I've got here in 2012 and sometimes it's the same image macro + text sequence.. what the fuck Sup Forums???

>in 2017

Actually yeah, it's a better design so inexperienced users can use it too

something happened

>What is Wine
Gee, I love settling for 30fps even with my more than capable graphics card just so I can boast on an anonymous, Japanese card playing forum that I use Linux.

Linux is uther shit mate. Don't listen to this autism hive that's called Sup Forums. If you solve one problem there will always be another one and linux will never just work. Linux users are just contrarians who want to justify their snowflake os. If 95% of ppl switched to linux they would praise windows like second coming of Christ.

is this the daily "I'm too retarded to use Linux" thread?

I had to completely disable updates because W10 kept trying to install the same update and failing for over 2 weeks.

Best of both worlds is to run linux as host and windows for gaymen in a VM and pass the GPU through to it. That way you can continue using host OS while windows restarts for updates.
>Gee, I love wasting money on new hardware with vt-x and vt-d support with 5% less CPU efficiency and more RAM so I can boast on an anonymous, Japanese card playing forum that I use Linux.
In Microsoft style I wrote your reply for you, so you don't have to even bother replying. Trust me, it just werks

Distros that usually have apt-get are more likely to start up next time than something with pacman you stupid autistic retard.
>muh snowflake Arch

so true

> If 95% of ppl switched to linux they would praise windows like second coming of Christ.
I found the opposite to be true, not being forced to restart for updates for one. And not having to deal with telemetry out of the box entrenched in the OS with the lowest level being basic.
Haven't had any issues for a good while now once I got past the first hurdle setting it up the way I want it.

>I found the opposite to be true, not being forced to restart for updates for one. And not having to deal with telemetry out of the box entrenched in the OS with the lowest level being basic.
literally happens once a month.
if that is the reason you say no to endless features and compatibility of windows you are retarded beyond belief

>literally happens once a month

source on what retard, how often windows releases *SECURITY UPDATES* for your own good?

>Installing Chromium on Windows
Look up the download page, download installation file, run it, then viola.

>Installing Chromium on Linux
apt-get install chromium

How much are they paying you to spew bullshit?

You are getting paid to shill, correct?

you forgot to sudo, since you cant do shit on linux without escalated privileges. which then asks for a password and then most likely shows an error in the process of installation or launching the chromium.
I run on Debian, literally can't install mpv with every single way possible. You think this is normal? lol

yes, Windows 10 updates work flawlessly after all

Waaahaaa why dont more people use my shitnuy hobbyos wanna why is it 2%

>things that never happened

it's extremely hard to break apt though
you pretty much have to either be completely clueless or do it on purpose

The only redeeming quality windows have is the available applications.
And the available applications exist because more people use the platform.
People use the platform more because the only option to not buy a windows license these days is to assemble a desktop yourself.

>not having pacman under an alias
1. Ctrl + Enter
2. $ install chromium
3. type password

>tfw literally never had any problems with Linux
how fucking dumb are you guys

>I run on Debian, literally can't install mpv with every single way possible.
How are you this fucking useless?

>How are you this fucking useless?
I have been running various distros for over 5 years total, ran 20+ servers at some point. Im not useless, it just does not work.
you on the other hand are a stupid retarded shilling faggot

So running
# apt-get install mpv
doesn't work at all?

nice meme

interesting talk here guys. I am gonna boot up my other machine now running debian8 and try to install it. If that works, then is an idiot.

no it does not.
checked for the dependancies on git. installed everything but it still does not work.
go ahead faggot

Factually wrong. I installed the creators update yesterday, saw that it left windows.old behind, and deleted windows.old to free up the 25 gigs it was using. This has never broken anything before, but THIS time, current system components relied on things left in that folder. My OS was rendered non-bootable. Safe mode (accessed by failing to successfully boot enough times) was a black background with a mouse cursor and no response to any input other than moving the cursor itself.

Me again. Ok so, Debian 8, standard kde installed, apt-get install mpv, mpv, works.
@60295182 is a fucking idiot, not even a (you).

Works on my machine, and everyone else's. Maybe it's time you quit your job?

screen with my ID on it also a screenfetch.

Can you screenshot it failing?

install gentoo

Do the world a favour and stick to windows.

Sorry it took longer because I just saw your post.
I also have to add, that this is in a virtualbox machine... and the VGA Trailer was the only shit that came to my mind.

I also wanna add, that mpv did nothing in kde. Yeah, right you got me there. Installation was no problem but it couldn't do jackshit.
I had to startx and use openbox (which is what I actually use, kde just was there first because I tinkered around with it last week)
I could not get it running while kde was active and I don't know why, nor do I give a fuck. mpv just said that it could not connect to x11 or some shit.

You cant even boot windows 10 after updating if you have 4gb ram. The only way to fix it is by buying more ram

>that's what you get for fucking with /etc/apt/sources.list

>women vs men screenshots.jpg
Could you screenshot the failure?
I don't care about your screenfetch.
It looks like mpv is playing the video.
If you need more videos to test it, you can use youtube-dl to get videos you know how should look.

And why did you zoom in on your desktop?
It looks horrible.

is your kde running wayland by any chance?

$ loginctl show-session 1 -p Type
prints: Type=x11
Nevermind, Tried it again, it works. I just started the virtualmachine again ... so... I don't why it didn't work right after installation.

it is a virtual machine, I am the guy defending that mpv works. The screenshot was taken with the snipping-tool (host is windows7) because "xD"

I don't know what the issue was in the first place.

The only real difference is that I tried to
mpv video.mp4 as root while running kde and it didn't work, saying that it couldn't connect to x11 and pulseaudio. root was because I used su and then apt-get install mpv.
Then I used openbox (that first bullshit screenshot) and it worked (while also being root).
Then I rebooted the virtual machine, logged in with kde with my normal useraccount and used mpv video.mp4 and it worked (screenshot two, also with the snippingtool because fuck me my host is w7 and I can).
The real problem always sits in front of the pc I guess. Anyways, to clear that up: mpv works and the initial poster that got me to do all this shit ( ) is still an idiot.

haha operating systems lmao

>Sudo apt-get install chromium
Wow. So difficult.

macports is better
