/ot/ Old Technology

Why is old technology so superior to new technology?

And why did they stop making good solid long-lasting high-quality technology products?

Planned obsolescence.

>solid long-lasting high-quality technology products
Except the belts inside that tape deck are shot and it doesn't work unless you replaced them.

Oh the belts are not shot, that Marantz 5020 tape-deck works perfectly fine. And as you can see it's got Super Hard Permallow Head so there's nothing to worry about.

The sad truth is that I don't actually use it, it just looks fancy on top of the 2225 receiver which I do use all the time.

Don't even try to tell me that modern receivers have the awesomeness of these knobs and levers.

>the awesomeness

What objective benefit does having knobs give you that does not exist in modern receivers?

>that Marantz 5020 tape-deck works perfectly fine
I'm 100% sure that thing has wow and flutter up the ass unless someone's replaced the belts.
>knobs and levers
You don't know shit about Hi-Fi, do you?

The ability to fine tune your inductor for maximum resonance


old tech is comfy


and shit started to be outsourced with high output assembly line production at a lower cost. You can still get decent quality modern electronics but you're essentially paying a fortune for it. The market has diversified more but people only care about having the product for a limited time before upgrading or moving on to something else. This wasn't the mentality 40-60 years ago, especially when it came to hand-wired electronics.

>Why is old technology so superior to new technology?
Sup Forums in a nutshell, why is everyone in here so retarded

Nice. Very nice. Though seeing a record player gives me bad memories.

> be me
> have classic stereo with record player and a whole lot of records
> get drafted strait out of highschool
> spend 12 months playing with AG3s and MP5s up north
> come home
> oh we thew away all that old junk you had in storage, user, nobody uses stereos like that or records anymore anyway

You know you're tuning a varicap in an oscillator circuit, not an inductor, right?
You know AFC locks onto a frequency whenever you tune in a station, regardless of your "inductor fine-tuning", right?

Obviously not.

But thanks for the info

i also find old tech more fun to work on and repair

Consumer tech was originally made with the intention of having more and more features than the last generation of things. I suspect that companies lost interest in this when they saw that Apple was able to actively make things simpler than previous generations and people will still buy them.
Case in point, the PS3. From all points, the OG fat model was the best bang-for-your-buck machine you could have in your living room, and that's not just in comparison to consoles.
The PS4, on the other hand, is a slap in the face for everything the PS3 stood for. The UI and OS is aimed at the Facebook generation, along with features that they like, namely streaming and sharing pictures. The overall hardware features have gone down, the system is only able to handle basic BluRays and can't play fucking audio CDs. On top of that, the battery for the controller is sacrificed in favor of a huge bright LED.

VHS HiFi >>>>>>>>> cassette for audio. (unless it's a type 4 tape or something)
Prove me wrong.

Get rekt. A good Type II tape (Maxell XLII or Sony UX-Pro) will sound exactly the same as the best metal tapes. Metals are for master recordings. And don't even get me started on the head wear they cause.

But yes, VHS or Beta Hi-Fi is better for sound, but that's pretty much expected from a helicoidal scan recording system that needs so much decoding.

helical scan*
My bad

Welcome to the wonderful world of Capitalism.

Tell us more about Nam, user

I've got my heathkit hw101 in the garage, and its a solid motherfucker, works great and probably always will. But when it comes down to it, a 100$ portable ham radio would outperform it in audio quality, ease of use and more important things like power draw. But that same machine plain and simple isn't built to last nor is it really that interesting.
My teal and silver relic of the 70's with glowing tubes is much cooler.

And that's what it really come a down to.
Old stuff was made better and the things that survived the years are some of the highest quality items of the time. And most modern equivalents will outperform them in one way or another but under perform usually on the field of quality.

And while were talking about old shit
Is it bad if I really love that early to mid 2000's "sparkly silver and blue leds on everything" look?

It's because of nostalgia faggot, get your head out of your ass and go outside

Because everything was manufactured with military surplus tools just after WWII. So things like metal enclosures, durable components, mechanical devices were relatively the cheapest and best way to go. Now, why spend on the metal enclosure when your vacuum formed plastic enclosure is cheaper to produce, easier to use, etc. All the while the metal enclosures become less demanded and they don't get enough attention to take as much advantage of economies of scale. There are other factors to of course.

>> be me

It's not really.

Take off your nostalgia goggles you millenial faggot and stop comparing new consumer-tier garbage you bought for 5 dollars to old shit that costed you an arm and a leg when it was new.

You have a skewed version of reality because only the high quality shit from that period survived.
The rest of your presumed "awesum XDDDD tech" fills the dumps in Africa.

Why didn't digital amps take off? There were some good ones by Panasonic in the early to mid 2000s but they never took off and now all you can buy are those cheap Chinese tripath amps. Where are the receivers with near perfect amps that use hardly any power?

>And why did they stop making good solid long-lasting high-quality technology products?

Globalization happened, and thus the race to the lowest cost possible.

>Why is old technology so superior to new technology?
It's not, it's just fun and nice looking. Stop making the rest of us look like retarded luddite hipsters.

there's no huge LED, it's a tiny little led with a big light guide to diffuse the light

Anyone got a guide for finding quality used stereos, amps, vinyl players and speakers? I hear you can sometimes get lucky at a thrift store but I wouldn't even know what I was looking at.

Go to the thrift store and google/eBay what you see. Panasonic, marantz, good, aiawa and whatever poorfag brands, bad.

>poorfag brand
>early Aiwa
>poorfag brand

>reading comprehension
Still, early Aiwa is amazing, especially their tape decks. Avoid anything with the "curvy" Aiwa logo, though.

thats beautiful
my modern record player is ugly

whats a digital amp?
i hook my amp up to my sound card and use it as a kind of pre amp

That's because the Crown is a preamp, not an amp. Also
>Built-in phono preamp
>Le "Lol I love vinyl I'm such a music lover" turntable
>Classical records you probably bought for pennies at a thrift store just to fill some space
The Nikko amps are quite nice though, buth they'd be a lot better with a matching preamp instead of that prosumer shit.

no that shitty crown is a stereo amp i bridged mono to match the other amps (in output) for the center channel.

although I hated how much space it took up, the 60" big screen tv that we had growing up had fucking awesome picture in picture, good audio, and no input lag for games
new tv cant compete

mine was shit. had awful viewing angles and died in a big storm when lightning struck nearby.

Wait, then-
You gotta be shitting me, you're inserting the sound card into the signal path of the turntable?
That kind of ruins the point of a turntable.
Not that you'd notice with that kind of craptastic picture discs anyway.

yes sound card has a line in that works fine.
i bought the best sound card i could find

14yo with rich parents confirmed.

are you kidding me?

Wow, such a badass. An SLR you picked up at a thrift store and you don't even know how to use.
You sure don't look like a 14yo at all now.

Maybe if you knew what you were talking about.

Is it not an SLR?

That's a rangefinder camera.

>The market has diversified more but people only care about having the product for a limited time before upgrading or moving on to something else
yeah there's really a lot to upgrade on a coffee bean crusher, maybe they should add a fingerprint scanner on it

Oh cool. I'm not I was just curious.

Is there much difference between a rangefinder and an SLR when it comes to the printed photo?

I don't believe so, slrs are superior in the sense that you can see exactly what you're taking a picture of since you look through the lens. Rangefinders are more compact and look better imo but they seem to be more useful for street photography and journalism where you use lenses that are around 20-50mm.


People think there is though

Class-D (switching amp).

Basically an amp that converts the "analog" line signal waveform to a PWM ("digital") waveform that gets reconstructed to an analog waveform by a low pass filter on the output of the class d amp.

Interesting tech, but THD+N isn't usually that good but they are very power efficient, so they can be pretty small amps even for higher wattage without the need for an xboxhuge heatsink.

My nigga

Correction, good quality old stuff is nice.
The cheap old stuff......well,

>i also find old tech more fun to work on and repair
Of course it is, it was meant to last, not like the glued disposable shit we have today.
My parents had a Sony trinitron, shit lasted 20+ years with us and had been repaired once. It was given to a maid we had on working condition.

Truth? Literally, to make another 5 cents.

>led lights in vintage stereo


I'm so jealous of audio technicians. It's 2017 and you still get:
>Sturdy equipment with wood and leather and steel in the construction.
>Strong and reliable interfaces like 1/4 inch speaker cable which will last a lifetime without the port breaking.
>Physical buttons, knobs, switches etc that are engineered to have a satisfying and responsive throw to them.
Pic related. Even new, common amplifiers have amazing construction. You can jump up and down on these things. They're bricks. Name one meme that they've fallen for.
If you think new audio equipment sucks compared to the old, be glad you're not primarily interested in phones or laptops or anything like that.

>Consumer tech was originally made with the intention of having more and more features than the last generation of things. I suspect that companies lost interest in this when they saw that Apple was able to actively make things simpler than previous generations and people will still buy them.
Number of features and easy of use are two different things user.
Your comparison of the PS3 vs PS4 is interesting but irrelevant. They are just targeting their consumers, which whether you like or not are the Facebook generation. Do you honestly believe anyone who plays vidya has bought an audio CD in the last decade?

Pro-tier: Anything made of metal with impressive knobs
Probably God-tier: Metal with wood paneling
Crapshoot: Anything black

They were a lot more common a decade ago before people figured out how to use eBay