Why I would use an OS that isn't compatible with almost anything?
Why I would use an OS that isn't compatible with almost anything?
Because it's compatible with almost everything?
inb4 lolitrollu
inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded
to check time or use a calculator
I guess it might be a reason why you use Linux.
Then again, most people only really need compatibility with the very few specific devices that they have (and they don't usually plan to add many more and run them together in any way), so they are somewhat okay on Windows or even IOS in that regard.
>isn't compatible
the whole world is ran based on it
It's compatible with quartus, MATLAB, and has a compiler for everything. Works on my end.
>uses shit tier hardware and software
Blames the OS for not giving a fuck
If you are a weeb fag pedo manchild or an edgy haxor xd wanabee teen then linux is for you
> Why I would use an OS that isn't compatible with almost anything?
If you are talking about gaming, WINE has been able to do DirectX 11 since 2.0.
I don't know, I use Linux, which is compatible with almost everything.
This isn't even an OS that is compatible with almost anything.
It works on machines that we call "desktop" and "laptop" primarily. They're a minority even within typical "personal computers", outnumbered by (Linux-based) smartphones already.
Not him, but my soundcard still isn't properly supported.
Can you explain this meme to me?
Don't get me wrong, I love Linux but I've been trying to play Skyrim, a 2011 game, using wine-staging on an RX 480. I get about 25 FPS on high settings and reducing the settings really doesn't help all that much, it's very jittery and regularly drops far lower than that. Regular wine (non-staging) is worse.
I thought the performance was supposed to be at least in the same ballpark as windows? Are all the WINE shills just putting up with this?
Why would I use an OS that makes me do everything via a command prompt?
That's not fun nor do I have the time to learn all the commands
You need to configure the shit out of it, Skyrim is a game that runs fine but needs tweaking.
Do you have any pointers on what I should tweak? Skyrim's settings or Wine's? Wine doesn't seem to have much in the way of performance controls honestly.
This. Tried playing Minecraft and Linux made me do mining via a command prompt. 0/10 would not recommend. I hope you see this because I'm struggling right now to hit the "Post" button via a command prompt. Fucking nightmare.
You don't have to, use KDE that has a nob for everything in GUI, good luck navigating that though. It's just quicker and more consistent to do it in cl. (funny you should actually hate on the cl when even Windows adopted it)
Wine, there are different tools for doing it. PlayOnLinux used to be the good one now Lutris is taking its place. I can't give you specifics, browse WineHQ for the details.
>PlayOnLinux used to be the good one now Lutris is taking its place.
lolwat, lutris handles wine versions now?
Yes it does. And has 1 click installers for many wine games.
> 0/10 would not recommend
> 0 out of 10 would not recommend it
Seems accurate.
it's compatible with everything I use
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Linux is compatible with practically everything, what are you smoking?
>b-but muh games and p-professional software
'professional software' you mean overpriced gimmick shit? If you want to be a professional artist don't buy fucking PhotoCrap, get fucking pant and a paintbrush IRL and actually learn how to use them instead of spamming Ctrl+z 24/7.
>compatible with almost everything
>can't install a program downloaded from the internet unless you recompile the source or get it from the package manager.
Mac OS and Windows do not have this problem.
Want to install a program
>go to author's site
>download dmg, open it
>drag application to Applications folder
>unmount and delete dmg
>app just weeks
>go to author's site
>download installer, open it
>read eula, next, next, close
>delete installer
>app just weeks
>try to install it from package manager
>version is too old
>go to author's site
>no universal binaries for the architecture
>have to download tarball
>install a ton of dependencies
>try to compile
>make install
>can't remove folder or you lose the capability to uninstall cleanly.
Sup Forums cred
>just weeks
"just werks", f**ing autocorrect.
Why would I use an OS that has all these problems:
>"You need to restart your computer to apply this settings change. Restarting..."
>"Program successfully installed. You need to restart your computer to complete the installation. Restarting..."
>forced restart to apply updates
>can't use your computer while installing updates; have to sit there and stare at the screen as it installs them
>"we couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes..."
>can't refuse specific features in an update
>can't refuse updates at all, unless you disable them completely, but...
>have to disable critical security updates just to make the system usable
>but it will only be usable for a week because Windows security has more holes than swiss cheese
>still need an anti-virus
>still need to defrag occasionally
>still need to reinstall Windows regularly due to windows rot (this is arguable, some people say that you won't get windows rot if you use you take precautions, but no such measure are required on other operating systems)
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem, yet Windows allows it.
>can't change the Desktop UI without some broken hacky shit
>can't customize anything outside of what Microsoft "allows"; it's Microsoft's computer for as long as Windows is installed on it
>feature creep
>ads in file manager
>ads in settings UI
>ads in start menu
>Registry (LOL)
You're willing to put up with all of that just because you want to maintain your status as L33T PC MASTURRR RAYCE GAYMER XD
That's your right. That's fine. No one is forcing you to switch. It's not really for stupid people. And no, I'm not implying that GNU/Linux requires you to be smart, but by and large making a jump to another operating system is not for manchildren gamers with baby duck syndrome and Stockholm syndrome.
Sounds about right. Windows fucking 10:
>loses wireless signal and tries to connect again
>not connecting
>try restarting
>takes 5 mins to shut down just to get a blue screen that just says "oops, something went wrong"
>boots up again
>repeat the whole shit the next time the signal falls out
it just sucks
>explorer.exe randomly fucks up
>icons on taskbar flashes and shit even more:
>click on notification button on task bar because "you have 1 notification"
>nothing happens
>click some more times
>eventually opens
>whatever notification that's supposed to be there is gone
its just a fucking nightmare
>censoring profanity
newfag pls
I know I'm dumb for responding to a bait thread HOWEVER:
When a someone other than a NEET who browses Sup Forums recommends using Linux, what they mean is that they recommend that you take advantage of 35 years of the most talented programmers on earth actively trying to make a system that helps them program better, as part of a culture that expects a certain set of tools to be available and operate in a particular way. They encourage you to become familiar with what serious professional developers use, in part because it means they don’t have to cater to the idiosyncratic behaviors of half-assed development environments, and in part because knowing how to use these tools properly will make you a better programmer — because that’s what those tools are for, and that’s what they’ve been optimized for.
It's really not for the average gamer/media consumer. It's for programmers and computer scientists. I would never recommend it to tech normies. What you need to understand is that this isn't really a Linux vs. Windows issue, it's more of a Windows vs. UNIX thing. Windows was designed with end-users in mind, just average people like you who don't understand computers and don't want or need to. UNIX on the other hand is almost a philosophy, a culture of hackers and computer scientists who wanted an environment that makes development and algorithmic computing easy without the operating system or a million layers of "user-friendly GUIs" getting in the way.
UNIX is designed to make the computer scientist's life easier. Everything at the foundation of UNIX is a small program that does one thing and does it well, as opposed to one huge program that does a million different things and opens the door for sloppy or convoluted design.
tl;dr Windows is designed for people like you, with developers as an afterthought. Linux and Unix-derivatives are designed for developers, with people like you as an afterthought.
but what to use if you're a programmer and want to program well, but also like games and cute things?
>Linux Mint
>Elementary OS
There's dual-booting, or game consoles if you don't care about MUH PC MASTURRR RAYCE
>cute things
Like what
>can't install a program downloaded from the internet unless you recompile
But, user, you're simply wrong about that.
Want to install a program
>open browser
>search for site
>find malware site
>install malware
>realize it's malware
>download antivirus
>run antivirus
>outdated definitions
>update definitions
>restarts PC
>configuring updates
>installing updates
>windows is downloading updates, please wait
>configuring updates
>installing updates
>windows needs to reboot, please wait
>configuring updates
>open browser again
>find correct site
>download correct program
>double click the exe
>meticulously disable all the toolbars and other malware it's set to install by default
>please reboot before using this program
>windows is searching for updates, please wait
>configuring updates
>installing updates
>program finally is installed
>sudo apt install program
>program works
>no idea, never used this meme
If the package manager version is too old, you are just using the wring distribution for you.
>program is finally installed
You forgot to add:
>"The program is successfully installed. Windows needs to restart to complete the installation. Restart now?"
No I got that covered with
>please reboot before using this program
I did skip a few other steps though, because even typing it out is a fucking hell.
why would people reply to this shitty bait thread?
why would people tripfag?
Because this is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is for people to argue in bait threads. Because they don't want to self-reflect about how shit their lives are.
shut up tripfag
yeah you tell em son
because I still don't want to admit that Sup Forums died when Sup Forums started spilling over here
If you have to ask, it's not for you. It's that simple.
>able to do DirectX 11 since 2.0.
It's starting, it still has a far way to go
Must be time for this.
>Libre and WPS Office
What else would I need?
WINE has shit performance. If you care about multiplatform gaming shill Vulkan instead of cucking yourself with WINE.
>not sudo pacman -S program
>not having 2 character aliases
if it isn't compatible with your use case then don't use it
stop taking freetard shills seriously
macOS is either
>open app store
>Install from app store
>find .dmg on website
>drag n drop .dmg to Applications folder
It is funny to see everyone who try to talk negative about Windows. Windows have improved dramastically the last couple of years. In constrast, Linux/GNU have also improved, but sadly, the support and money is rather low which effects the overall result.
I mean, sure, Linux/GNU is a wonderful OS in its own right. But, let me just clerify something.
Although Windows 10 is less secure than Linux/GNU or MacOS due to its overwhelming popularity. It is and will be a very safe OS if you have some control over your actions and what your computer is downloading.
Personally, I think many who uses Linux/GNU have their system wide open and not very protected, and that's simply just worse than standard W10.
Installing software on Windows is very easy. While I must admit, AUR and some packet managers are quite lovely, some of the things will either not exist or be outdated. It's very sad.
The lack of properity drivers effect the Linux/GNU world in big terms. It effect the system. Without proper drivers you don't use the full capacity of your hardware. In one way, you can call that waste of money and user-experience.
While Linux/GNU have some strengths I admire, I have created these things already in w10 through Autohotkey. Even took some parts from MacOS. The key of Windows is third-party software. Hard work, passion and quality third-party software brings you heights you probably never thought existed.
If it wasn't for third-party programs on Windows, I would definitely use Linux/GNU full-time.
If it's not compatible with your stuff, you shouldn't. It's good if you want something reliable that won't randomly reboot for pushed updates, If you just need a web browser and text editor and don't care every game and DRM'd media stream working.
I use GNU/Linux, just not as host on my desktop.
Other than shitty Japanese porn games, one or two Windows specific media players/widgets, and Adobe software, what can't Linux run? And why can't you just run those rarely needed programs in a VM? Most games also work fine through Steam or PlayOnLinux as well. Seriously, what are you on about?
>Everything at the foundation of UNIX is a small program that does one thing and does it well, as opposed to one huge program that does a million different things and opens the door for sloppy or convoluted design.
great idea, but now systemd
>he can't update his package manager
bricsCAD is real professional software made by an actual company, it's available on all platforms, and it's just as great as autoCAD, in fact it's better because it doesn't tie you down to one platform.
>muh video games dont work
Most of the people on Sup Forums are adults with tech jobs, so we don't really care if linux is compatible with your infantile toys.
yes, and that is precisely the biggest argument against systemd along with scope creep, and why there's such a big opposition to it.
>Sup Forums
>adults with jobs
>not autistic NEETS
I don't believe for a second that you aren't trolling.
>adults with tech jobs
Please, if adults with tech jobs where here there wouldn't be near as much Windows and Java shitposting.
>projecting this hard
just because we like anime doesn't mean we're neets, user-kun
You don't unless you've got nothing better to do with your time.
Java is one of the most used programming languages in industry though, so your argument makes no sense.
>I know you are but what am I
I think Sup Forums is actually one of the more employed boards. Turns out advanced tech skills looks pretty good on a resume.
Only problem I've really had hardware-wise is that there really isn't a good driver for my wi-fi card. Even with the driver I still get drops semi-frequently.
Realtek rtl8821ae or something.
this post reeks of projection
especially when half of the board at any given time is wintard/gamertard blogs and the other half is at the summit of Mt. Stupid full of retards who haven't even taken basic computer science courses
The fud is coming on strong today.
>cute things
That used to be the core proposition against Linux and in favor of Wangblows. It was a plum gig: M$ could just lean back, not apply themselves, and sell a shit OS year after year, safe in the knowledge that their customers were securely locked in no matter how poor value they were getting for their money.
These days however almost all things normies actually use are webapps and not windows apps. And most things that arent there are decent and free as in beer linux replacements.
Leaving gamurs and niche applications the only reasons for using Wangblows these days. I'm pretty sure most of my relatives would be perfectly happy with a well-tweaked version of Elementary OS, or Chrome OS for that matter.
>not compatible
But Linux is the most compatible OS there is.
For example:
| read | write | read | write | read | write |
| NTFS | NTFS | HFS+ | HFS+ | ext[2,3,4] | ext[2,3,4] |
Windows | yes | yes | no | no | no | no |
MacOSX | yes | no | yes | no | no | no |
GNU/Linux | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
>not compatible
But Linux is the most compatible OS there is. For example:
| read | write | read | write | read | write |
| NTFS | NTFS | HFS+ | HFS+ | ext[2,3,4] | ext[2,3,4] |
Windows | yes | yes | no | no | no | no |
MacOSX | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no |
GNU/Linux | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Some of us use hardware specific distros though.
It's because people shit on Java all the time for no reason.
disingenuousposting is cancer user
It's great for a laptop.
>doesn't make it overheat
>doesn't make it run slow
>super fast experience
>you can customize it to look great
>every program you use for a laptop is available
Just amazing.
Huh. Seems like NTFS is the best possible choice for portability.
im sorry user but every argument has is true, it's a time consuming struggle which happens quite frequently (especially for me, I run a stable debian). pic related proof that im not a shilling H1B Indian microfaggot
oops, got the quotelinks wrong, its the other way around.
I mean lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that linux does not have. You have those two buttons in linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os
2017 and still asking these questions. I think you should go to a different more suitable board for you iq, such as /fa/!
ChromeOS really is pretty great for most of the things I do nowadays. Gaming and my IDE are pretty much the only things I do outside Chrome.
are there any good IDEs for Chrome/iumOS?
I gave up trying to find one.
Because it makes my laptop battery last 25% more.
>install a ton of dependencies
never understood why linux package managers didn't use statically linked binaries. i guess linux users really are retarded.
Linux can use statically linked binaries, but if you use a package manager, it's utterly pointless and retarded most of the time.
>bug in 1 library
>have to update thousands of programs that use it
>lack of proprietary drivers
NVidia makes the same quality proprietary drivers for linux and windows. Even benchmarks prove that.
only those affected by the bug
Checking every program if it's affected by a bug is not at all an enormous waste of time.