Blackberry KeyOne

Should I buy a BlackBerry keyone now, or might it get discounted some time soon?
I like it and I've been waiting for it, but £500 is too much for what it is

Common sense would dictate you should wait and get it significantly cheaper at a later date.

Does not matter how good a Blackberry device is, nobody will buy it.

This company is still making phones?

No some chinkshit company makes phones branded as blackberry now.

Same as the new "Nokia" phones.

Just stopped actually, this is the first non-BlackBerry BlackBerry. Now TCL makes their phones, BlackBerry's just a software company.

It looks good user, thinking about picking up one myself, that or the BlackBerry DTEK60.
Good to see something other than Samshit or Apple.

this. Its a great phone but 500 and something of the currency of your of choice isnt too appealing

Trouble is that my old phone is badly fucked up and I've needed a new one for months
Don't know how much longer I can wait

buying a shitty intermediate phone will only throw you off
try to wait if you can if not make you've paid your bills at least before buying one of these

Do want

Do you think it will ever get rooted? This is a dealbreaker

I have a Nexus 5X and performance is decent, so I wouldn't have a problem with the Keyone's mid-range specs, especially if the battery is as great as people say. As for the keyboard, I don't know how long it'd take me to get used to, but on paper I love the utility/productivity features. The shortcuts are great, the fingerprint sensor looks excellent, and scrolling through a site or document seems cozy.

I'm waiting for a carrier plan. Hope that's soon because my Nexus has a fucked-up headphone jack. Isn't the Priv like $200 now? Obviously waiting will pay off, but there might be another attractive phone at that point.

if it had the new SD660, it'd be no question, but since it's got an older SD625 i wouldn't, just as that's close to being EOL by qualcomm, so all you'll get is security updates, and you can rule out getting android O and any of it's MR releases.

rooting a blackberry goes against what they are standing for, as they are marketed as some of the most secure android devices you can get.

This is a legitimate concern. I wish they had not cheaped out quite so far on the specs.

I want it because I want that keyboard but for $500 and a soon to be unsupported platform.. ehh.

They could still allow you to unlock the bootloader from their site or whatever. If they put tons of ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK disclaimers anywhere they won't lose credibility by doing that.

aye, even something newer like an SD821 would have been a better option even if it made the keyone £50 more expensive

It's not really a high performance phone for gaming etc
I think the processor should be fine for what it's intended to do
Probably better for the battery as well

Bumping for opinions

>can't unlock bootloader
>trusting BB's android
Piece of shit.

hot opinions babe

Never used either, but the Passport looks comfier to me.

I was gonna get a passport but then I saw it in person and it's just way too big
Also BB10 is a dead end so that's a deal breaker


What went wrong?

the price

I always imagined the clit on the back of the phone, inverted horizontally