What are your favorite ports?

what are your favorite ports?

also happy piccolo day

T-thanks doc.


you wiseass motherfucker


27015 :^]



Too small and not durable enough to replace type-a


>DIN plug
When DIN still meant something.

Isn't type C more durable than type A? As in how often you can plug and unplug it. Or what are you talking about?

Institute of


16992, lately

LPT ports with metal clips. Sexy little thingee.

does a power socket count


You know what? the 3.5 and 6.3 mm Jack is underrated. Yeah we all like to shit on it for it's tendency to short out the inputs but modern devices are plenty capable of handling that. If the male connector doesn't have a 90 degree kink then yeah, it's quite easy to damage shit, but if it does, then it's very comfy.

You can rotate it to your heart's content, It's less bending-prone than micro-usb, There's very good tactile feedback to tell when the connection is made and I have never ever seen anyone complain about not being able to plug it in. Looking at you, USB with your schrodinger's direction

It rated for more insertions yes, but just due to how small it is it just doesn't seem very rigid compared to type-a. Also your wireless dongles and stuff are going to have to stick out more due to the smallness of the plug

>tactile feedback
This is exactly why I prefer quarter inch (stereo jack, even with mono cables) over eighth. It's so chunky, but you can feel when the plug grabs hold.

>get a x99 system
>get a cpu that maximises your pci lanes
>set up linux windows in a vm passthrough hardware

How the fuck do I not have ps2 ports on this thing? I know some fuck probably wanted to save the lanes but fuck I got the max lane system so I wouldnt have to make sacrifices with the hardware I used on it. Is there should a thing a as an addon card that goes right to the cpu. Just use one of the off pci connections?

>it just doesn't seem very rigid

cool empirical evidence

The worst fucking connector. Fuck these things.

How the fuck can anyone break these. I just want to stick a usb in without looking first.

PS2 usually runs trough the SuperIO chip which is on every motherboard, motherboard maker just decided not to install the ports


indeed. with a 6.3 it's almost like working the rotating bolt in a rifle going "kschlang", but the 3.5's little "click" is not bad either, considering the size limitations.

ALTHOUGH, I find that the big one is more prone to sliding out, probably because I'm a bass player, and the plug and cable are heavier and pointing downward.

Ur mom vagina

Wrap the cable around your strap button.

Like so.

I'm not that much of an idiot that I don't know to do that.

Also a stereo jack grips better, with the second spring contact.

Call me crazy, but having a small connector with a whole bunch of small pins doesn't seem like it would bode well in the long term.

as opposed to large connectors with a whole bunch of small pins

Seems like it but the usb is already pretty small. Only reason they did that is so mobile device will have the same one. Completely interchangeable cables and the like.

Plus for mobile its better then what we already have. That mini or micro whatever the fuck people break all the time if they are non tech people.

Well I looked it up I can get a pci card I wonder if it has that cpu priority the ps2 slot would have connected directly to the motherboard.

How was the flipping of the cables necessary.

Gold 6.3 jack
>Goes 360 degrees in
>Satisfying click
>Easy to replace
>Feels powerful in the hand
>Has many implementations
>Never brakes

Type-A USB 3.1 gen2 still only has 9 pins vs the 24 pins in the Type-c.
Don't get me wrong type-c is still nice, but there just isn't a reason to completely get rid of type-a especially on desktops.

>Never brakes
we nascar now

It surely depends on the quality of the cable.
But if you compare it to the modern standard it sure is a tank.

No, the best thing is that you can buy a cable that's screwed together instead of bathed in plastic or whatever it's called, so when it breaks you can just open the thing up and fix whatever's broken (that is to say, solder back the broken connection)

My fingers will never forget the pain

Would swaglord sticky a cade

Floppies were designed with individual pins controlling which drive on a 3-connector bus was being accessed, in a mirrored scheme - motor A, access A, access B, motor B.
By twisting the cable, drive B would receive those cables backwards, seeing motor B as motor A and access B as access A. This let it be left as drive A rather than configured by the builder, and still function properly.

The cable on the right isn't IDE, it's the old pre-IDE Seagate/Xebec ST-506 standard. It was basically the same thing - each drive on the cable was addressed by a pin, so while it was supposed to be a five-connector bus with host, drive 1, drive 2, drive 3, and drive 4, twisting the drive select pins meant zero-configuration (on the drive side) installs where each drive thought it was drive 1 but the controller thought one was 1 and one was 4.

The vagina.

Registered Jack Forty-five

i like that cable user. care to name it?

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