*puts hands on hips*
*sips tea*
*puts hands on hips*
Other urls found in this thread:
>not extending pinky
neck yourself
>write nice and tidy code
>lack genius
How can you sip on tea when your hands are on your hips?
If anyone can post uncited and unstudied bullshit on the internet, I don't see why I can't too. I'll make a pro male website that lists everything men are naturally better than women at.
what is this ominous "code" that people are always talking about?
what are people actually coding?
>sipping tea with ur hands
away with you
They took a bunch of data from github and had to guess the gender of every single user because most people don't use their full name or a photo.
So that means that anyone with a short and cute name with an anime avatar was counted as "female".
If anything, this only proves that men are better programmers, because you just have to doll up your github account with anime in order to get people to accept your pull requests.
Codes to steal your nudes.
those hats with cans and straws.
Straw. Or some sort of beer hat.
The study showed that people with anime profile pictures are better coders.
remainder that hackers code is terrorist code
>drinking tea with a straw
hmm really make u think
>people with girly usernames are usually male
W-what about masculine names? I use "Mr" in my username, do people think I'm actually a girly girl?
Would they think I was a pretty girl with the anime avatar?
>most programmers are women
>NASA succesfully lands man on the moon
>most programmers are men
>NASA crashes Mars-orbiter because someone confused metric and imperial units
Really nibbles my neurons
i read the paper and their method was
1. extract email address from github
2. find google+ account with email address
3. use google+ gender if available
if they didn't find a google+ account or the user didn't report their gender on google+ they discarded the data point. there's selection bias problems with this method but i have no idea where you got the anime thing from
what about cute boys?
you sip with your mouth
>woman(men) can code
>Article from February, 2016
are you perhaps talking about my waifu
you build a self sipping cup
>despite misogynistic suggestions that women have no place in STEM
Literally who is 'suggesting' this?
they literaly just assume the gender based on the avatar and user name, just take a look in the bunch of male weeaboos with miku avatars
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd code