How long until he get robbed and killed?

How long until he get robbed and killed?

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his route

Not before he got anally gang raped

hopefully he picks up an AK while he's there so at least he can die fighting.

This fucking reddit idiot has likely never even seen a weapon in person

Don't be so cynical. I hope things are gonna go well for him, I really do.

how much is that car worth and how long do you think it'll last in South Africa? Or Libya for that matter


He is driving through conflict zones controlled by African warlords in a redditmobile loaded with expensive gear and plastered with stupid shit that shouts "I am a wealthy westerner"

He is literally going to die and he deserves it

Well, at least you can't say he's not brave.

"Bravery" implies he understands the gravity of the situation he's going into. He obviously doesn't. This is just stupidity.

there's a fine line between brave and stupid

Didn't the travel South America before? So at least he has some experience travelling through third world countries.

South America is one thing, Africa is another. Especially the parts he intends to travel through.

've spent over a year working in Africa. My largest concern for you, a white Westerner, is that someone is going to see you in your car (or follow you until you go to sleep in your vehicle), point a gun in your face, and leave you on the side of the road, alive or dead.

This isn't guaranteed to happen and you're probably going to have just the greatest time, but I have to say to you that you must be extraordinarily careful planning your route on this trip and, from the map, you may need to reevaluate some things.

You will be directly risking your life and valuables (the car) through many townships and any of the countries marked red on this map. Keep most of your money digital, stick to the largest border crossings (with the most people around), find out any extra documentation you'll need for visas before you get there, and, in all seriousness, it may be worth the money to buy bulletproof glass in Spain before you head into Morocco.

For the most part, Africa is a beautiful and wonderful place and most people are extraordinarily kind, but the economic and political conditions of some of its countries make some others desperate and consequently dangerous. Additionally, as a white guy with a fancy car, you're going to stick out... and not in a good way. For example, driving through the Sudan is completely ill-advised.

Agreed, this guys route is straight up driving through war zones. Some of these people would kill you over a small meal, and look at what he's cruising in. If he crosses paths with the wrong people, it will be a very bad day.

He has to put some skeletons on the front of the truck so they know not to mess with him. Just like what the Serenity did to sneak past the Reavers .


pic related - the car

Agreed. Needs more corpses.

And paint. He's going to need red paint.

Who gonna pay the ransom?

And muck up the reactor core. Just enough to leave a trail and look like he's running without containment, but not enough to fry himself.

why do people do this? it's a literal death wish.

Having been to Africa, I unfortunately couldn't agree more.

This thing is freaking awesome, amazing, and hands down the best equipped vehicle for travelling that I think I've ever seen.

...which is exactly what someone over there, who has never earned more than 1$ a day, but has an AK 47, will think...

That's not even talking about the border crossings many times do you think he will be asked for a bribe, considering how much money it looks like he has? lol

It's a great idea and execution, but my first priority would have been to make it as non-descript as possible first and foremost.

The thing is, it looks like OP is also thinking about finding areas with no population to worry about, and just camp out...but Africa is WAY more populated than the Americas, and in some places that's straight up not possible.

>motherfucking Sudan
>Not following the coast to at least avoid the conflicts

ayy lmao

Place your bets Sup Forums, where will this guy be raped/killed/mugged first ? I'm betting on Libya


He's in for a bad time

This, he's gonna get sucked dry by (un)official border guards.

This. Even being white in itself is enough to attract negative attention in many of the countries he's travelling through, let alone cruising through in some decked out jeep with stupid slogans plastered all over it.

i think it's a general rule that if you wouldn't even drive through somewhere like Detroit with that, you wouldn't dare go to Africa with it.

Now that I've seen him I hope dies

Looks a bit wet behind the ears.

He made the Alaska-Ushuaia panamerican route and think he is a thug guy now and would do the same in Africa.
Fucking TOP KEK

South America is a piece of cake, beside the guerrillas in the north, the main dangeres are near the big cities where some slums are. The rest is very safe and you can allways find transitable routes. Africa is just hell on Earth.

How about hitchhiking?

to tell you the truth if I was living in a place like Sierra Leone and I saw a rich guy with a car like that I would want to steal it from him too, he is probably so rich he wouldn't even care and I'd be making my dream come true

>travelling through the greatest wasteland the world has to offer

Does he at least know Hokuto Shinken? That would increase his survival chance by 100%

what would a 4chanmobile look like ?

this tb'h

The same applies avoid big cities, I have been to Misiones Argentina and the relatives of a friend of mine don't even lock the doors at night.


I give him 1 week

some nigger is going to have a nice set of wheels

A swagway "hover"board



i hope he dies and his jeep gets stolen for that reason alone

Avoids Somalia, quite a bit clever.
And then he goes through Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Dem Rep Congo, Cape town and Lybia...

>his path appears to currently intersect territory controlled by ISIS east of Mizda

>engined swapped for a merc engine
holy shit dumbfuck what are you doing

driving that thing through Sudan and Libya is literally suicidal. It appears that he has put absolutely no thought into his route other than "avoid Somalia", which is really nowhere near as bad as Sudan and Libya currently are.

He'll wind up abandoning this trip and driving that thing around India or some shit.

Never understood how being a career politician became a bad thing.

Do people also like their doctors without experience?

this is america

where logic and reason are hated traits.

There's a difference between South America and Africa in terms of violence. Only dangerous places would be Venezuela, due to the current situation there, Brasil and Colombia.

career politicians are generally awful people

politics will suck the good out of you

Isn't the northern border of Mexico basically the Middle East, but with more drugs?

>Never understood how being a career politician became a bad thing.

Have you followed politics much?

All I know it will be white...

>People in other professions are much nobler

Horseshit. Having a businessman for a father, I can tell you that its far fucking worse.

I have a businessman for a father too, and he's a great guy. There are cunts in every profession, the difference is with politics it's plastered all over the news and in your face.

>driving through Libya and Sudan

yep he's dead

It seems he will avoid Libya after all. This is the updated map.

He should do this in Central Asia instead. Just avoid Afghanistan and you'll be fine.

lmao but now he's going thru both north and south sudan

it doesnt really look like this fuckboi knows what he's doing.

happy trails partner, YEEEHAW


>hes going to ceuta or something? lmao

fun times in Nigeria

what is going on in Sudan right now?

I fucking hate Reddit. Nothing but hidden ads and clueless Americans who believe anything.

for one the sudan map he has is outdaded, there is sudan and south sudan

south sudan riddled with gang violence and warlords

yeah that post makes a lot of sense come to think of it.

full of edgy blades on the side

When he gets to Libya. Good luck to him.


What this hebro posted


bump 2bh