Have fun paying $50 for a "Ubuntu workstation" license
Ubuntu to get an IPO
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So much for "Linux for human beings"
so just switch to one of the other ten thousand linux distros
even if there was no other option i would pay 50 bucks for a linux distro that actually had a dedicated bug fix team. once they get too big and shitty like microsoft just move to another small distro
It all makes sense now.
>cut in house bloat
>leave only money making essentials
>then sell stocks
Make money
Inb4 redhat majority share owner.
Ubuntu fork when
I thought they were swimming in dorra dorra bills by selling tech support? Money breeds greed, I suppose.
People will probably switch to Linux Mint,
They already do most of the leg work in creating a community derivative (compiling the binaries and removing the Ubuntu branding)
I just realized Canonical doesn't use the GPL, they use their own license, the CLA.
I bet they'll make their code proprietary one day
So Ubuntu is gonna be led around by investors now? That's fucked.
Still not even near the price of Winshit or Macshit
debian 9 cant come soon enough
Stop spreading fug. You have literally no idea what youre talking about.
OP is a stupid commie retard. Back to Sup Forums with the other loser jobless commie retards.
>mir stillborn
>unity dead in the water
>ubuntu touch failed
>ubuntu phone fiasco
Boy I'm sure the goys are waiting to trow money at it Shuttlecuck!
Okay prajeet
If they decide to follow that business model there's still Debian, right?
Ubuntu is more secure but it's possible to replicate what it does with some work.
Unless they go full jew someone will make a community version with all the branding taken out.
Linux mint, quads.
They'd be pretty stupid not to have a fedora like distro. I wonder if ltsb will go licensed only though.
y-you p-pay of the support
like a decade ago its called mint
wonder how much shares will go for cant see it past 5$
Mint is great for people who come from Windows (it's a Windows killer really) but c'mon. Really good Linux means timely updates and a paranoid security crew. Even if that means having to do many things by hand yourself.
> $50 for a "Ubuntu workstation" license
If that happens, maybe pay a $50 donation to Gentoo, Debian or whoever else instead and move on with life.
SO you can try debian testing, alpine linux, gentoo.
Every Ubuntu user who cares should just go to Mint.
It's an excellent OS and Cinnamon is beautiful. Or just use XFCE or whatever
I use Debian now but came through Ubuntu and Mint, and I always considered Mint to be Ubuntu but less of the politics.
>Really good Linux means timely updates and a paranoid security crew
Timely updates will not permit for "paranoid" - tier security investigations.
The usual compromise is indeed of the order of Mint, Gentoo, Debian... you don't do a huge amount of investigation yourself but you will just be pretty quick about masking packages / delivering patches for known vulnerabilities.
I will only migrate to mint if they add an installer like the Debian.
a lot of people did switch to mint/wtv when ubuntu shoved unity down peoples throat
where does it say this?
Mir was discontinued too
I like what mint is doing in terms of being super easy fo users and making literally every app including proprietaries available with one click, but just read debian people's criticism of mint security if you care. And I'll leave it at that.
>ITT freetards crying over people making money
> just read debian people's criticism of mint security
Didn't find what you're referring to? What I found is a reference to an Ubuntu dev complaining and getting a fairly decent response.
I am ok if ubuntu becomes pay. I will just migrate to fedora or debian.
Basically, yeah. We don't even know how this will effect end users. Maybe they'll finally decide to conquer the smartphone market and deliver a real Linux phone!
Charging money for a desktop OS will kill their brand pretty quickly. I hope they think long term.
I'm a Linux systems engineer, have been using Linux since 1995. I use Linux mint because I like cinnamon and Linux mint doesn't waste my time. That said Mint has given me too many problems and next time I'll probably just install Ubuntu and switch it to Cinnamon. Also I use mint on my kid's pc.
>the creators of the thing I use must pander to my liking even though I don't pay them anything.
Fucking entitled nu-males, no wonder why you think so fondly of communism.
Link? I'm too lazy to look.
One of the only things that made me suspicious of Mint was the fact that it got hacked AT ALL. I know it was one day only, but still. It made me wary. Ubuntu is VERY good about security.
And yes, Debian takes it relatively seriously too.
In OP's head
Ubuntu still better than Windows but still faraway from I pay something for it.
You really shouldn't be OK.
One of the key philosophies of any Linux system is that you DON'T pay for it. ANY of it.
FOSS - Free Open Source Software. "Free" in all senses of the word.
> "Free" in all senses of the word.
Kek. Free as Freedom.
Attitudes like this shouldn't be encouraged, no one should be OK with it.
No one.
It's thinking like this which is exactly what people like Shuttleworth want and which lead to the slow and eventual decline of everything that Linux stands for.
>I'm too lazy to look.
Me too brah. It came up a lot during the website hack they suffered which was completely resolved shortly after.
To sum it up, Mint is glued together from Debian and Ubuntu elements. Conflicts remain unresolved, updates are not pushed out in time or ever, etc. This opinion came from experts.
In today's world this is not a very good strategy, but in terms of user friendliness Mint is king, no doubt. And I would recommend it to people who want to try Linux.
As in - does not cost money.
As in - gives you freedom of choice, liberty as a user, and a developer.
As in - you have control, not a corporation.
As in - unrestricted.
As in - open.
Free in all those senses.
>implying ubuntu is a power bigger than red hat
No, Stallman himself said that paid support works with GPL. Also there are people who sell binary packages and if you want the software for free, go compile it yourself. Both approaches are viable ways to monetize free software. It is about freedom.
Me too. Over Ubuntu.
I would recommend Mint to girls. And that's saying a lot.
You're right about that.
Though worries me personally more about Ubuntu is how much less clear they make the separation between what's supposed to be and stay FOSS and what's their business & proprietary.
RedHat has overall been pretty decent in that regard. Ubuntu usually seems to blindside people.
Ah, I forgot about paid support. You're right, I have little problem with that. Communities will always exist on the side too.
Just teach them to activate UFW at least (not that it will protect them from highly skilled bad guys)
Why is there no Sup Forums distro? Shit would be awesome.
I'll make the logo
Yes but as a company you either hire your own workforce for support or buy support from someone else, it is just not viable there to rely on the community for solutions. (Although getting your own workforce 99% of the time will mean they'll google the solutions themselves.)
Gentoo is the true and eternal love of Sup Forums.
Just install gentoo
Instead of a distro there should be a security enhancing manual (app?) for common distros.
Linux was developed in a culture of almost blind trust, that's a big weakness now.
I would happily pay £100 for an Ubuntu LTS.
t rich idiot
Gentoo is not Sup Forums made. I meant for that.
>Canonical drops bullshit projects
>Canonical forks linux kernel
>Implements actual security protection mechanisms a-la-grsec
>Fix the clusterfuck that is Linux kernel
One can only dream, I'd more than 50 for that shit
I will pay if they bring GTK+2 and the 8.04 hardy heron theme back
Look at tox the chat application, it was born here and it is really going nowhere, a distribution is a bigger task, so I don't think it would be viable.
OpenSUSE doesn't have this problem
All this tribalistic Distro shit is outdated anyway.
So all this enthusiasm for Linux here is basically weightless. :(
Install Gentoo.
It doesn't matter that it wasn't made by Sup Forums. Sup Forums also didn't make its waifus.
GNU kernel when?
lol there's been like 5 of them. They all lasted for about 2 days and no one even got the logo done.
The dev could and with the critic and Sup Forums bully.
The interest in creating and maintaining yet another is next to null, because it's retarded when you already have Gentoo & derivatives. Or Sourcemage. Or Slackware. Or whatever.
or install and use without support for zero usd
>Shit would be awesome.
It would be an usability nightmare
And the void linux?
The enthusiasm is for existing Linux solutions.
I have no idea what you mean.
>mandriva has the same route
How would it be like ? What would be its key advantages?
The default user was user.
It would be arch with a different logo and repos that stopped working after one month.
Also it has greentext but falls short on the mobile front, the mobile apps suck the juice out of the phones way too fast.
>someone will make a community version with all the branding taken out.
yet another useless fork...
fuck off with that, just let it die and move back to debian, the only sane apt based distro
Upheld. So many forks. Just stick with Debian. Stable as fuck and great for productivity. Ethical too. Sure, it's a little DIY but if you can go the distance it's worth it. And if you want more bleeding edge, go with testing or unstable. Best OS I've ever used.
What a fucking joke. If you have to pay for Ubuntu, you might as well use Red Hat or Suse. They have experience doing what they do.
I use Xubuntu on my Linux machines but I can go back to Arch every time, or if I want something ready set, why can't I use Fedora instead? Almost the same. Or Manjaro or Antergos. Not to mention Ubuntu forks like Mint and what have you.
The open source OS sector is full of equal distributions, most of them are always free cause they stick to their principles. Ubuntu will fall if they start jewing out. What makes them think they can pull it off? Unity was a fucking joke, their mobile OS is a steaming pile of shit, a failure. They just have a name that they already tarnished once, why would they go on to destroy it further?
Or you could just use Debian. Ubuntu is truly just an unstable version of Debian.
>Ubuntu WILL become extinct in our lifetimes.
At least we have this to look forward to.
Nowhere did it said Ubuntu for desktops will be paid for. If you're not an enterprise user of some sort this doesn't concern you. Kinda like using Fedora instead of RedHat.
>their mobile OS is a steaming pile of shit
To be fair their mobile OS was only available on shit chinkphones and was abandoned very fast. At least they didn't attempt to cling on it as long as Microsoft did with their shit OS, they realized it wouldn't sell. Plus it was kinda impressive when compared to the first versions of iOS and Android. Now that it failed only sailfish+Sony can deliver a good Linux mobile OS, android is cancer but it's the best phone OS right now.
year of the Solus desktop, kevin
>most of them are always free cause
Nobody sane will pay for that shit.