Reddit is selling our data to Stratfor. A company that fronts as an intelligence publisher...

>Reddit is selling our data to Stratfor. A company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and many others.

>website that doesn't charge money
>can still somehow pay employees

if you're not paying for the service...

>our data
Go back.

1. It charges money (reddit gold)
2. It has ads
3. ISP's sell users' data, that's the sole reason why reddit and google and facebook use https even when not on wifi

>he still thinks that 95% of Sup Forums don't visit reddit frequently, even if they don't admit it

Found the redditor

Literally everyone visits Reddit these days.

This thread needs to be deleted

maybe you should keep not admitting it

That doesn't mean selling data to Stratfor is ok in the slightest.

"First they came for the Redditors..."

If it's ok there what makes you think the same shit won't be done here?

Holy shit how do they still get contracts? They got hacked by a basic SQL injection in 2011, and they bill themselves as cyber security experts. I seriously thought they went bankrupt.

Dumb liberals should all be spied on and later gassed, they deserve it

someone actually believes this

>Info from 2012

Fuck off spook. This info is very important.

>1. It charges money (reddit gold)
You aren't required to buy it to use the site, no?
>has ads
So does Sup Forums.

Maybe you should go back

I don't. Fuck off redditer

If I have a question or a problem and a reddit thread comes up as a search result I'll look at it but I don't use our browse it. I wouldn't call my incidental visits frequent.

>B-baka, it's not like I wanted you to answer me >.

Simply posting it isn't enough to get outrage. It has to be published by a popular information node.

kill yourself

glad I'm part of the 5% that don't

i dont have any problems with this. idk why anyone would buy anything from that shitty site tho.

"First they came for the Redditors..."

If it's seen as okay there, what makes you think it won't be seen (by Stratfor) as ok here?

this site does not really have anything to sell tho. Sup Forums does not have user accounts that you identify with so they cant know if it was me that made a post or someone else.

They have your IP address tied to each post you've made and attachments you've uploaded.

They know if you're on a desktop or smartphone.

They know if you're using Android, iPhone or Autismware.

They know which boards you frequent and your posting habits.

All of that is saleable.

>our data
They're not selling shit of mine faggot.

Did you really think that with a site that has that much traffic, they won't find a way to monetize it?

>implying Hiroshima hasn't already sold our data

>changing ip is easy
>user agents can be faked
>could use different ip for every board
also ublock blocks all external tracking botnets

They rebuild their site from the ground up and the kid who did the hack would never have gotten in if it wasn't for the FBI pushing him to do it.

They do geopolitical analysis, nothing to do with cyber security you fucking retard.

To Stratfor though?

Huge fucking difference doing it in secret behind the scenes versus doing it openly in public. They can do a lot worse shit if they don't have to worry about public backlash.

Do you use a different proxy every time you post? Cause if you use the same proxy and post around the same times every day then it's pretty fucking obvious it's the same person.


there should be a way to block redditards all together. They just spread cancer when they visit MY Sup Forums.

die in a fire pls

Lel, Can't even stand reddit, the "good" reddits are basically dead and the shit ones bury all other content. The comment system is shit and everyone there loves circlejerking so hard it isn't even funny.
It's like Sup Forums without deleting threads and everyone tripfagging

reddit is selling 4chans data? what?