Name ONE serious program written in Ruby or Python

>name ONE serious program written in Ruby or Python

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BBC website uses Sinatra.

who are you quoting?



The first iteration of Twitter.
It's the 4th most used language at Amazon.

fuck you, blender is C++



>what is scripting
just like saying WoW os written in lua..

>serious program
>web applications and niche apps


I'm a devops derp and at work i automate infrastructure stuff. Server deployment, server decommissioning, configuration management, app deployment, ci/cd, all that sort of shit. Anyway everything I do is done with Ruby and Python scripts, and if I need a web app or service it's done with Rails, Sinatra, or flask depending on the need.

Anyway it's not important to you, but pretty important to the company.

>web applications and niche apps
obvious troll or just legitimately stupid, cant tell which

>niche apps
you must be 18 to visit this website

Lots of back end web machinery is written in Python.

99%of people use computers only because of the web and mostly only on the web, I wouldn't dismiss that.



rsync is written in C retard

> Python
> Ruby

I should add that we're a $50B company with millions of customers so every day millions of people are affected by my ruby and Python stuff. Admittedly our main platform is java based however, which is way more important than the work I do.

>Implying chef or puppet is a web application or niche
>Implying Amazon is niche
>Implying rails isn't notable, even just in a historical context being the first web framework to gain massive adoption and influence the creation of the others.

Found this pic on your Facebook OP.

>still getting 10x more matches by manually right swiping
>tfw obviously doesn't actually work
Concept is there though.

Is Lua good for anything other than video games and ricing your Awesome WM config?

and Java is written in....
ASM+C/C++ masterrace reporting in

qbittorrent i think


And we've come full circle because our platform Allows you to run Ruby and Python code on it.

>serious program

muh dick
muh balls

Yep, one of the most popular website in the world uses Python.


muh nigga

Just curious, what libraries do you use on Java? I've been meaning to try kotlin out and I want to know the server applicability of Java.

Openstack is a pile of shit.

Youtube is more popular and use python too.

its a widely used pile of shit written in python

>those hips

Would watch the video tbqhwu


Bro our app is probably one of the biggest java apps ever built. It uses all of them lol. Seriously though i don't work on the platform so I can't really say. It's not a single app but hundreds of services running on tens of thousands of servers. We're a huge saas company, you can probably figure out which one.

explains why reddit can't handle more than 12 requests per minute.

Chef. Ansible.

I like your TEAM SPIRIT

That white girl can get it. Nah mean?

rsync is and always has been pure C.

Hell yeah mother fucker i nah watumang.

RPG Maker XP-VX Ace.

Twitter was original Ruby/Rails based. I don't think it is anymore, however, but twitter is surely the most successful Ruby project ever.



Nuff said.


>but twitter is surely the most successful Ruby project ever.
Does it make money yet?

Airbnb, 500px, Twitch, Hulu, Github, Shopify or Basecamp would probably be better examples of "successful" since they all seem to still be on rails and seem to be making money.


Sonic Pi, beast music coding program



why would you write a serious program in a scripting language? doesn't mean there's anything wrong with those languages, though


Google Sketchup
Fucking lolcat command

Blender uses Python
The Sims 4 uses Python as its scripting language. I've written a small website inside Sims 4 using the Bottle framework.

It's mostly Java and Scala now

I'll do one better and give you two.

Ansible and Mercurial.

Metasploit and Homebrew.


HSBC's Hong Kong share trading platform is built on python and postgresql



It uses a C++/Python stack, python is more for scripting, though. That said, reddit uses python.


Evernote has a Ruby SDK for their SDK and I recall having learned off Code Academy that some of EverNote was written on/based off Ruby


>Twitter was original Ruby/Rails based. I don't think it is anymore, however, but twitter is surely the most successful Ruby project ever.

That's a damning indictment on the popularity of Ruby and Twitter.

Saltstack, Django, Portage...etc.. This thread is literal shitposting.

>majority of academic research is done using Python
>Rails rose to popularity because majority of small to medium sized businesses used it to create their web sites/applications
gee I wonder why they're important


Blender is python you fucking degen

Lots of data science and academic shit is written in Python with libraries like SciPy and Numpy.

My niggard

Anki is written in Python. I couldn't into university without it.

And both run like unexcusable dogshit.
Youtube is being converted over to Golang anyways, because they finally fucking figured out Python is absolutely worthless for the types of requests and the number of concurrences required, which is something golang specifically excels at.


really, you didn't think there were "serious" programs written in either of these haha

op knows nothing.

Teach me.

The software stack that runs thousands of tests across hundreds of machines on a per-commit basis for the entire Chromium family of projects is almost entirely written in Python. This includes a task allocator service which serves ten thousand QPM and a machine allocator service which manages a thousand VMs. Python is in the top 3 languages used at Google.

Of course, half of Sup Forums can't even fizzbuzz so it's hard to take seriously their opinion on programming languages.

It doesn't matter what it is as long as they pay me my $200/hr consulting fee I could careless if it's a 'serious' program or not. I just write what I am told and collect the paycheck.

who the fuck would pay you that much for a consultation?

A bunch of people so far

Who the FOCKHH uses basecamp?? Such a shitty interface and its so bad overall

My ircbot that can make pyramids is written in python
I think thats a pretty serious project took me a while


> consultation
Could be anything, some people sell exploits under that disguise.

all these programs mentioned ITT are not serious

>I just write what I am told and collect the paycheck
what a life jeez. you don't mind being a slave?

RPG Maker used to use Ruby, the newest one uses Python.

This for Python.
+ Capistrano for Ruby

> Python
Gentoo Portage.

SciPy & JuPyter.

>Gentoo Portage

>there are people here who think that if a program support another language for scripting the whole program is automatically written in that language.

someone should make a strawpoll to see how much percent of Sup Forums is actually over 18 and another one for how many faggots here came from Sup Forums.

reddit is written in python using the pyramid framework