
What are some cheaps but decent tablets? Also, android or windows?

Get android, windows sucks on touchscreens.

Chuwi Hi8 at U$S 100, Dual Boot, 2GBs of RAM and a nice Intel Atom Z8XXX (I don't really remember the exact model, sorry).

Let me be first to say, Nvidia Shield K1.

Cheap, powerful 8" android tablet with excellent support from Nvidia, good speakers, good screen, almost no bloatware preloaded, stylus support, HDMI out & "stock" OS (no crappy UI "improvements" as with Samsung

Windows tablets aren't really tablets, they're tiny laptops without keyboards. That sound like a meaningless distinction until you use them and realise that Windows isn't geared towards touch controls or fast, slick access to simple software for media consumption and digital communication.

>U$S 280

Lenovo Tab 2 A10

Get Apple, Android sucks on touchscreens.

What's s good arm based tablet for Linux

Chuwi Hi10 Plus. $200 for intel X5-Z8350, 4GB of ram and 64GB eMMC. I installed windows LTSB 2016 and it works like a charm. 0-3 CPU usage while idle, and a 7 hour battery life. With registry tweaks, the touchscreen actually works.

Can easily get them under $200

I really like mine

This thing is bretty fucking good
bought one for me mom

Got that 50$ amazon tablet, slapped CM on it. Does everything i need a tablet to do. It even takes a 128gig sd card. Really can't complain.


CosmicMan OS

It's the Sup Forums approved OS.


Fuck tablets. Buy a Chromebook and call it a day

The screen is glass or plastic?

This right here. I love mine.

>android tablet
No thanks

Rooted and xposed?

>android tablet
shiggy diggy doo
where are you
we got some work to do now

Mine died after less than eight months. :/

Cyanogenmod probably

Is that fire 7 or 8?


iPads are the only good tablets unfortunately. Keep an eye out for refurb deals.

Bump for this

get a droid tablet, the only windows tablets that are worth getting are from the surface line and those are generally not cheap so we can rule those out. Go for some chink or gook droid trashblet until you can save up for a decent one.

>weighs almost as much as a 10" tablet

Looking for a cheap android/windows tablet with attachable keyboard for use in my clinical rotations and to hold my lectures/textbooks/note programs so Ican review on trains/buses etc

Saw this at the old wallyworld the other day, do you guys think this would serve my purpose or should I step up the price range a bit?

Don't get the Samsung Tab S

Mine stopped working properly 2 month after the guarantee ran out.

get a life, touchpads suck

but I just want something easy to look at notes on :v(

I have been using a Linx 1010b for a year now, aside from Windows 10 related cancer it has been pretty good. It plays autism sims like ottd, prison architect, rimworld just fine.
I use it as a mini laptop. never comes off the keyboard dock.
They just released a 64 bit model too

just go to a brick and mortar store, they're always clearing out old tablets, you can probably get something decent for less than $100